The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 417 I don't want to see the living Qin King appearing in Jinling City again!

Chapter 417 I don't want to see the living Qin King appearing in Jinling City again!
A waterfall suddenly fell from above, but it washed away the filth and blood of Jiutou Mountain in one go, without leaving even a trace...

Bai Yingying's heart suddenly tightened.

In the blue sky and the sun, the sky suddenly flew down three thousand feet. This masterpiece is ingenious, but it is by no means the beauty of natural craftsmanship.

Bai Yingying quietly turned around and looked at Chu Tianci.

His eyes were closed tightly, his brows were slightly furrowed, his perfect face was like a beautiful painting.

He was so still that he looked as if the years had calmed down.

But Bai Yingying knew that in his hands was the power to turn the tide.

For example, the waterfall that suddenly fell from the sky must have been written by him.

Such a man has a fatal attraction, but at the same time, he also carries a fatal danger.

Maybe he was not happy, and she turned into the nine-headed mountain that was submerged in water.

In a corner under Jiutou Mountain, Qing Mo stood there with a few people, watching the back of Chu Tianci and his party leaving, frowning.

Bei Chenyue asked him to come to Baicheng to buy Qin Wangfei. At first, Mo Si agreed, but he later regretted it.

After that, he stayed at the foot of Jiutou Mountain, waiting for Bai Yingying to go down the mountain.

However, he was deceived by the carriage that Mo Si sent out at the beginning, which made him unable to find Bai Yingying in the first place.

When he found it, Bai Yingying was already with Chu Tianci.

After Qing Mo returned to his foothold in Baicheng, he immediately released a pigeon.



Moon Tingfeng is playing the piano.

Suddenly, a carrier pigeon flew down from the sky.

Yue Tingfeng stopped playing the piano, raised his hand and grabbed the carrier pigeon.

He took the letter off the carrier pigeon's feet, opened it, and his expression changed slightly.

He got up immediately and walked out quickly.

He met Qingyu on the road, and Qingyu called him, but he didn't even hear it.

Yue Tingfeng came to the palace.

Emperor Chu is enjoying singing and dancing at the moment.

Yue Tingfeng walked up quickly and whispered a few words in Emperor Chu's ear.

Emperor Chu's eyes lit up, and his face was full of joy: "Is what you said true?"

Yue Tingfeng nodded: "It's absolutely true."

Emperor Chu immediately waved his hand and asked the singing and dancing band to withdraw.

"Come here, Zhao Kai, the head of the Xuan Xuan Ming Division."


After a while, Zhao Kai came over.

Emperor Chu looked at Zhao Kai and was very dissatisfied: "How do you do things? King Qin has been out of Jinling City for a few days, and I have no news at all. How do you take care of King Qin?"

Zhao Kai was stunned for a moment: "These days, all the subordinates are outside the Prince Qin's mansion, and none of them saw King Qin leave..."

"Forget it, forget it!" Emperor Chu waved his hand: "I didn't call you here today to listen to your nonsense. I will tell you now that King Qin is now in Baicheng. He can either go back to Jinling from Qingjiang by water, or Go overland and return to Jinling through Shucheng.

I want you to arrange troops on these two roads and take King Qin down!

I don't want to see the living King Qin appear in Jinling City again! "



Chu Tianci and his party traveled by land, passing through the city of Shu.

It takes two days to travel from Baicheng to Jinling, so we need to stay overnight in Shucheng.

Although Chu Tianci had made arrangements earlier, the longer he was away from Jinling, the easier it would be for his whereabouts to be leaked.

They must speed up the process and rush back to Jinling as soon as possible.

Therefore, they were on their way during the day, and Bai Yingying had no chance of taking Chu Tianci away.

In the evening, Chu Tianci finally ordered to find a nearby inn to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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