The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 823 You are so angry because of this, right?

Chapter 823 You are so angry because of this, right?
Perhaps the final outcome cannot escape the tragedy.

If Chu Tianci can stick to the bottom line like her, then she can work hard together with him. No matter whether this tragic ending can be changed in the future, she is willing to work hard for it.

However, if he can't, then she doesn't have such a position. In this case, why not stay away from right and wrong at the first sign, and live a happy life of her own?
Now, all she can do is stick to her final bottom line, and she also believes that with her ability, it is too easy to gain a foothold in this world, and she does not need to rely on this man at all.

However, just as she turned around and walked quickly towards the door, a gust of wind suddenly blew behind her, and in the next instant, she rose into the air.

After she reacted, she realized that she was completely supported by Chu Tianci on her shoulders.

"Chu Tianci, let me go!"

Bai Yingying was resisted by him, she struggled but couldn't move away, couldn't get down, she was so annoyed for a moment, she could only squeeze her fists and hit him on the back.

However, her strength was like scratching an itch, how could it be useful to Chu Tianci?
In the blink of an eye, Chu Tianci shot out more than ten meters away like an arrow off the string, and flew out rapidly at an undiminished speed.

Wang Song opened his mouth wide and called out "quack quack".

"Fuck! Ancestor, wait for me!"

Wang Song chased after him with a "quack quack quack". Beside Wang Song, Bai Xiaoxiao was startled for a moment, and then chased after Wang Song.

Before leaving Prince Qin's mansion, Chu Tianci put Bai Yingying into a small carriage and touched her acupoints by the way.

Before leaving the carriage, Chu Tianci took a deep look at her, then leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, your acupoints will automatically unlock when you reach Lengqiuyuan."

As he said that, he moved a little closer to her temples, and his slightly wet and warm lips fell on the base of her ears, causing ripples.

Bai Yingying frowned, twisted her neck which could move freely, and avoided him.

Chu Tianci's heart darkened slightly, but in an instant he raised his hand to support her head, then leaned over, and kissed her lips impartially with his beautiful thin lips.

But he didn't linger, just stayed for a moment, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Jiaobao, give me a little time, okay?"

His tone was almost pleading, like an abandoned child, full of pity.

Bai Yingying's heart was slightly moved, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Chu Tianci, in his expectant gaze, Bai Yingying finally nodded for some reason.

"How long?" Bai Yingying asked aggrievedly.

Chu Tianci's heart was suddenly ecstatic, he held her small face and kissed it again, and stretched out a finger: "Ten days, maybe it won't be needed at all."

Bai Yingying took a deep breath, looked into his deep black eyes, licked her slightly dry lips, and asked, "You...will you have a bridal chamber with her?"

When Bai Yingying asked this sentence, her small face was instantly blushed.

She frowned in annoyance, after all, she still couldn't escape her daughter's selfishness.

But Chu Tianci laughed out loud, he reached out and pinched her cute little nose, and said with a smile, "You are so angry because of this, right?"

"No." Bai Yingying turned her head angrily: "I said before, I will not share my husband with other women, no matter in name or in reality."

(End of this chapter)

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