The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 283 There are dragon pools and tiger dens, the king is worried about her

Chapter 283 There are dragon pools and tiger dens, the king is worried about her

Empress Jiang's face darkened slightly. She looked at Bai Yingying and moved her lips.

But in the end, she still didn't say anything, but shook her head slightly at Bai Yingying.

Bai Yingying knew that she was unwilling to tell, so she carried the cage and walked out.


Qin Wangfu.

Chu Tianci took the finished bamboo flute in his hand, looked it over carefully, and after confirming that there was no flaw, he hung the concentric knot jade pendant prepared on the table on the bamboo flute.

After that, he picked up the bamboo flute and played it gently.

The sound of the flute is melodious and clear, very pleasing to the ear.

After playing a song, he looked up at Yu Juechen and asked, "How is it?"

Yu Juechen didn't speak, but answered him directly with actions.

He clapped his hands together, once and again, very sincerely.

Chu Tianci was also very satisfied. He carefully put the bamboo flute into a special flute box, covered it, held it in his hand, and then raised his hand to tap the armrest of the wheelchair.

Liu Guang immediately pushed the wheelchair outside.

As soon as a few people came out, a subordinate came to report.

"Your Highness, the princess was invited into the palace by the Queen Mother's people."

Chu Tianci's expression darkened immediately: "Why didn't you stop it?"

The subordinate looked ashamed: "They brought the queen mother's order, and the princess did not refuse, so the guards at the gate let them go."

Chu Tianci frowned slightly, and ordered in a cold voice: "Next time someone from the palace comes, no matter who it is, you are not allowed to take the princess away."


Chu Tianci was silent for a while: "Liu Guang, prepare the car."

"Yes." Liu Guang led the way.

Yu Juechen was a little surprised, and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to the palace?"

Chu Tianci nodded with firm eyes: "There are dragon pools and tiger dens, I don't worry about her."

"But, don't you know? He tried every means to get you into the palace and deal with you, but now you send him to the door by yourself? What do you think?"

Chu Tianci turned to look at him: "It's okay, this king will arrange it."

Yu Juechen was a little irritable, but he still persuaded him patiently: "Don't worry, they will definitely not touch the princess at this time, after all, you are still outside..."

Chu Tianci slightly raised his hand to stop him from saying: "I've given up, don't try to persuade me any more."

As he spoke, he waved to Yu Juechen, and Yu Juechen immediately listened to him.

Chu Tianci whispered a few words in his ear, and then distanced himself from him: "Afterwards, you can bring people to wait for the king outside the east gate of the palace.

The ostentation doesn't need to be too big, but everyone in Jinling City must know that the king has entered the palace today. "


Outside Weiyang Palace, there is a sea of ​​hibiscus flowers.

Bai Yingying walked out along the sea of ​​flowers. After walking for about 5 minutes, she suddenly heard the faint sound of fighting among the flowers.

Feeling a little curious, she subconsciously stopped.

She hesitated for a moment, but continued on.

After all, there are so many secrets hidden in the palace. If you rush in and discover some secrets that should not be discovered, it will be dangerous.

Just as she quickened her pace and was about to leave, a voice came faintly from inside.

"Give me back the things, otherwise, you will never want to leave today!"

The voice was very familiar, Bai Yingying immediately recognized the owner of the voice, it was Yue Tingfeng.

Bai Yingying stopped in an instant, turned around and walked deep into the sea of ​​flowers.

After walking for a short time, I saw the shadows of flowers flying in front of me. Two figures, one white and one black, leaped into the sky deep in the sea of ​​flowers.

Yue Tingfeng was obviously exhausted, when he retreated, he leaned against a flower tree, clutching his chest and panting lightly.

But he only took two breaths, and flew forward again, fighting with the black shadow.

Because the back of the black shadow was facing Bai Yingying, he couldn't see his face.

(End of this chapter)

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