The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 216 Can I use one step to tell the story?

Chapter 216 Can I take a step to speak?
"Crack!" Su Xiao slapped the table with his palm, and his voice was domineering and fierce: "Who did you sell it to?"

The worker's heart trembled, he licked his lips that had become a little dry due to fear, and said, "I'm sorry, without the buyer's consent, we can't disclose his information at will."

With a movement of his body, Su Xiao came to the staff in an instant, pinched his throat and said, "Take out the record book and show it to me."

The staff member was so frightened that his face was purple. He grabbed the record book with his right hand and pushed it to the ground, while his left hand pressed against the mechanism under the table.

Su Xiao's subordinates ran over and grabbed the record book.

Su Xiao threw him aside, took a look at the record book, he quickly found Mo Shang's line, and the corresponding name was Yue Tingfeng.

Su Xiao sneered, and was about to leave when he heard footsteps outside the door.

He and his men jumped out of the window immediately.


After the transaction of the charm sound player was over, Ji Dafeng put a thick stack of banknotes into a beautifully made small box.

Holding the small box, he walked up to Bai Yingying: "Mr. Bai, this is 9 taels, please have a look."

Bai Yingying took it with her hand, then opened the box, counted it clearly in front of Ji Dafeng, and finally said with a smile: "No problem, Boss Ji, happy cooperation."

Ji Dafeng smiled flatteringly: "Looking forward to the next cooperation with Mr. Bai."

Bai Yingying smiled slightly: "Definitely, I believe it won't be long."

Lou Cangyue looked at the thick stack of bank notes in Bai Yingying's box, her eyes full of envy.

Her father is rich, and she has never been short of money since she was a child.

However, she did not earn the money herself.

Speaking of making money, she probably made some money in the Hunter's Tavern in her life.

But that's all hard money, and it's nothing compared to Bai Yingying's earning speed.

For Xiaohong and Xiaocui, tonight was an eye-opener.

They never expected that their princess not only has superb medical skills, but also has the same ability to make money as her medical skills, which are astonishing as soon as she makes a move.

A total of 9 taels of silver, that is an amount that they will not be able to earn in a few lifetimes.

Bai Yingying took out five silver bills from inside, then closed the box and passed it to Xiaohong: "Xiaohong, help me get it."

Xiaohong suddenly felt flattered, and when she took the box, she suddenly felt that her strength was not enough, and her hands sank subconsciously.

After that, Bai Yingying was ready to leave.

Facing a cash cow like Bai Yingying, Ji Dafeng was naturally [-]% respectful and sent her all the way to the gate.

At this time, it was dusk, the sun was setting, and the sky was blood red, dyeing the clouds as red as fire.

Yue Tingfeng, who had been waiting there for a long time, greeted him immediately.

"Old Bai." Yue Tingfeng walked up to Bai Yingying and asked, "Can I take a step to talk?"

Seeing that his expression was different, Bai Yingying suddenly had a thought in her mind.

Could it be that Yue Tingfeng recognized him? He said he wanted to ask himself for the 1000 taels of silver by taking a step to talk.

Anyway, the 1000 taels should indeed be returned to him.

Thinking of this, Bai Yingying nodded and followed Yue Tingfeng to the side.

However, she didn't know that Chu Tianci's carriage was already waiting outside the gate of Jinding Pai Xing.

He kept lifting the curtain, waiting for Bai Yingying to come out from inside.

Who knows, after finally waiting to come out, Yue Tingfeng, the lingering guy, charged up again.

(End of this chapter)

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