Chapter 824
Chu Tianci stretched out his hand to pinch her little face, and suddenly leaned close to her ear, his voice was unbelievably hoarse: "Don't worry, this king's body is only for you to enjoy."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and bit her ear.

Bai Yingying's ears were already sensitive, but now that he teased and bit her, she felt her whole ear was on fire.

Chu Tianci smiled lowly, his heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

Before leaving, he said in a teasing tone, "My king will come to see you tonight."

After speaking, without waiting for Bai Yingying to react, he threw his figure backwards, and his whole body quickly fell to the ground.

Chu Tianci turned to look at Liu Guang, and winked at him.

Liu Guang understood, jumped into the carriage, waited for Wang Song and Bai Xiaoxiaofei to get into the carriage, then Liu Guang whipped the horse and drove the carriage to Lengqiu Courtyard.

Lengqiu Courtyard is located in the most remote location in the northeast corner of Prince Qin's Mansion, a long distance from Qianqiu Palace.

Although it is called "Leng Qiu", the Leng Qiu Courtyard is not deserted.

Here, as early as when the relationship between Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci eased, it was opened up as the medical center of Prince Qin's residence.

Chu Tianci specially selected a group of teenagers with excellent qualifications to study with Bai Yingying.

Therefore, the current Lengqiu Academy is more like a school.

When Liu Guang drove the carriage to Lengqiu Courtyard, the acupuncture points on Bai Yingying's body had already been released.

Bai Yingying couldn't help sighing in her heart, the man's martial arts are so good, he can even calculate when the acupuncture points on her body can be solved gently.

Thinking of what he said before leaving, Bai Yingying suddenly felt a special feeling in her heart, that feeling was quite different.

It seems a little sweet, but also a little annoyed, a little eager, but also a little apprehensive...

Bai Yingying got off the carriage with mixed feelings.

"Princess Princess..."

As soon as she got out of the carriage, before she could stand still, a group of people ran over from the opposite side, shouting "Niang Niang" one after another, their eyes were full of respect and longing.

Bai Yingying couldn't help being taken aback, she was too busy recently and hadn't come to Lengqiu Courtyard for many days, she didn't expect these people to still be there.

Xiaohong and Xiaocui ran over quickly, holding Bai Yingying from left to right.

"Niangniang, you are back, we all miss you."

Xiaohong pulled Bai Yingying's right hand, with a look of joy.

Xiaocui "spit" at the side: "Bah, bah, what's the word 'death'? Besides, do you want to be as strong as our highness? If you say the word 'death' again, be careful to be heard by your highness. It will be you who will die then."

Bai Yingying smiled slightly: "Xiao Cui, Xiao Hong is just joking."

Xiao Hong hurriedly covered her mouth, and tilted her head towards Bai Yingying: "Madam, she is not joking, you have not been in Prince Qin's mansion for a few days, your Highness's expression is not to mention how ugly, last time a little maid accidentally mentioned He said the word "death", and was almost beaten to death by His Highness."

"Really?" Bai Yingying didn't believe it: "Did His Highness tell you something?"

Xiaohong and Xiaocui nodded repeatedly, Xiaocui dragged Bai Yingying's arm and walked into Lengqiu courtyard.

"Mother, they are very stupid. You haven't come during this time, and they have a lot of questions that they can't understand. They want to ask you for advice."

The others didn't get angry when they heard this, they surrounded Bai Yingying one by one, and surrounded Bai Yingying so tightly that nothing could get through.

Bai Yingying finally understood why Chu Tianci put herself in the Lengqiu Courtyard. With these disciples and grandchildren dragging her, she would have to work hard if she wanted to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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