The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 603 So What If You Know, So What If You Don't Know?

Chapter 603 So What If You Know, So What If You Don't Know?

A quarter of an hour later, Bai Yingying came to the firewood room, and Nanny Gui withdrew consciously, closing the door behind her.

Bai Yingying looked at her standing in the corner, and said indifferently, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Xue Jingshuang walked forward slowly, and glared at Bai Yingying fiercely: "Bai Yingying, do you think my cousin really likes you? You are wrong. In fact, my cousin doesn't like you at all. The reason why he treats you well is It just depends on your medical skills, now that his leg is healed, you just wait to be kicked out of Prince Qin's mansion by him."

Bai Yingying frowned slightly.

She knew that this woman couldn't spit ivory out of her dog's mouth, so she shouldn't come here.

Bai Yingying didn't want to talk to her, she turned around and was about to go out.

Xue Jingshuang rushed forward, leaning her back against the door of the woodshed, laughing all over her face: "Bai Yingying, don't you believe it? Or don't you want to believe it?"

Bai Yingying rolled her eyes impatiently: "It's not your turn to dictate the matter between me and my husband, get out of the way!"

Xue Jingshuang chuckled: "Don't think that everyone in the palace calls you Princess now, you are Princess Qin. Do you know that in our Southern Chu, what does a man need to do if he wants to marry a woman? He wants to give this woman a marriage certificate." , appointment, all kinds of etiquette, after this woman marries into her husband's family, the husband's family recognizes the most important part of her identity, do you know what it is?"

Bai Yingying raised her eyebrows casually: "So what if you know, so what if you don't know?"

She knew what the initial situation of the two of them was like, so she didn't take those common customs to heart.

Besides, last time, Chu Tianci took her to the Confucius Temple and worshiped with her. Although there were only the two of them and Liu Guang at that time, she could feel his sincerity.

Xue Jingshuang laughed mockingly again: "Of course you don't know, you didn't even have a big marriage, and you followed your cousin back home by yourself, and wanted to be his princess, you are simply wishful thinking!

Hmph, do you think you can be a princess if you heal your cousin's leg?Stop dreaming!He doesn't even want to put your name in the family tree of our Chu family, and you still want to be his wife, it's a joke! "

Bai Yingying couldn't bear it anymore, raised her hand, and a thin needle flew straight out, piercing Xue Jingshuang's throat.

Xue Jingshuang only felt a pain in her neck, she raised her hand subconsciously, pinched the tip of the needle and pulled it out.

" dare to stab me with a needle, you vicious woman, I will fight you!"

Xue Jingshuang held the needle and rushed towards Bai Yingying like a madman.

Bai Yingying dodged to the side, hooked her right foot, Xue Jingshuang tripped, and fell forward, falling on all fours.

Xue Jingshuang was about to get up, but she felt limp and unable to exert any strength.

She was shocked instantly, turned over and pointed at Bai Yingying: "You...your needle is poisonous..."

Bai Yingying came over with a smile, and slapped her raised hand off, her tone was slightly cold: "There is no poison on the needle, it's just some perspiration medicine. The real poison is here."

As she said, she flipped her right wrist, and there was already a red pill on her fingertip.

"Then... what kind of poison is that?"

Bai Yingying casually glanced at the pill on her fingertips, and said with a smile: "It's not a poison, it's just a voice-loss pill. As the name suggests, it just makes you speechless."

As Bai Yingying said, she suddenly reached out and pinched her chin. With the other hand, she squeezed the pill and sent it into her mouth. Then she held her chin and lifted it up, and the pill rolled into her throat. among.

(End of this chapter)

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