The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 722 The Reason Is Because Our Prince Qin's Mansion Is Too Poor

Chapter 722 The Reason Is Because Our Prince Qin's Mansion Is Too Poor
The first sentence of Yue Tingfeng pointed out the inappropriateness of the female official of the House of Internal Affairs, and the second sentence spoke to the heart of Emperor Chu.

Emperor Chu thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, economic adviser, if you refuse this position again, it will be disrespectful."

Bai Yingying had no choice but to bow and salute: "Don't dare, I obey the order, thank the emperor for his kindness."

At this moment, Chu Tianci led Bai Xu, Bai Zong and his son, and walked in from outside the hall.

Bai Xu and his son came in a hurry without even changing their clothes. They were still wearing the white prison clothes they had when they were imprisoned. Although their bodies were not clean, there was no blood or anything like that. Obviously, they were in the prison and were not was not tortured.

Chu Tianci led the two of them to the center of the hall, bowed his hands and bowed to Emperor Chu: "Brother Emperor, I have brought back Little General Bai and General Bai."

Bai Xu and Bai Zong knelt down to salute together.

"My minister Bai Xu/Bai Zong sees the emperor."

Emperor Chu didn't look at the two of them, nor did he let them get up, he just lowered his eyes to look at Chu Tianci, and said slowly: "King Qin, you have done a good job of keeping secrets."

"Why did the emperor say this?"

Chu Tianci was worried, but his face remained calm.

When he came in just now, Liu Guang winked at him vigorously, and he vaguely guessed in his heart that it might have something to do with Bai Yingying.

"Your concubine, you didn't even know me about doing such a big event in Jinling City. Do you think you should be punished?"

Emperor Chu opened his mouth lightly, with a faint smile on his lips.

Bai Yingying stood up immediately: "Your Majesty, didn't the concubine tell me about this matter just now? It's just that I opened a shop outside to earn some pocket money. If I remember correctly, we in Nanchu don't have much money." The law stipulates that we cannot open a shop to make money."

"Concubine Qin is a woman, so she really doesn't know much about the laws of our Southern Chu." Feng Qiu sat there, sneering, "Our Southern Chu's laws prohibit court officials from engaging in business."

Bai Yingying immediately snapped back: "Then I'm not a court official either."

Feng Qiu didn't give in either: "But you are Princess Qin."

Chu Tianci glanced at Feng Qiu coldly, and then said: "Brother Huang, Yingying's small business is allowed by my younger brother. As for the reason..."

Bai Yingying immediately put on a pitiful look: "Your Majesty, the reason is because our Qin Palace is too poor..."

Chu Tianci: "..."

He turned his head and stared at her with wide eyes.

But Bai Yingying didn't pay any attention, her face full of grievances and pity: "Your Majesty, my Highness is also the King of Qin after all, but the Ministry of Household Affairs hasn't paid my Highness a salary for a long time, the house has expenses every day, and there are maids and servants every day. Monthly wages are required.

As the mistress of the Prince Qin's Mansion, I can't see that the Prince Qin's Mansion can't be maintained, so I have no choice but to make such a bad move.

If the emperor does not want my concubine to do business, I would like to ask the emperor to distribute the salary owed to my Highness in full. If so, I promise to stay in Qin Wangfu every day and never come out to show my face. "

Hearing the twitching of his temples, Chu Tianci pressed his lips tightly, resisting the urge to cover her mouth.

The Emperor of Chu immediately looked at Lu Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, "Lu Aiqing, is it true that King Qin's salary has not been paid?"

Lu Yuan bit the bullet and said: "Indeed... It is true that it has not been issued for a while. This matter has been issued by the former Zhongshu Order. It is probably because the national treasury is really tight, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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