The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 825 Does this king still have to look at her face?

Chapter 825 Does this king still have to look at her face?
Wang Song shuttled under the feet of the crowd, one kicked the other, almost crushed him, Bai Xiaoxiao even hid in the grass in front of Lengqiu Courtyard, and waited until the crowd dispersed before sticking out his head.

On the side of Qianqiu Palace, the guards moved their things to Lengqiu Courtyard one after another. Before evening, all the things in Qianqiu Palace were emptied.

When Yu Juechen came over, he was shocked to see the empty Qianqiu Palace.

Yu Juechen walked into the study, fortunately, the things in the study were still there, and Chu Tianci was sitting in his exclusive chair, with his head down, reading a book seriously.

"Are you going to move?" Yu Juechen ran to Chu Tianci in two steps, and asked in a surprised tone: "Everything in Qianqiu Palace has been emptied, even the water in the hot spring bath has been emptied."

Chu Tianci raised his head slightly: "Did you find out?"

Yu Juechen shook his head: "No, our people have been following Yang Xiaofeng for the past few days, but he stays at the Shen's house at other times except for going to eat at the restaurant opposite the Shen's courtyard every day."

Chu Tianci frowned slightly: "Continue to stare at Yang Xiaofeng, besides him, you can also consider other directions."

Yu Juechen showed a sad look on his face: "There are only Shen Miaowei and Yang Xiaofeng in the Shen family. After Shen Miaowei enters the palace, Yang Xiaofeng is the only one in the entire Shen family. From the point of view of his subordinates, Shen Miaowei probably would not go there before getting married. Where she hides her horoscope."

Chu Tianci looked into the distance, his eyes suddenly became distant.

If he can destroy the horoscope in advance, he can refuse the marriage.

His fate was not destroyed, so he didn't dare to take risks after all.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yu Juechen hurriedly pulled up a chair and sat beside him, and asked in a low voice, "I heard that the empress is back, seeing the festive scene in the yard, is she not angry?"

It's no wonder you're not angry!
Chu Tianci glared at Yu Juechen: "No matter what method you use, I must find out where the natal chart is located within seven days."

Seeing that he didn't mention Bai Yingying, Yu Juechen knew that Bai Yingying must have made Chu Tianci feel better. He suddenly became curious about how Bai Yingying got into trouble with their ruthless King Qin.

Yu Juechen thought for a while, and kindly reminded: "Your Highness, do you want to call Cang Yue back and let her accompany your empress, so as not to let her think wildly?"

"Don't do it yet." Chu Tianci pinched the center of his eyebrows: "Cang Yue's character is so blah, it's not good to have her around."

Yu Juechen: "Then isn't Your Highness afraid of your empress being sad? It's okay now, His Highness can visit when he is free. When Shen Miaowei enters the door, if His Highness wants to go again, I'm afraid it will not be so convenient."

"What's the inconvenience?" Chu Tianci glanced at him coldly: "This is Prince Qin's residence, does this king still have to look at her face?"

Yu Juechen said embarrassingly, "Isn't it because His Highness wants her to call out her fate chart?"

"This king has his own arrangements." Chu Tianci hesitated for a moment, and said, "Yingying is now at the Lengqiu Courtyard, you find someone to build a wall there, and the corner gate at the Lengqiu Courtyard is also sealed off. Alright."

Even if the marriage was fake, Chu Tianci knew that if Bai Yingying heard any wedding joy, it would affect her mood.

In order to minimize the influence of this fake wedding on her, Chu Tianci arranged Bai Yingying in Lengqiu Courtyard, surrounded by a group of disciples and grandchildren who love to learn.

(End of this chapter)

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