The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 723 Am I Pregnant?Why don't I know it myself?

Chapter 723 Am I Pregnant?Why don't I know it myself?
In fact, Emperor Chu was very clear in his heart, not to give Chu Tianci a salary, that was his order to Jiang Liang.

At this time, it is most appropriate to put all the responsibility on Jiang Liang's head.

Emperor Chu looked at Chu Tianci, and said with reproach: "King Qin, you are my own younger brother. Why don't you tell me what is wrong with you, my brother? You see, what happened now... ..."

Chu Tianci: "The younger brother knows the difficulties of the emperor, so if the younger brother can solve it by himself, I don't want to bother the emperor.

What's more, the younger brother is not serving in the court now, so even if the younger brother's concubine is doing business outside, it is not considered a violation of the law, please learn from the emperor. "

Emperor Chu nodded: "I understand, there is no one who is more sensible than you in the entire Southern Chu Dynasty."

As he said, he glanced at Bai Yingying: "However, after observing this period of time, I found that your princess is a rare talent in business, so I just appointed your princess as a Ministry of Household Economic Advisor.

This, you will have no objection. "

"Brother Huang, this matter must never be done." Chu Tianci refused without thinking, "My brother's concubine is not in good health, and now running a Jiulixiang is already at the limit of her body, and she really can't bear it anymore." More work pressure."

Emperor Chu frowned: "But your concubine has already received the order just now."

Chu Tianci lowered his head and turned a slight angle, his eyes swept over Bai Yingying's face, then turned around, and said sincerely: "Brother Huang's invitation, I shouldn't have refused, but Yingying Now that she is pregnant, it is really not appropriate to overwork, this is also the reason why my younger brother asked her to withdraw from Jiu Lixiang."

Bai Yingying: "..."

I am pregnant?Why don't I know it myself?
Yue Tingfeng's face, which was originally as warm as the wind, instantly turned pale, and his heart fell like a frozen cellar.

Yue Tingfeng clutched his chest, secretly comforting himself.

Yue Tingfeng, Yue Tingfeng, she is Qin Wangfei, she is pregnant with Qin Wang's child, isn't that a very common thing?why are you so sad

Shen Miaowei who was standing beside the Empress Dowager had a flash of jealousy in her eyes.

Everyone else watched the scene with great interest, secretly guessing who would compromise in the end.

Some people looked at Bai Yingying's stomach, wondering if there was a child in Bai Yingying's stomach.

After being stunned for a moment, Emperor Chu suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, okay, Princess Qin is pregnant. This is really a great and joyful event."

With that said, he turned his head to look at Empress Dowager Feng: "Queen Mother, do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" Empress Dowager Feng nodded and smiled, she stretched out her hand and waved to Bai Yingying: "Yingying, come up and show Aijia."

Bai Yingying turned her head and glanced at Chu Tianci, her legs and legs were stiff and she couldn't move.

Chu Tianci immediately rescued her: "Empress, Yingying has a big reaction, the steps are bumpy, and I'm afraid she will vomit again. Empress mother has a noble status, so it's not good to offend her."

Bai Yingying immediately covered her mouth and retched twice.

Empress Dowager Feng had no choice but to give up, she turned her head to look at Shen Miaowei who was beside her, and said with a smile, "Miaowei, come here to see His Highness King Qin."

Shen Miao took two small steps up and slightly bent her body, "Shen Miao has seen His Highness King Qin."

Chu Tianci's eyes flickered slightly, and when he was guessing the Queen Mother's intention in his heart, Queen Mother Feng spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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