The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 879 How could she have an advantage in front of men?

Chapter 879 How could she have an advantage in front of men?
Although Nan Xin was concentrating on flirting with Emperor Chu, she still keenly noticed that there was a person on the field who never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

Even if he glanced at her at first, it was not the way a man looks at a woman, but with a feeling of scrutiny. After that glance, the man's eyes never stayed on her.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of dancing in circles, Nan Xin was finally able to see the man head-on. In just a moment, Nan Xin was attracted by the man's beautiful demeanor.

Having just entered Jinling City, Nan Xin felt that Yue Tingfeng was already very handsome.

However, the coldness of the man, the beauty of that coldness, is even more amazing, and even more addictive.

If Yue Tingfeng is a ray of spring breeze, then this man's beautiful face is like the scorching sun in summer, so scorching that people dare not look at him closely, but his temperament is so cold that people feel chills all over.

This man, whom Nan Xin knew, was King Qin Chu Tianci who killed Mo Si.

But before, Nan Xin only knew Chu Tianci from the portrait. At that time, she made up her mind that after she came to Jinling, she would find a way to kill Chu Tianci to avenge Mo Si.

However, after meeting Chu Tianci, Nan Xin was suddenly reluctant to do anything. It would be a pity to kill such a handsome man.

It's just that his gaze is so disgusting that he doesn't even stay on her for a moment.

Just when Nan Xin was angry because Chu Tianci didn't watch her dance, Bai Yingying, who was called by Queen Mother Feng, came back and sat beside Chu Tianci.

Nan Xin turned around, then turned around, and beside Chu Tianci, there was a gleaming girl sitting beside her.

Surprisingly, Chu Tianci, who was originally as cold as ice, smiled brighter than Chunguang at this moment, but he was facing that girl.

No need to ask, that girl is undoubtedly Qin Wangfei.

Nan Xin's heart sank secretly, it turned out that this was Princess Qin, she was ashamed of those people who boasted that she was the best in the world, she just looked like that.

Her face was too pale, her eyes were not as big as hers, her nose bridge was not as straight as hers, and her mouth was not as plump and sexy as hers.

When it comes to figure, Nan Xin is more confident. Her figure is the best in the entire Nanzhao Kingdom. In front of her, that Princess Qin looks like a little girl with no development. How can she have an advantage in front of men? ?
Nan Xin was extremely confident that there was nothing attractive about Bai Yingying. She felt that the reason why Chu Tianci didn't look at her should be because he felt that he was definitely the woman of Emperor Chu.

Some men are more disciplined and won't covet what doesn't belong to them.

But Nan Xin felt that there was no man in this world that she could not seduce.

Originally, because she was here for a marriage, she planned to restrain herself. However, a man like King Qin is too attractive. At first glance, he is the best among men. How can such a man not tempt her?
In wild thinking, Nan Xin had already finished dancing, and she knelt on the ground respectfully and saluted Emperor Chu.

Emperor Chu was very happy to see it, and raised his hand: "The princess is free, come here, and give the princess a seat."

Nan Xin's seat was on the left side of Emperor Chu, half a meter in front of her. From her position, when she raised her head and squinted her eyes, she could see Chu Tianci sitting below.

The more Nan Xin watched it, the more she liked it, to the point where she couldn't help herself.

(End of this chapter)

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