The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 899 Moreover, I still have a magic weapon

Chapter 899 Moreover, I still have a magic weapon
Wang Song poked his head out from his luxurious shack, shook his head vigorously, looked at Bai Yingying's slightly gloomy face, and asked, "Ancestor, what happened?"

"Concubine Duan is dead." Bai Yingying simply told him what happened in the palace.

Wang Song woke up when Bai Yingying said the first sentence, and he breathed a sigh of relief when Bai Yingying finished speaking.

"Don't worry, your man said, isn't that thing in a reliable place?"

"I'm not worried, I'm just a little confused." Bai Yingying stared at Wang Song: "You think Chu Li is a bit strange, didn't he just fight against me before? And what happened to Shen Miaowei just happened two days ago, he You should hate us very much, why are you suddenly so kind to help?"

"A person like him must have something to ask for." Wang Song came to the conclusion without thinking.

"Then what is he asking for?"

At this moment, Lou Cangyue's voice came from outside the door: "Yingying..."

Bai Yingying immediately stood up, Wang Song hurriedly flapped his wings, raised his head and chest, followed Bai Yingying, and walked out with steps that he thought were very chic.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw Lou Cangyue rushing over in a hurry: "Yingying, where's senior brother?"

"Husband is busy, do you have anything to do with him?"

Lou Cangyue: "The emperor suddenly brought a lot of people to surround the small courtyard where we lived, am I not in a hurry? So I came to find a solution to my senior brother."

"what happened?"

"There's no time, hey!" Lou Cangyue patted her thigh, "I'd better go find my senior brother."

Bai Yingying hurriedly pulled her back: "He's not here right now, if you have something to tell me, why does the emperor bring so many people, are you arresting them?"

"It's useless to tell you." Lou Cangyue was anxious like an ant on a hot pot: "There are so many of them, even I am not their opponent, and you don't know martial arts."

"But I can do poison." Bai Yingying pointed at Wang Song: "And, I have a magic weapon."

Wang Song immediately flapped his wings and called "quack quack".

Isn't this just a duck?

Lou Cangyue was a little speechless, but thinking that Bai Yingying would be poisonous, she felt that this was a good way.

"Okay, let's use poison."

Bai Yingying pulled Lou Cangyue, and then asked Wang Song to perform teleportation. In the blink of an eye, two people and one duck appeared 100 meters away.

Lou Cangyue's eyes widened in an instant: "Yingying, this... this is..."

Before she finished speaking, she teleported again.

Bai Yingying whispered in her ear: "Cangyue, this is my magic weapon, but you are not allowed to tell others."

Because he had been to the place where Lou Cangyue lived, the routes Wang Song teleported to were all hidden corners.

Moreover, he has teleported a lot, and he already has experience, so he will teleport the next time before he lands. In this way, even if he is seen by others, it will be a matter of an instant.

Even if most people see it, they will think that they are wrong.

In less than a minute, three of them landed outside the yard.

But at this moment, the outside of the courtyard was surrounded by the Habayashi guards brought by Emperor Chu, and when he left the main entrance, Emperor Chu was no longer there.

Lou Cangyue was very anxious: "It's not good, the emperor has already gone in, so he must have taken him away."

"Don't worry, if people take it away, these people will definitely evacuate."

"Song Song Ya, there are many people inside, you move faster, don't let them find us."

Therefore, Wang Song teleported with the two of them again and entered a stable in the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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