Chapter 388 How Do You Help Me?

"Should, should!" Bai Yingying nodded in agreement: "But now, there are still a few people on this boat looking for me. If they find me and know that you secretly hid me, they will definitely treat me like they did with Leng Feng. Kill you too.

So, hurry up and untie my rope now, so that I can still help you.

I swear, I will only let you get that bounty! "

The man hesitated and asked, "How can you help me?"

Bai Yingying: "I hid it well, didn't I just help you?"

At this moment, the sound of "bang bang bang" footsteps came from outside.

"Yuanbao! You dead child, where have you been?"

When Yuan Bao heard it, he immediately put his index finger on his lips: "Shhh!"

Bai Yingying said in a low voice, "Yuanbao, your name is very blessed. It means wealth and destiny. If you untie the rope on my body, you will become richer and richer in the future."

Yuan Bao was delighted by what she said, he pulled out a dagger from his waist, swiped it a few times, and cut off the ropes on Bai Yingying's body, and then whispered: "Hide it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he smelled a light fragrance in his nostrils. The fragrance was really good, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

After two breaths, Yuan Bao fell unconscious on the ground.

Bai Yingying hurriedly crawled out of the box. With all her strength, she put the ingot into the sack, and then tied the mouth of the sack firmly with a rope.

After that, she sprinkled the powder on the surface of the sack and the rope that tied the sack.

When everything was ready, she jumped into the box and covered her head with the remaining cotton, then took the cover over and put it on top of her head.

After a while, the door of the warehouse was kicked open with a bang.

Several menacing men came in from outside.

They took a torch and looked inside, and immediately saw the sacks on the ground.

"Si Yuanbao, the wings are stiff, aren't they? Let me know that you carried the sack here, and I pulled your skin!"

Several people carried sacks and left cursing.

After those people left, Bai Yingying quickly crawled out of the box, then groped her way to the door of the warehouse, and opened the door.

She quietly came outside the room where those people were.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement inside. She reached out and pushed the door, but did not open it.

Bai Yingying raised her hand and knocked on the door twice, then quickly turned around and hid in the front corner.

After waiting for a long time, no one opened the door, and no one spoke.

Only then was Bai Yingying relieved, she quietly ran to the door of the room, took out a dagger from her lap, and fiddled with the latch a few times.

There was only a "click", and the door bolt opened in response.

In the room, several tall and thick men fell around the sack in disorder.

Bai Yingying let out a long breath of relief.

She took out the syringe from her bag and directly injected a shot into each of the men. They were just comatose before, and they went to the West Heaven without a sound.

Bai Yingying looked at the dumpling-like sack, bent down to pick up a killer's sword on the ground, and gently picked up the rope on the sack, revealing Yuan Bao's head.

Bai Yingying threw the long sword, and by the candlelight, Bai Yingying saw that Yuan Bao's face was round and fleshy, it really looked like Yuan Bao.

However, he looked very young, about thirteen or fourteen years old.

Bai Yingying looked at Yuan Bao, and said in a low voice, "Child, I think your conscience is not lost, so I let you go today. I hope that after you wake up, you can leave Nine Colors, change your mind, and be a good person."

She turned around and walked to the door, opened the door, and was about to go out.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and the sharp blade came towards her, hitting her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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