The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 304 I will give you another chance!

Chapter 304 I'll Give You Another Chance!
Chu Tianci couldn't move, he could only watch Liu Guang busy searching.

Chu Tianci was suddenly irritable, he stared at the void in the hall, and raised his voice: "Bai Yingying, I count to three, if you don't come out again, I will be angry!"


The hall was silent.


Still no sound.

Chu Tianci pursed his thin lips tightly, and suddenly he was afraid to say "three".

After a while, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Three!"

However, there is still no sign of Bai Yingying in the hall, only the shadow of Liu Guang busy searching.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Bai Yingying, I will give you another chance!"

Chu Tianci was a little panicked, he looked at the emptiness in front of him, gritted his teeth and said: "Bai Yingying, I will give you another incense stick, if you don't come back, wait until I catch you, and see how I deal with you! "

However, the response to him was still silence.

Just when Chu Tianci was about to order someone to search for Bai Yingying's whereabouts, Liu Guang's voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Hey, why is there a little duck here? It looks so pretty!"

Chu Tianci immediately steered the wheelchair and came to Liu Guang's side.

Sure enough, I saw a bird with bright feathers squatting beside the cage in the corner.

Chu Tianci knew the species of this bird, it was a mandarin duck.

This mandarin duck has very gorgeous feathers and looks very beautiful.

Liu Guang felt Chu Tianci's gaze behind him, and immediately said, "Your Highness, I'll throw this duck out immediately."


Liu Guang was about to reach out to catch him, but Chu Tianci suddenly stopped him.

Liu Guang paused and stood up slowly.

Chu Tianci frowned and stared at Peanut, suddenly his pupils shrank slightly.

He saw the pearl earrings on Peanut's neck.

God!She... She showed her true form!Her original body turned out to be a mandarin duck!
Although Chu Tianci was prepared, he still couldn't accept Bai Yingying's sudden transformation into a mandarin duck.

Chu Tianci stared at Peanut for a long time, so long that Liu Guang felt that His Royal Highness was worried about being silly.

Liu Guang cautiously said, "Your Highness, do you want your subordinates to send someone outside to look for the concubine?"

Only then did Chu Tianci react, and he slowly raised his right hand: "No need, you go out first."

Liu Guang pointed at Peanut: "Then this duck?"

Chu Tianci was expressionless: "Since the princess kept him in the palace and did not take him away, then the princess will definitely come back, let her stay here."

Liu Guang nodded, sighing inwardly, His Highness loves the concubine so much, that even her pet duck can be kept in His Highness's bedroom, which was completely unthinkable before.


At this moment, Bai Yingying's carriage had arrived at Medicine Ghost Valley.

Outside the Medicine Ghost Valley, there was originally a fog formation.

Since the last time, after being broken by Chu Tianci, the sky here is bright and there are no obstacles.

The entrance of Medicine Ghost Valley is a large round hole with a diameter of two meters. Bai Yingying's carriage can still enter, but the other three large carriages cannot.

So, when they reached the entrance of Yaogui Valley, they all got out of the car and walked inside.

Approaching the hinterland of Medicine Ghost Valley, Bai Yingying waved to everyone.

"Everyone come here."

Everyone gathered around.

Bai Yingying looked at those craftsmen and said loudly: "Next, we will build a medical hall and a house here. We need bricks, stones, wood, tiles, and iron, so, craftsmen, what you have to do now is , do the preparatory work first."

(End of this chapter)

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