The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 878 What are you laughing at?

Chapter 878 What are you laughing at?
Yue Tingfeng: "It seems that the empress dowager wants to break the contract, aren't you afraid that I will tell King Qin about the agreement between the empress dowager and me?"

"You can say it if you want to?" Concubine Duan was terrified in her heart, but her expression was as calm as usual: "Tianci knows about this matter, and Tianci and Ai's mother and child are connected, so how could they fall apart because of your groundless instigation?" Misunderstood Aijia."

Now, Concubine Duan has decided to side with Chu Tianci, she is actually afraid that Yue Tingfeng will go and talk to Chu Tianci.

But it was precisely because she was afraid that she had to be more calm. Only in this way would Yue Tingfeng dispel the idea.


Yue Tingfeng laughed suddenly, at first it was a small laugh, and then it became louder and louder, laughing until Concubine Duan was a little creepy.

Finally, Concubine Duan couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Yue Tingfeng said with a smile: "I am laughing at the concubine Duan who is really greedy for life and afraid of death. In order to live in a hurry, she doesn't even want to know how her own son died, and she even wholeheartedly admits the murderer who killed your own son as her son. How is this different from recognizing a thief as your father?"

"What did you say?" Concubine Duan was shocked. Thinking of her son who was buried in the sea of ​​fire, she clenched her heart instantly: "Don't try to be inseparable, don't think that the Ai family doesn't know that the son of the Ai family was killed That old witch, Empress Dowager Feng ordered people to be killed."

"Forget it, anyway, everything you believe in your heart is for your current practice. Since you have made up your mind to admit that you are a thief, then let your own son under the nine springs feel cold. I, an outsider, What else is mixed in here?"

With that said, Yue Tingfeng turned and walked outside with a mocking smile on his face.

Concubine Duan looked at Yue Tingfeng's leaving back, dazed.

She stood there for a long, long time until her whole body became stiff.

At this moment, Nanny Zhang walked in and saw Concubine Duan standing there in a daze, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Ms. Taifei, what's wrong with you?"

Concubine Duan was silent.

Nanny Zhang looked at her hands that were hanging straight by her side. She subconsciously grabbed her hands and looked at them. She saw that her hands were tightly clenched into fists, and the long nails of the four fingers poked the skin of her palms. When it broke, blood flowed out, and when it was cold, it froze miserably in her palm.

"Taifei Empress, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Momo asked anxiously while breaking her fingers vigorously.

After a while, Concubine Duan suddenly relaxed, she spread her fingers and raised her hand: "Nurse, change clothes for Ai's family, Ai's family is going to enter the palace."



At this point, the banquet has begun.

Princess Nanxin of Nanzhao specially prepared a dance with Nanzhao characteristics.

As the Nanzhao band began to play music, the dancers came on stage one after another. They all wore exactly the same long skirts and did exactly the same movements.

After the dancers took their positions, a young girl walked in from the right side very quickly.

The girl was wearing a pink-purple pleated dress and a pointed emerald feather hat on her head.

The girl's face was covered with a layer of lavender tulle, only revealing a pair of big and deep eyes, and she was full of coquettishness between glances.

This girl is none other than Princess Nanxin of Nanzhao.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she immediately attracted everyone's attention. The men's eyes followed her dancing subconsciously, even reluctant to blink.

As for Nan Xin, she cast her winking eyes at Emperor Chu very earnestly, glancing at him one after another, which made Emperor Chu's mood fluctuate.

(End of this chapter)

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