Chapter 389 So what?so what?

With a wave of Bai Yingying's hand, the medicine powder was scattered outside the door.

Suddenly, a gust of wind from the river blew all the medicine powder towards her, and the white powder sprinkled on her face.

Fortunately, she had taken the antidote beforehand, and these medicinal powders would not do anything to her.

However, the sword on her neck moved forward slightly, the sharp blade cut through the thin, tender skin of her neck, the pain hit, and the blood rolled down.

Bai Yingying realized that the enemy in front of her was not easy, so she quickly backed away.

"do not move!"

The natural, slightly hoarse voice sounds very magnetic, but at this moment, in Bai Yingying's ears, it sounds like a hellish Shura's voice.

"I won't move!" Bai Yingying quickly raised her hands: "Then don't move your sword either!"

"Go in!" the man scolded coldly.

Bai Yingying gritted her teeth and cautiously retreated into the room.

When she took five steps back, a tall man stepped into the threshold.

The man was tall, 1.9 meters tall, with hair tied casually on top of his head. He was wearing a black dress and a black cloak.

As the river wind blew, a strand of hair on his forehead swayed with the wind, his face full of quack air.

His facial features are very deep, with a bit of barbarian features. Although he is not particularly exquisite, he still looks quite handsome, with a pair of dark eyes, looking down at people, and his whole body is full of evil.

The sword in his hand is also quite distinctive, it is not an ordinary long sword, the hilt is a cylinder, and the long flute hanging on his waist is matched with Xiao Zhongjian.

The man pointed at Bai Yingying with the tip of his sword, scanned the people on the ground, and asked coldly, "Did you kill him?"

He knew right away that these killers were completely unreliable, their legs would go limp when they saw a beautiful woman, and at a critical moment, he had to rely on him, the helm of the nine-color hell, to calm down the situation.

Bai Yingying squinted her eyes, and then asked without changing her face: "So what if you are? So what if you are not?"

Moss stared at her for a while, and then with a sudden force, the blade pressed against her skin.

Bai Yingying hurried to the side to dodge, and accidentally kicked a man's foot on the ground, her foot slipped and fell to the ground.

Mo Si withdrew his long sword with a "swish", then stretched out his foot and kicked a man on the ground out of the door.

After a while, there was a "boom" outside, and the man fell into the water.

Bai Yingying's eyes widened. Isn't this man with them?He didn't even look at whether those people were dead or not, so he kicked them into Qingjiang?

Just when Bai Yingying was shocked, Mo Si kicked the remaining ones into the river one by one.

When he raised his foot to kick Yuanbao, Bai Yingying rushed over and grabbed the burlap bag, "You kicked so many people into the river to feed the fish, if you kick this one down, the fish in the river will swell to death , it’s better to keep it and play it tomorrow.”

After hearing this unreasonable reason, Mo Si glanced at Bai Yingying and said nothing.

However, he didn't have to kick Yuan Bao down.

Mo Si raised his sword, pointed at Bai Yingying, and threatened in a cold voice: "Don't play tricks! Otherwise, the deity will kill you immediately, and then peel off your face and make a human leather mask.

Anyway, with your face, it is enough to attract King Qin over. "

Bai Yingying subconsciously raised her hand and touched her face.

Depend on!What is the origin of this man?Is it so scary?
(End of this chapter)

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