The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 282 How can anyone say that about their son?

Chapter 282 How can anyone say that about their son?

Chu Li subconsciously glanced at Bai Yingying: "Mother, please let outsiders stay away."

Empress Jiang didn't give him any face: "Princess Qin is my younger sister, there is nothing to avoid. If you have something to say, speak up quickly. If it's about those schemes, then don't say it."

Bai Yingying at the side widened her eyes in shock.

How can anyone say that about their son?Either the prince is not his own, or Empress Jiang is acting with her on purpose.

Chu Li's complexion changed, he gave Bai Yingying a complicated look, and suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with saying it in front of her.

Therefore, he nodded happily: "Mother, today the emperor's grandmother wants to arrange the marriage between Erchen and her niece Feng Zizhen, and I asked the emperor to discuss with the father and queen mother. I came here today to tell my mother that I don't like Feng Zizhen.

Therefore, if the imperial grandmother sends someone to ask, please ask the queen mother not to agree. "

Empress Jiang looked indifferent: "I don't care about your marriage, you can tell your father yourself, as long as your father doesn't agree, I have no objection."

A trace of injury flashed across Chu Li's eyes.

He took two steps forward again, looking down at Empress Jiang who was sitting dignifiedly, with tears of grievance rolling in his eyes.

"Mother, aren't you Erchen's mother? Why do you say you don't care about Erchen's marriage? Is Erchen your son?"

Chu Li's voice trembled, and the grievances that had been suppressed for many years poured out all at once.

Tears fell uncontrollably.

Bai Yingying never expected that Chu Li would cry because she didn't get her mother's attention. Is this the ruthless prince she knew?
Empress Jiang looked at him coldly, and wanted to blurt out a sentence.

But in the end, she endured it.

She closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, the light in her eyes was finally not so cold.

She lowered her voice, but her tone was still cold: "I have always been weak, and I can't do everything myself, but I believe in your father, and I understand his love for you.

I also believe that he can find you a satisfactory marriage. "

Chu Li shook his head: "Perhaps other things, the father can satisfy the ministers, but this marriage may not be able to."

Empress Jiang was very impatient, she frowned and said perfunctorily: "Let your father decide this matter first, and if you are not satisfied then, come and tell me about it."

When Chu Li heard it, he immediately smiled and said, "My son, thank you, Queen Mother."

Empress Jiang waved her hands and urged: "Go, I'm really tired, I need to rest."

Chu Li nodded, and then said with concern: "The queen mother has a good rest, and I will come to see you tomorrow."

Empress Jiang quickly refused: "You are grown up now, and you need to help your father to share the affairs, so you don't have to come to my palace every day to pay your respects."

Chu Li seemed to be used to such rejection, he frowned imperceptibly, and then retreated respectfully.

After Chu Li left, Bai Yingying also stood up: "Sister, sister is also leaving."

Empress Jiang faced Bai Yingying, but immediately put on a smiling face: "Sister, I will often come to the palace to see my sister from now on."

Bai Yingying stared at Empress Jiang, blinked, and blinked again.

She read it right, the face of Empress Jiang changed faster than that of Sichuan opera.

She hesitated for a while, but still couldn't resist the drive of curiosity, she leaned into Empress Jiang's ear and asked in a low voice: "Sister, did the prince make you angry? Why do you seem to dislike him so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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