Chapter 971 is simply nonsense!

The coachman stopped the carriage, Zhao Yong opened the door, leaned out, and saw a few men dressed as bandits, grabbing a ten-year-old girl and an old man with gray beard and hair, dragging them all the way forward.

The little girl cried into tears, but they were still complacent, and from time to time they groped the little girl's face.

The old man's clothes were thin and skinny, and he was dragged by them as if he were dragging a burlap bag, which looked very sad and pitiful.

Is this the so-called conscription of Mondati?

Zhao Yong was so brave that his beard stood on end, he slapped the car door hard, and shouted sharply: "Stop!"

Several men dressed as bandits stopped their movements, and their eyes lit up when they saw Zhao Yong.

One said: "Hey, there is an old man here. He seems to be in good spirits. Let's take him back and fight."

The other whispered: "Look at him, he is riding in a carriage, he wears good clothes, and his family must be quite rich. General Meng said that this time not only the conscription, but also all the property that can be collected, gather them together, and recruit soldiers and horses." , against Russell Nation."

As the two talked, they walked towards Zhao Yong.

"Old man, I see that you are in high spirits, come and sign up. Now His Majesty has ordered the conscription, and we need all the men of Nanzhao to unite."

"Presumptuous!" Seeing Zhao Yong's entourage, he shouted angrily: "This is General Zhao, if you dare to speak wild words, be careful of your heads."

When the two heard this, the old man was actually General Zhao Yong, and they didn't dare to provoke him, so they cursed and prepared to take the little girl and the old man away.

"Wait." Zhao Yong jumped down from the carriage and pointed at the little girl and the old man: "Since ancient times, no woman has been recruited as a soldier. What's more, this little girl seems to be only eleven or twelve years old. Child, you should stay at home, what are you arresting her for?
And this old brother, who seems to be over 50 years old, how can he still be arrested and sent to fight? "

A man said unconvinced: "General Zhao, what you said is wrong. General Zhao, you are over 50 years old, and you are still a general. Why can't this old man be a soldier at 50?"

Zhao courageously said: "It's really unreasonable."

Those few people were also angry: "Don't rely on the old to sell the old, we have His Majesty's imperial edict."

Another shook out a piece of paper: "Your Majesty has ordered that all the people in the whole country, men, women and children, who can walk and move, must take up arms and fight against the Russell Kingdom."

Looking at the piece of paper, Zhao Yong was already very angry.

He walked up, tore off the piece of paper, looked down, and then shook the paper in front of their eyes.

"Just write a piece of paper and pretend to be an imperial decree? This general sees that you are getting impatient. Come and take them down."

Zhao Yong's entourage stepped forward, and the two sides immediately fought.

It was obvious that the people around Zhao Yong had undergone rigorous training, whether it was martial arts or attacking techniques, they were much better than those bandits.

However, those mountain bandits were quite self-aware. After playing more than a dozen moves, they knew that they were not their opponents, so they left the little girl and the old man and ran away.

Zhao Yong looked at their running backs, his eyebrows twisted into twists.

Bullshit!Simply bullshit!

At this time, the little girl and the old man came over and knelt down in front of Zhao Yong.

"Thank you, Old General Zhao, for saving your life."

Zhao Yong quickly helped the two of them up, and comforted him: "Okay, it's okay, little baby, help your grandpa go home quickly, don't you have a seriously ill grandma at home?"

(End of this chapter)

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