Chapter 898 Do You Hate Her?

Feng Zian was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Chu Li asked the imperial physician again: "Emperor physician, can Lord Yue cure this poison?"

"Difficult." The imperial physician said: "The poison enters the bone marrow, and it also enters from the skull."

Chu Li nodded: "Emperor Physician, you just do your best. I will go to Qin Wangfu to see if I can ask Qin Wangfei to hand over the antidote."

The imperial physician immediately said: "If there is an antidote, Master Yue should have a chance."

Chu Li also asked the imperial physician to delay Yue Tingfeng's injury as much as possible, while he went to Qin Wangfu to ask for an antidote.

However, after Chu Li came out of the Qiluan Palace, he didn't go to the Qin Palace at all, but went straight to a small courtyard in Jinling City.


At this time, Chu Tianci and Bai Yingying had already boarded the carriage, and the stretcher used to carry the concubine was placed in front of them.

Bai Yingying looked down at Concubine Duan's bluish face, feeling a little sad in her heart.

Just a few days ago, she had made up her mind to be filial to Concubine Duan, but she never expected that now, heaven and man are separated forever.

"Husband, do you hate her?"

Bai Yingying grabbed Chu Tianci's hand and asked in a low voice.

Chu Tianci shook his head: "I don't hate her. From the beginning, we used each other to take advantage of each other. At the beginning, we chose to cooperate with each other because of this. Now, even if she betrayed our alliance for some reason, this Don't blame her either.

However, I also have my own position. Since the two positions are different, they are destined to part ways. "

Although Chu Tianci said so, Bai Yingying knew that he was definitely not feeling well.

Although the two used to take advantage of each other, but after getting along for so long, it would be a lie to say that they have no relationship at all. After all, Chu Tianci has called her mother and concubine for so many years.

"What are you going to do with her body?"

Chu Tianci looked down, and then said, "Great burial."

The two were speechless for a moment, leaning against each other and sitting in the carriage.

About half an hour later, the two returned to Prince Qin's mansion. Chu Tianci sent Bai Yingying to Qianqiu Hall, told her to rest well, and then turned around to leave.

However, when he turned around, Bai Yingying grabbed his fingers.

Chu Tianci turned around, reached out and touched her small head: "You still have injuries on your neck, rest at home first, I still have some important things to deal with, and I will come back to accompany you after I finish."

Bai Yingying looked up at him: "Today, before I was beaten into a coma, Yue Tingfeng asked my concubine to write evidence about your identity. I wonder if he wrote it after I passed out? Husband, when you came to save me, did you have any evidence?" See?"

"I see." Chu Tianci caressed her cheek: "That thing is in a reliable place now, so don't worry."

Bai Yingying's hanging heart finally fell down.

"Husband, are you going to prepare for the funeral of my concubine? Yingying is with you."

"No need, I'll leave this matter to Madam Zhang."

Hearing what he said, Bai Yingying knew that he probably had other important things besides the funeral, so she let go of his hand and let him go.

After Chu Tian resigned and left, Bai Yingying sat in front of the Linghua mirror and checked the wound on her neck.

A little sore, but nothing serious.

She took out some ointment and rubbed it on, then came out of Qianqiu Hall and went to the hut where Wang Song rested.

"Song Song, after you turned into a duck, you dozed off more." Bai Yingying stretched out her foot and kicked Wang Song, and said with a smile, "I remember that only cats doze off a lot. Why do you doze off more than cats?"

(End of this chapter)

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