The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 896 You wait to put down your weapon quickly, otherwise you will be guilty of the same crime

Chapter 896 You wait to put down your weapon quickly, otherwise you will be guilty of the same crime as Yue Tingfeng
After hearing this, the two Habayashi guards immediately stepped forward and stretched out their hands to pull Bai Yingying.

Chu Tianci waved his hand, and a huge force, like a wave, hit the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed Bai Yingying's hand, turned around and ran out of the hall.

Yue Tingfeng was shocked, flew up, and landed in front of Chu Tianci in an instant, and the other Habayashi guards followed, fighting with Chu Tianci.

Despite the critical situation, Chu Tianci still protected Bai Yingying under the shadow of his sword.

"Chu Tianci, just tie your hands, you won't be able to last long after all." Yue Tingfeng slapped her while persuading her: "Sword Wuying, if you really hurt Yingying, let her out first, so as not to be accidentally injured by the sword." .”

"Yue Tingfeng, shut up! This princess doesn't need your fake kindness! Since this princess and His Royal Highness Qin Wang are husband and wife, they will live and die together!"

Bai Yingying didn't want Chu Tianci to be distracted, and turned back without waiting for him to say anything.

While being angry, she quietly took out the medicine bottle containing the poison and threw it at Yue Tingfeng's face.

Kill the thief first, kill the king first, these Habayashi guards are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals of Yue Tingfeng, as long as Yue Tingfeng is released, they will lose their shrimp heads, and naturally they will not be able to turn over any huge waves.

Out of the corner of Chu Tianci's eyes, he saw the medicine bottle thrown by Bai Yingying. He turned the big knife in his hand, and the next second, the knife held the medicine bottle and smashed at Yue Tingfeng at a faster speed.

Seeing the medicine bottle flying towards him, Yue Tingfeng was startled and quickly dodged to avoid it, but the speed of the medicine bottle flying was too fast for him to be in time.


With a crisp sound, the medicine bottle hit the center of his eyebrows, and it shattered in an instant, and the medicine powder exploded into a white firework flower in front of his forehead.

Blood sprayed out, although not much, but it dyed the white powder red.

From a distance, it looks like a flower with bright red stamens and pink and white petals, which is indescribably coquettish and charming.

And Yue Tingfeng felt a sharp pain on his forehead the moment he was hit by the medicine bottle, and then, fine dust, like ants, penetrated into his wound and eyes, making him painful and itchy, It was unbearable.

But even so, he did not show the slightest embarrassment, his figure was like a cloud, falling lightly, he closed his eyes, but still held his sword and directed Habayashi Wei to come forward.

The other people present were stunned by this scene. Habayashi Wei was stunned for a moment at first. When they received Yue Tingfeng's order, they seemed to be bewitched by some kind of bewitchment. Yingying hit.

Chu Tianci frowned slightly, turned the blade, and was about to kill, but at this moment, he heard the eunuch's report from outside.

"His Royal Highness is here."

Before the voice stopped, Prince Chu Li had already rushed in. Seeing the scene at that time, he immediately ordered: "Yue Tingfeng, stop! Hurry up and help Uncle Qin Huang."

This time, there was no longer a disparity in the number of people on both sides, and the prince's people quickly replaced Chu Tianci and Bai Yingying.

Lin Xiu at the side said loudly: "Yue Tingfeng plots rebellion, you wait to put down your weapons quickly, otherwise you will be guilty of the same crime as Yue Tingfeng."

When those Habayashi guards heard this sound, how dare they continue to fight, after all, the identity of the prince is here.

They threw away their swords one after another.

As for Yue Tingfeng, because of serious injury and poisoning, he was forced to practice martial arts. Originally, he relied on a little faith to support him. Now that the crown prince has come, the general situation is gone, and the poison has penetrated into his bones and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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