The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 303 The Purpose Is Just To Steal His Heart

Chapter 303 The Purpose Is Just To Steal His Heart

Chu Tianci raised his right hand slightly: "Not for now, the person who makes up at this time will become a thorn in the other side's eyes, let's wait and see what happens."

Yu Juechen nodded: "Okay, my subordinates will give orders."

Chu Tianci thought for a while and said, "Those on the talent list, find a way to arrange for them to get to know Yue Tingfeng."

Yu Juechen nodded: "The list will be released in three days. At that time, under the name of Fengyun Pavilion, the subordinates will invite the top ten talents to have a party at Haodu Restaurant. At that time, they will naturally get to know each other." .”

Chu Tianci nodded slightly: "Those two from the Ministry of Punishment, let them be extra careful."

Yu Juechen: "Don't worry, I gave them special instructions before entering the court. They are very low-key, they just do things in a down-to-earth manner, and their official positions are not high. I believe there will be no trouble finding them for the time being."

Chu Tianci nodded slightly, and he raised his hand to tap on the armrest of the wheelchair.

Liu Guang immediately pushed him outside.

Yu Juechen turned around and pushed open a secret door in the study, entered the secret door, and left through the secret passage.

Liu Guang pushed Chu Tianci back to the Qianqiu Hall, seeing that the door of the hall was closed, he asked, "Where is the princess?"

"Go back to Your Highness, the princess is inside."

Chu Tianci nodded slightly, and the guards pushed open the palace door for him.

As the wheelchair moved forward, Chu Tianci's eyes searched the hall.

However, after looking around, there was no sign of Bai Yingying.

Chu Tianci's heart trembled slightly, and he raised his hand to tap on the armrest of the wheelchair.

Liu Guang immediately turned around, went to the door to ask again, and then came back.

"Your Highness, the concubine got up at three o'clock in the morning today. After eating, she went to Doctor Wen's place. However, she came back at the beginning of Sishi, and she never went out after that."

Chu Tianci raised his hand: "Go and look at the window."

Liu Guang hurriedly ran to check all the windows of Qianqiu Hall, and then came back: "All the windows are closed from the inside, it is impossible for the princess to go out through the windows."

Chu Tianci frowned, his face was cold, his eyes scanned from left to right, and finally he raised his voice: "Bai Yingying!"

He called several times in a row, but no one answered, and everything in the room was as before, and the roof was also in good condition, without any signs of struggle or man-made damage.

Chu Tianci looked at the bed, just like the past few days, the quilt was overturned in a mess.

He gritted his teeth when he saw this, this little elf never folds the quilt when she gets up!
However, it can be seen from the upturned quilt that she got up normally, and there was no one under the quilt.

From this, it can be confirmed that Bai Yingying was not kidnapped.

If she disappears out of thin air, there is only one reason, that is, she wants to leave herself!
Could it be that everything she said in the past was false?The purpose is just to steal his heart and run away!
So that he would be sad and lost his mind, so that Emperor Chu and the others could deal with him?
Thinking of this, Chu Tianci felt his heart tighten, but he broke out in a cold sweat in the cold weather.

He was extremely uneasy, and even his usually indifferent eyes trembled slightly with a worried look.

Liu Guang had never seen Chu Tianci like this before, he comforted in a low voice: "Your Highness, don't worry, the princess will be fine."

"Who said this king is worried about her!" Chu Tianci suddenly became irritable, and ordered in a cold voice: "Liu Guang, search for this king!"

Liu Guang agreed, and began to search through the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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