The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 604 No matter what happens, don't cry!

Chapter 604 No matter what happens, don't cry!


Xue Jingshuang suddenly felt a burning pain in her throat, and she wanted to say a complete sentence, but she couldn't.

Bai Yingying stood up, clapped her hands with disgust, and then looked down at her: "Cousin Xue, I am doing this for your own good, after all, your mouth is really smelly, I am afraid that you will kill your future wife before you pass the door. Xun ran away, so you should keep your mouth shut first, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to get married, and if you insist on staying at our house and refuse to leave, it will be terrible."

After Bai Yingying finished speaking, she turned around slowly, opened the door, and walked outside as if nothing had happened.

Xue Jingshuang reached into her throat, trying to dig out the medicine in her throat, but she was still unable to speak until she vomited out all the acid in her stomach.


Chu Li knelt outside the Qiluan Hall for five full hours, until the dead of night, and the Emperor Chu did not come out.

"His Royal Highness, the emperor has rested, please go back."

Li Dezhong came out from inside, and whispered to persuade the prince.

Chu Li raised his head, looked in with some numbness, and suddenly shouted: "Father, uncle is wronged..."

"His Royal Highness, it is useless for you to kneel here and cry for grievances. You are the eldest son of the emperor and the crown prince. At this time, you should share the worries of the emperor. Don't make trouble for the emperor here."

Chu Li slowly turned his head and looked at Li Dezhong: "Eunuch Li, you know your father best, tell me, how can I save my uncle?"

Li Dezhong glanced at Chu Li, and then said softly: "His Royal Highness, is Uncle Guo greedy? Don't you know if His Royal Highness goes to the prison and asks him? The biggest worry for the emperor now is the emptiness of the treasury. At this moment, His Royal Highness The most important thing to do is to share the emperor's worries, instead of begging the emperor to forgive the uncle here."

Chu Li seemed to understand something suddenly, he stood up slowly, then turned around and walked outside.

He knew in his heart that his uncle Jiang Liang was not wronged, the reason why he knelt here was just to hope that Emperor Chu would forgive his uncle for his sake.

After all, the only person around him to help him is his uncle Jiang Liang.

He didn't want to lose his uncle, otherwise, he didn't know what he should do next?
Now, Li Dezhong's words have awakened him. This time, the emperor was really angry. After all, this time it was the root of the treasury that was touched. Otherwise, with his uncle's status by his side, he would not have ordered him to be imprisoned and ransacked his home.

After Chu Li left the palace, he went to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Jiang Liang was locked in a separate cell. When he saw Chu Li, he immediately stood up from the ground and walked towards Chu Li eagerly.

Chu Li waved his hands: "You all go down."

After everyone retreated, Chu Li stepped forward quickly and held Jiang Liang's outstretched hand.

Chu Li looked Jiang Liang up and down, only to see that he was dressed in white prison clothes, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very down and out.

"Uncle, you have suffered."

Jiang Liang looked at Chu Li with a haggard face, feeling very distressed. He frowned and looked at him: "Has the prince cried?"

As soon as Chu Li heard the word "cry", tears came down again.

Jiang Liang suddenly shouted sharply: "Don't cry! You are the prince, no matter what happens, don't cry!"

Chu Li was so frightened that he almost forgot to cry, and stared at Jiang Liang in surprise.

Jiang Liang softened his face: "Son, in the future when uncle is not by your side, you have to learn to be strong."

(End of this chapter)

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