The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 236 This kind of medical skill is really unheard of

Chapter 236 This kind of medical skill is really unheard of
Wang Song ran outside as if he had been pardoned.

Bai Yingying put on a white coat, a mask and a hat, and walked out with a medical kit.

She walked to the bed, took out a blood type tester, and tested Wen Zhiyuan's blood type.

"Type B blood." Bai Yingying looked at the three of them: "Which of you three is in better health?"

The three were stunned.

Lou Cangyue turned her head and asked, "I am in good health, but Yingying, why are you asking this?"

Bai Yingying: "Doctor Wen has lost a lot of blood and needs a blood transfusion. If you are in good health and willing to give him a blood transfusion, then I will test your blood types. If the blood types are the same, you can give him a blood transfusion."

Lou Cangyue immediately shook her head: "Then I can't do it, not because I don't want to save him, but because men and women are different, I..."

Bai Yingying: "Don't worry, if you don't want to, I won't force you."

She said, took out a few needles, and handed them to her: "Then you go to my husband and ask him to call a few more people under his command, each draw a small tube of blood, and then use this blood type test strip to test the blood type." , when the time comes, call people with type B blood and type O blood."

As she spoke, she pointed to the letter "B" on the blood type tester.

Lou Cangyue nodded quickly, and went down holding the needle tube and blood type test strips with both hands.

Xiaohong and Xiaocui came over and expressed their willingness to treat Wen Zhiyuan.

Bai Yingying nodded: "Wait for me first."

Bai Yingying walked over, prepared anesthetics, hemostatic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, normal saline, glucose, etc., and then gave Wen Zhiyuan water first.

Afterwards, he walked back to the two of them and took out a needle to draw blood for blood type testing.

After a while, the blood type results came out, Xiaohong was type A, and Xiaocui was type B.

Bai Yingying looked up at Xiao Cui: "Xiao Cui, your blood type is the same as Doctor Wen's, so you can transfuse him."

Although Xiaocui was a little apprehensive, she still nodded firmly. She suddenly pulled out a dagger, and pointed at her wrist, intending to cut it down.

Bai Yingying quickly stopped her movement: "I wanted to take your blood and transfuse it to him, but that's not how I took it."

Xiaocui put down the dagger in a daze, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Bai Yingying pointed to a chair beside the bed: "Sit over there first."

When Xiaocui sat down, Bai Yingying took the needle tube and blood bag to get blood.

She first tied Xiao Cui's arm with a plastic strip, and then tied the needle tube on Xiao Cui's vein. After that, she let go of the plastic strip, and the blood immediately rushed out of Xiao Cui's blood vessel and quickly flowed into the blood bag.

Bai Yingying made a fist movement with her right hand: "Xiao Cui, your right hand is retracted and released like mine."

Xiaocui immediately did as she said, and the speed of blood flow became even faster.

Seeing Xiao Hong at the side, she was very surprised, but at the same time worried: "Princess Wangfei, is Xiaocui okay?"

Bai Yingying assured her in a firm tone: "Don't worry, Xiao Cui will be weak for at most two days. At that time, I will prescribe two sets of blood-tonifying medicine for her, and she will recover soon."

When Xiaohong and Xiaocui heard this guarantee, their hearts were hanging, and finally they were relieved.

At this time, Chu Tianci came in with two guards in black, and saw Bai Yingying taking blood for Xiaocui.

He was shocked.

Can one person's blood be transported into another person's body?

This kind of medical skill is really unheard of.

(End of this chapter)

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