The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 895 Why Do You Stay By Her Side And Die With Him?

Chapter 895 Why Do You Stay By Her Side And Die With Him?

Hurry up, if you let him escape today, the emperor will not spare you when he comes over! "

Yue Tingfeng moved out of Emperor Chu, and finally got rid of the fear in Yu Linwei's heart. One by one, they came forward with swords in hand to capture Chu Tianci.

An official stepped forward: "Lord Yue, is there any misunderstanding?"

Yue Tingfeng asked angrily: "Is the death of Concubine Duan a misunderstanding? Is the emperor's imperial decree a misunderstanding?"

Without saying a word, Chu Tianci grabbed Concubine Duan from the ground and threw it behind her back. After that, he pulled up the tablecloth on the table and tore it into two pieces with a "hiss". Securely strapped to the back.

"Mother and concubine, you have always hated the intrigue in the palace, and you have been talking about going back to Qin Yang's hometown before, and now your son is fulfilling your wish and taking you home!"

With a simple sentence, at the end of the speech, Chu Tianci's voice became choked up, and two lines of hot tears rolled down his dark eyes.

Everyone present was stunned. Looking at Chu Tianci, they were infected by his sadness.

Chu Tianci is the god of war in Southern Chu. Whether in the eyes of the courtiers or the common people, he is like a god. He is stronger than armor. The tears she shed are even more touching.

The vast majority of people would not believe that this tearful son who said he would take Concubine Duan home would kill her because Concubine Duan wanted to expose him, and they would even less believe that Chu Tianci was not Duan Concubine. Toffee's son.

Yue Tingfeng gave another order, and Habayashi guards swarmed forward.

Chu Tianci tied up Concubine Duan, held Bai Yingying with one hand, stretched forward with the other, and snatched the big knife from the hand of a rushing Habayashi guard with his bare hands.

Chu Tianci turned the handle of the knife upside down, and struck that Habayashi Wei's temple, the man passed out instantly.

Chu Tianci raised his foot and kicked, and kicked the two Habayashi guards who rushed over to the ground.

Chu Tianci had his sword in his chest: "Mother and concubine passed away, I just want to take mother and concubine home today, if you don't want to die, get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for killing!"

His voice was not loud, but the aura in his voice was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top. The Habayashi guards who had swarmed over, seemed to have their feet stuck by something, and they didn't dare to step forward for a while.

At this moment, there were loud footsteps outside, and in a blink of an eye, dozens of archers ran in from outside the main hall, surrounded Chu Tianci, the bows and arrows in their hands were full of bowstrings, and aimed at Chu Tianci.

Yue Tingfeng stretched out his hand to Bai Yingying: "Miss Bai, the emperor has ordered to dissolve your engagement with Chu Tianci, come here quickly, don't let the archer accidentally injure you."

"Bah!" Bai Yingying was so angry that she spat at Yue Tingfeng and said, "Yue Tingfeng, why are you so despicable and shameless? My husband has no grievances or enmities with you, why did you harm him like this?"

Yue Tingfeng frowned slightly, but still persuaded earnestly: "Chu Tianci is not King Qin, so you are not Princess Qin, why should you stay by her side and die with him?"

"Who are you? Why do you say that my husband is not the King of Qin? My husband's status as the King of Qin was granted by the previous emperor. Let alone you, even the emperor cannot deny my husband's status as the King of Qin."

Bai Yingying was so angry that she wished she could run over and beat Yue Tingfeng up.

Yue Tingfeng saw that she couldn't be persuaded, and directly ordered: "The emperor has an order to save Miss Bai's life, you two, go and pull Miss Bai here."

(End of this chapter)

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