The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 281 Strange Mother and Son

Chapter 281 Strange Mother and Son
Empress Jiang said so, and Bai Yingying couldn't refuse, so she nodded in agreement.

At this time, Cailian brought the cage over.

The cage was big enough for Wang Song and Peanut to live in, and it was completely enough.

Cailian caught Peanut and Wang Song in together, then closed the door of the cage, and then put a piece of cloth on it.

Bai Yingying immediately walked over and lifted the cage up.

"Then sister, I'm going home now, thank you for the peanuts."

Empress Jiang followed and held her hand: "Sister, I'll see you off."

At this moment, Xiangwan came to report: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has come to pay his respects."

Empress Jiang's originally smiling face suddenly collapsed.

She frowned slightly: "Tell him that I'm not feeling well, let him go back on his own, and I won't come here to pay my respects these few days."

So she can say "Ben Gong"!

Bai Yingying looked at her rapidly slumped face, feeling suspicious in her heart.

Why does Empress Jiang hate the prince so much?Isn't the prince his own?

Xiangwan was a little embarrassed: "Mother, when the Crown Prince came down last time, you also said that you were unwell and drove him away. This time it happened again, more times..."

Empress Jiang frowned even tighter, interrupting her chatter: "I am really unwell, you go and let him go."

Cailian was very embarrassed, and subconsciously looked at Bai Yingying, with a signal for help in his eyes.

Bai Yingying hesitated briefly, and said, "Sister, my sister hasn't seen your child yet, why don't you introduce it to my sister?"

That dog prince was always worrying, and now she and his mother have become sisters, and told him to respect this aunt and aunt well in the future.

Empress Jiang's eyes flashed with disgust.

However, facing Bai Yingying, she finally endured it: "Since my sister wants to see you, let him come in."

Cailian was very happy, turned around and went out to invite the prince.

Empress Jiang stretched out her hand to Bai Yingying and made a "please" gesture.

After that, the two sat down separately.

After a while, Cailian came in with Prince Chuli.

Chu Li strode forward. The moment he stepped into the door, he saw Bai Yingying sitting beside the queen, and he stopped immediately.

After a while, he continued to move forward and knelt down in front of Empress Jiang to pay her respects.

Empress Jiang was very indifferent to Chu Li. When he knelt down to pay his respects, she didn't even drop her eyelids.

After he finished inviting her, she just said calmly: "This is Princess Qin, and also my newly recognized younger sister. From now on, you should respect Princess Qin the same as you treat me, you know?"

It turned out that she didn't greet everyone with a smile, even her own son was so indifferent.

Obviously, she disliked the prince very much, even a little disgusted.

But why?

Bai Yingying really couldn't figure out why Queen Jiang, who seemed so gentle and innocent, hated her son so much?

Chu Li subconsciously glanced at Bai Yingying, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction.

However, in the end, he still didn't want to suppress him, he nodded obediently: "Yes, queen mother."

Empress Jiang nodded slightly: "Get up."

Chu Li thanked him, but before he could stand up, Empress Jiang had already issued an order to drive away the guests: "I'm exhausted, please step back."

Chu Li suddenly became anxious, and took two steps forward: "Mother, the minister has something important to say to the mother."

Empress Jiang frowned impatiently, but finally asked, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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