The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 237 Fortunately, everything is still in time!

Chapter 237 Fortunately, everything is still in time!

And her blood type test strip, it's amazing.

When each person's blood is dripped, different characters will be displayed, representing their blood type.

He never knew that the bright red blood looked exactly the same, but it was different inside.

He had never heard these novel statements from any doctor.

He was even more curious, where did his little Jiaojiao come from?Is she really a little fairy sent from heaven?

Lou Cangyue followed and walked in: "Yingying, I only found two, one is type O and the other is type B."

Chu Tianci looked at Bai Yingying and asked, "Are two enough? If not enough, I'll go find it."

Bai Yingying took a look at the two of them, they were both tall and strong, it didn't matter if they drew a little more blood.

As for Wen Zhiyuan's injury, he needed about [-] milliliters of blood transfusion. Xiaocui took [-] milliliters, and the two of them each took [-] milliliters. It can be made up.

After thinking briefly, Bai Yingying nodded: "Enough."

At this time, the blood bag for Xiaocui was already full.

Bai Yingying pulled out the needle, "Cangyue, take Xiaocui down to rest. Xiaohong, go to the kitchen and bring them some food, preferably sweet snacks, or eggs."

Xiaocui drew [-]ml of blood, and there was nothing serious about her body. She heard Bai Yingying's instructions to Xiaohong, and stopped and turned around: "Madam, Miss Lou and I will go get it, and let Xiaohong stay and help you."

Bai Yingying nodded: "Then Xiaocui don't go, let Cangyue go alone."

After that, Bai Yingying beckoned the two guards to sit down on the bench next to her, and then taught Xiaohong how to draw blood.

After the church, Bai Yingying gave Xiaohong a blood bag that could hold [-] milliliters and a needle, and asked her to stay here to draw blood for the two of them.

Bai Yingying herself returned to the bed, she hung up Xiaocui's blood bag first, and then treated Wen Zhiyuan's wound.

This time, Chu Tianci and Liu Guang did not avoid it.

It was the first time for both of them to see Bai Yingying treating the wound with their own eyes, and they were shocked by her for a while.

I saw her serious and serious face, meticulously performing actions that they could not understand.

However, every movement is full of confidence and firmness.

She who treated Wen Zhiyuan's wounds completely lost her usual soft and cute appearance, and she exuded a powerful aura, which made everyone around him feel hopeless.

She was wearing milky white plastic gloves. At this moment, her hands were stained with blood, but she was not affected by the blood at all. The movements of her hands were calm and powerful, without a trace of fear or trembling.

Chu Tianci looked at her, his black eyes were gradually stained with tenderness, he felt extremely proud and fortunate.

Fortunately, she didn't give up!

Fortunately, he finally believed her!
Fortunately, everything is still in time!


At this moment.

In a dense forest in the north of Jinling City.

Shen Miao gave Yue Tingfeng a simple treatment of the wound, she asked Qingyu and Lingxiang to carry Yue Tingfeng onto the stretcher, and then carried him into the carriage outside the grove.

Yang Xiaofeng drove the carriage forward while Shen Miaowei treated Yue Tingfeng's injuries in the carriage.

Half an hour later, Shen Miao stopped slightly and looked up at Qing Yu and Ling Xiang, "Okay, your young master's injuries have been treated, and I will prescribe him another medicine in a while."

Qingyu and Lingxiang nodded quickly, and they thanked each other repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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