The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 577 Master Yue, what an authority!

Chapter 577 Master Yue, what an authority!

Lang love concubine!

In Yue Tingfeng's mind, such a word suddenly popped up.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the flames of jealousy surged in the originally calm eyes.

"Master Yue, why are you here?"

Liu Guang didn't find Chu Tianci in the dining room, so he went to the sleeping hall, and found this place later, but he didn't expect that Yue Tingfeng found it here before him.

Hearing Liu Guang's voice, Chu Tianci paused slightly, and pointed to the opposite side: "Jiaobao, that side is still wrinkled, go and iron it over there."

"Okay." Bai Yingying agreed, and then pulled the machine to the quilt.

Yue Tingfeng withdrew his eyes disappointedly, and frowned slightly.

Chu Tianci turned around, walked slowly to the door, and said in a cold voice, "Lord Yue, what an authority! Come to this king's palace, and you can come and go freely."

The corner of Yue Tingfeng's lips curled up into a sneer: "Speaking of official prestige, no one can compare to His Royal Highness King Qin. Looking at the world in Southern Chu, there is probably only His Royal Highness Qin King who can leave the emperor in the living room, but himself Laundry and drying clothes with the beauty here."

Chu Tianci: "Lord Yue, don't frame this king. After receiving the news from the emperor, this king asked Liu Guang to report back immediately."

Yue Tingfeng looked Chu Tianci up and down, raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Healing his leg ailment? But how do you look at it, His Royal Highness King Qin's leg is very good!"

"Don't take everything for granted." Chu Tianci warned coldly: "Master Yue looked at me standing here, and felt that my king's legs are very good. Only this king knows the actual situation, just like now, Mr. Yue He is a celebrity around the emperor, and everyone thought that Lord Yue's official position would become bigger and bigger, and he would be more and more favored, but who knows that one day, because of a certain incident, he would fall to the bottom of the valley."

The two looked at each other, and their eyes met in the air, colliding with cold sparks.

The surrounding air seemed to be stagnant, becoming very oppressive.

Yue Tingfeng subconsciously clenched his right hand behind his back.

In a blink of an eye, he suddenly smiled: "Being an official is different from others. Others seek glory and wealth, but what I seek is just to share the Lord's worries. If one day, the emperor doesn't need to be an official to share his worries. Also happy to return to a peaceful life.

It's just that His Royal Highness the King of Qin avoided seeing him so much, but he owed the world and the emperor's kindness.

His Royal Highness King Qin can now have such a beautiful palace in Jinling City and enjoy the supreme power, that is because His Highness King Qin is the King Qin of Southern Chu. Now, Southern Chu is in trouble, His Highness King Qin is capable, but he is unwilling to contribute to Southern Chu , don't you feel ashamed? "

"Heh, you are really eloquent, but..." Chu Tianci closed the door of the laundry room with his hand, and then changed his voice: "Master Yue is wrong, this palace was built when the king was 15 years old. , When Yiling was laid down for the late emperor, the late emperor rewarded this king. For the sake of Southern Chu, this king has gone through no less than a hundred battles. You are a person who has no merits and can only come up with a few bad ideas in front of the emperor. What do you do? Are you qualified to say such things in front of this king?"

Without saying a word, Chu Tianci took a step towards Yue Tingfeng, and that powerful momentum, like a fierce knife, blew towards him head-on.

Although Yue Tingfeng didn't want to retreat, the opponent's momentum was too strong, forcing him to retreat.

When Chu Tianci finished his last sentence, Yue Tingfeng sprained his foot and almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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