The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 387 You are simply a great hero, a great hero!

Chapter 387 You are simply a great hero, a great hero!

Leng Feng quickly loosened his trousers to grab the iron whip around his neck, but the trousers fell down again, and he subconsciously grabbed the trousers again.

At this moment of panic, the previous man swept across with his sword and chopped off Leng Feng's head.

The man twisted Leng Feng's head, opened the window of the toilet, and threw it out. With a bang, Leng Feng's head fell into the water.

Those two people carried Leng Feng's body and pushed it out of the window.

At this time, in the room, a man grabbed the burlap bag and ran to the side.

He ran all the way to a warehouse, looked at the boxes full of goods, and suddenly had an idea.

He put down the sack, then opened a cotton box, and threw most of the cotton into the water.

Afterwards, he twisted the burlap bag and put it into the box, then patted the burlap bag and sighed lowly: "They are really too much, you are already dead, and they still want to insult you.

Hey, who told me to be soft-hearted, I really can't stand it anymore, so I can only hide you here for now. "

Although his voice was very low, Bai Yingying could still tell that he was the one who strongly urged Leng Feng to open the linen pocket at the beginning.

Bai Yingying quickly opened her eyes and said in a low voice, "Little brother, I'm not dead, can you untie the rope on me first."

She was extremely shocked, just now Leng Feng clearly said that they are not allowed to touch her, but they still thought, what about Leng Feng?
As soon as she changed her mind, something became clear in her heart.

I'm afraid that at this time, they are fighting fiercely with Leng Feng.

If Leng Feng came back, she would naturally not have that worry, but if Leng Feng couldn't come back.

That group of insane...things!
Bai Yingying felt her scalp go numb just thinking about it.

"Ah!" The man whispered, "'re not dead?"

When he spoke, he supported the edge of the box with both hands, and looked down at her.

The warehouse was pitch black, and nothing could be seen. Bai Yingying could only see two faintly shining lights in the darkness.

"I'm pretending to be dead." Bai Yingying changed her voice, and immediately began to blow rainbow farts to the killer: "Little brother, you are really unstained from the mud, and in such a place, you can still keep a pure heart." A kind heart is really rare.

I really admire and admire you so much, you are simply a great hero, a great hero! "

The man scratched his head embarrassingly in the dark: "Am I really that good? You made me feel a little embarrassed."

"Hey! How can you be embarrassed?" Bai Yingying's voice was very low, but she was extremely sure: "If a hero like you is embarrassed, who else in this world can be embarrassed?"

When she said this, she changed her voice: "Hero, look, you saved me just now, you are my savior, why don't you raise your hand again, untie the rope on me, and be my savior!" How about the savior, the savior?"

Hearing Bai Yingying's begging softly, the man felt impulsive and wanted to agree, but when he changed his mind, he hesitated again: "I thought about it, but I still can't do it.

You died just now, I can still untie the rope for you, but you are not dead now, if I untie the rope, wouldn't you run away? "

"Ah?" Bai Yingying asked: "You still want to take me to receive the reward?"

The man scratched his head in embarrassment, and then became righteous in an instant: "Yes, I have protected you, so shouldn't you let me take you to collect some rewards?"

(End of this chapter)

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