Chapter 576 What is its name?
Yue Tingfeng at the side took a step forward, with a stern voice: "The emperor and His Royal Highness King Qin are brothers. His Royal Highness King Qin has not recovered from his leg illness, and the Emperor is going to visit him. You, a bodyguard, are so obstructive, what is your intention?"

At this time, the guards of the feather forest brought by Emperor Chu stepped forward one after another, with the intention of making a move.

Although the two sides were deadly rivals, Emperor Chu's identity was there. Without Chu Tianci present, Liu Guang could not meet them in battle.

Tingyue Tingfeng asked such a question, Liu Guang had no choice but to say: "Please wait a moment, the emperor, and the villain will report to His Highness."

Liu Guang turned and went out, Emperor Chu winked at Yue Tingfeng, Yue Tingfeng nodded slightly, and then quickly followed.


After Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci had breakfast, they went to the laundry room.

At this time, the washing machine was already quiet. Chu Tianci opened the lid and took out the quilt inside. He shook it open and saw that the original bright red color had been washed clean. The only small flaw was that the fabric was a little wrinkle.

However, every piece of clothes that Bai Yingying washed for him before was submissive.

Chu Tianci asked with some doubts: "The clothes just washed look a little wrinkled, but the clothes you washed for me before are smooth and smooth. How did you do it?"

Bai Yingying ran to the washing machine and pulled out a weird machine that was one person tall. She smiled and said, "It all depends on this, husband. You hang the quilt up first, and I'll show you."

Chu Tianci nodded with a smile, took the quilt to the clothes rail to put it on, and then pulled the quilt flat along the clothes rail.

Bai Yingying pulled the machine over, aimed the long nozzle at the quilt, and then turned on the switch, and the extremely hot steam sprayed out from the nozzle immediately, and sprayed on the slightly wrinkled northern surface.

But all the places that have been sprayed by those hot steam have become as smooth as new.

Chu Tianci was amazed: "This machine is wonderful, what's its name?"

"Steam iron, the steam coming out of here is extremely hot, once it passes over it, the original wrinkles will be ironed out."

While explaining, Bai Yingying took the nozzle of the iron and sprayed it around.

Chu Tianci was full of admiration, he also hung the sheets on the clothes rail, then ran over and reached for the iron: "Let me try it."


Bai Yingying let go of her hand.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and the thin bed sheet was blown up. Bai Yingying was about to reach out to caress, but Chu Tianci hurried over: "Don't touch it, there is water on it, it's cold."

As he said that, he handed her the nozzle in his hand: "My lord, hold me, and you burn it."

Bai Yingying smiled sweetly and nodded obediently.

At this time, Yue Tingfeng appeared at the door, and he was about to step in when he saw the scene of two people enjoying themselves happily.

I saw Bai Yingying holding a long nozzle, moving up and down, left and right towards the quilt, the nozzle ejected countless white gas, surrounding her whole body, she was hidden in the hazy mist, with a sideways expression The smile is so beautiful that it makes people jealous.

And beside her, a tall man was stretching out his hand to support the quilt, and at this moment, he was looking sideways at her.

Looking at it from Yue Tingfeng's angle, you can just see the scene where the two are looking at each other. Her eyes are shining, as if filled with a pool of autumn water, full of waves, with a warm smile.

And his originally gloomy black eyes were slightly curved, and the smile in his eyes could not be hidden.

Looking at the two of them, Yue Tingfeng suddenly felt a pain in his heart, his whole body was weak, and he felt powerless as if he couldn't move.

(End of this chapter)

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