The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 947 Please Your Majesty to Write an Imperial Decree

Chapter 947 Please Your Majesty to Write an Imperial Decree

Nanyi and his wife were taken aback for a moment, and they both raised their heads and looked at her.


Li Shanshan first noticed that this maid seemed to be different from the usual ones.

"Hush!" Xiaocui put her right index finger on her lips, making a silent movement.

Nan Yi and the two subconsciously closed their mouths.

Xiaocui said in a low voice: "I was sent by Nanchu to rescue you two. My Highness asked me to ask His Majesty, do you really want them to go back, or were you forced?"

" were sent by King Qin?"

Nan Yi couldn't believe it, and stared at her with wide eyes.

Li Shanshan seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, and hurriedly said: "Forced, Your Majesty was forced. They took away the crown prince, who is His Majesty's only blood. We have no choice but to compromise."

"That's easy." Xiaocui asked, "Do you know where the prince is being held?"

Nan Yi shook his head: "I don't know, they just don't tell Gu, Gu really has no choice but to compromise."

"Okay, I understand the situation." Xiao Cui nodded slightly: "I will go back and report to His Highness King Qin, and besides, I have to trouble His Majesty with something."

Nan Yi hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin wants to enter Taihe City. If we rely on a forceful attack, it will definitely cause a miserable scene of blood flowing into rivers. For the sake of the people of Nanzhao, we will not resort to forceful attack unless we have to, so..."

Xiaocui looked at Nanyi: "Please also write an imperial decree, and let me take it out to His Highness King Qin. With this imperial decree, it will be much more convenient for His Highness King Qin to do things."

Nan Yi didn't speak, but a sad look appeared on his face.

Li Shanshan on the side sighed: "When the royal palace was occupied, it was taken away by Saint Laurent's people. Now, even if His Majesty is willing to write an imperial decree, there is no way to affix the seal."

Xiaocui bit her lip, walked left and right in front of the two of them twice, then stopped, her eyes fell on the clothes on Nanyi's body.

"Your Majesty can tear off a piece of fabric from the clothes on your body, and then write a distress letter on this piece of fabric. The clothes and the words on the clothes can represent His Majesty's identity, and can also unite the soldiers and people of Nanzhao Kingdom."

Xiao Cui suggested.

Nan Yi thought so too, he and Li Shanshan looked at each other, and then ordered: "Go get the scissors."

Li Shanshan nodded, she searched through boxes and cabinets in the room, but couldn't find the scissors.

Xiaocui took out a dagger from her shoe and handed it to Li Shanshan.

Li Shanshan cut a piece of bright yellow fabric from Nanyi's sleeve, on which was embroidered a dragon's claw with gold thread.

Nanyi was about to write, but couldn't find pen and ink.

In a hurry, Li Shanshan bit her finger, put the blood in a small bowl, and wrote to Nanyi.

Nan Yi looked at the blood in the bowl and Li Shanshan's slightly pale fingers, and he immediately felt ashamed and excited.

He dipped his hand in the blood and began to write on it.

Xiaocui left with the blood book, returned to her room, and handed the blood book to Yu Juechen.

"Master Yuge, the Imperial Seal of Nanzhao has been snatched by the people of the Russell Kingdom. It is estimated that it is in the hands of Su Xiao, the leader of the Saint Laurent Church. This letter is a letter for help written by the King of Nanzhao. The threat is because the Prince Nanzhao, the only son of the King of Nanzhao, has been hidden."

Yu Juechen took the blood book, unfolded it and read it, then nodded slightly: "I see, I will inform His Highness that you will stay in the palace to investigate the whereabouts of Prince Nanzhao."


(End of this chapter)

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