The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 418 How can there be no reason for couples not to eat together

Chapter 418 There Is No Reason For Couples To Not Eat Together
When Bai Yingying heard that she was going to stay in an inn, she was overjoyed.

Here is her chance to take away Chu Tianci!
Bai Yingying wondered in her heart that it would be impossible to take away the sober Chu Tianci.

Therefore, he must be taken away in a daze.

How do you get lost?That is naturally the fastest way to prescribe medicine!

So, before dinner, Bai Yingying consciously came to the kitchen to help serve the soup, and added some ingredients to the soup by the way.

She came to Chu Tianci's door with the soup.

But he was stopped by Liu Guang standing at the door.

"Liu Guang, I made this soup specially for my husband. You asked me to bring it in for him to drink. He must be very hungry after a long day of exhaustion."

Liu Guang looked at Bai Yingying expressionlessly: "Young Master has already eaten inside, so you should leave this soup for Madam to drink by yourself."

"What? He didn't call me when he was eating!" Bai Yingying was very depressed, and stared at Liu Guang: "Since he is eating, I have to go in. There is no reason why husband and wife should not eat together."

As Bai Yingying said, she wanted to rush in with the soup.

Suddenly hearing a "shua", the long sword in Liu Guang's hand was half out of its sheath.

His face was cold: "Madam, please don't make things difficult for your subordinates."

He said, pointing to the room next to him: "Madam's room is next door, please help Madam."

Bai Yingying looked in, and she saw Chu Tianci sitting at the table eating. The table was full of soup and vegetables, which was very rich.

The most surprising thing was that Wang Song squatted on the ground next to Chu Tianci, with two bowls in front of him, one dish and one soup, and the treatment was good.

Suddenly, Bai Yingying felt an illusion of being abandoned.

She raised her chin and raised her eyebrows at Wang Song inside: "Then please catch that duck for me."

Liu Guang refused: "I'm sorry, ma'am, the young master has ordered that the duck stay in the house tonight."

"Ah?" Bai Yingying exclaimed, and then began to spare no effort to persuade: "Liu Guang, I must be sick seeing my husband like this, and the illness is not clear. Otherwise, why would you keep the duck in the house instead of me?" This lady is going in...@#¥@#¥..."

Liu Guang frowned, listening to Bai Yingying's nagging persuasion, neither interrupting nor giving way.

It wasn't until Bai Yingying spoke dryly, her voice was hoarse, and she stopped automatically, that Liu Guang said slowly: "Madam, have you finished speaking? You can go to the next door when you are done."

Bai Yingying: "..."

She opened her mouth, but finally closed it deflatedly. She took the soup angrily, turned and went to the next room.

Bai Yingying stomped the soup heavily on the table, gasped for breath for a while, and began to think of a way again.

She ran to the window, opened it and looked down.

Oh, although the inn on the second floor is not too high, if she falls, she will definitely lose her arms and legs.

There is no hope for doors and windows, so we can only pin our hopes on Wang Song.

There was no rush for this matter, Bai Yingying decided to eat first, and then she wanted to steal Chu Tianci at night, how could she have the strength to steal it if she was not full?

After dinner, Bai Yingying waited for a long time, but Wang Song didn't come over.

She put her ear against the wall and listened carefully, but there was no sound from the next room, it seemed that Chu Tianci had fallen asleep.

Bai Yingying turned to the wall and tapped lightly twice.

"Song Song Duck!"

She leaned against the wall and let out a low voice.

At this moment, Wang Song was squatting by the corner, when he suddenly heard the sound from the next door, he quickly "quacked" a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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