The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 946 If you are dead, your son will have no way out.

Chapter 946 If you are dead, your son will have no way out.

Xiaocui turned around and was overjoyed when she saw the person coming.

"Jade Pavilion Master, you are here."

Yu Juechen nodded, walked to Xiaocui, and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness is already outside Taihe City, but the King of Nanzhao is controlled by the Luo Su Kingdom and asked for a truce, and asked His Highness to return to Nanchu with the army, so , Now, our task is to find the whereabouts of the King of Nanzhao."

Xiao Cui nodded: "I should have found the whereabouts of King Nanzhao."

"Oh?" Yu Juechen asked quickly, "Where is it?"

Xiao Cui lightly drew on the table with her fingers: "It's in a small barren courtyard just to the east of the palace. It used to be the cold palace of the Nanzhao Palace."

Immediately afterwards, Xiaocui told him how she discovered this place and why she was suspicious.

Yu Juechen nodded: "It is indeed suspicious, but His Highness is in a difficult situation right now, so our information must be absolutely accurate."

Xiao Cui hurriedly said: "I have gained the trust of those two guards, they promised to let me cook for the people inside, and they just ask me to cook more every time I cook, so that they can have a good time."

"Okay, this is a good opportunity, you find a way to go in and confirm the identity of the people inside."

In the early morning of the next day, Xiaocui made some snacks and sent them to the door of the cold palace.

The two guards were very happy to see her.

Xiaocui took out the food basket and gave them the snacks inside.

The guard was excited to eat, and said with a smile: "Little girl, what's your name?"

Xiao Cui: "The maidservant's name is Cui'er."

"Ah, what a good name!" The guard started to read: "Tui'er, Tweety'er, it sounds really nice, and this dessert is also delicious. By the way, when will you leave the palace?"

Xiao Cui lowered her head slightly, and said with a little embarrassment: "The maidservant will turn 25 in a few days. According to the regulations, the palace servants will be sent home on the 25th of this month."

The guard's eyes turned around her face, and when he saw her delicate features, her head slightly lowered, and her shyness, there was a rippling in her heart.

The guard said: "Before you leave, you have to tell me."

Xiaocui nodded, then pointed inside: "Both brothers, can I go in?"

The guard hurriedly stepped aside, Xiaocui smiled at them, and then walked in with the food box.

Xiaocui walked in, the first room was empty.

Xiao Cui walked in again, reached the innermost room, and finally saw someone.

King Nanyi of Nanzhao saw Xiaocui dressed up and carrying a food box, so he knew that she was here to deliver food.

Nanyi said impatiently: "Didn't I tell you that Gu will not eat unless you hand over Gu's son."

Queen Li Shanshan also said: "If we don't hand over our children, we won't eat even if we starve to death."

Nanyi threatened: "Go out and tell your master that King Qin of Nanchu is outside now. If you don't hand over our son, we will starve ourselves to death. We will see what you have to say."

Xiaocui raised her head slightly and looked at Nanyi. She had seen the King of Nanzhao, and he was indeed.

She didn't speak, and opened the lid of the food box, and the scent wafted out.

Nanyi and his wife started their hunger strike last night, and their son has already died by now.

But he still gritted his teeth and endured: "Take it away, take it all away! We won't eat it."

Xiao Cui said calmly: "You two should eat something, if you die, your son will have no way to live."

(End of this chapter)

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