The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 972 At this critical moment, how can you resign from the Zhang family?

Chapter 972 At this critical moment, how can you resign and go home?

The little girl burst into tears: "Old General Zhao, can you take us in? Grandpa and I can work. We can sweep the yard, cook for you, and chop firewood. We all know how to do it."

Zhao Yong was a little surprised and asked: "Little baby, isn't your grandma seriously ill?"

The little girl cried: "Grandma just has bad legs and feet, she can still do needlework, I beg Old General Zhao to take her in."

Zhao Yong raised his right hand and waved his fingers, and his subordinates came over immediately.

Zhao Yong: "Give them some money. There are sick people at home. It's not easy."

The men immediately took out a silver coin and handed it to the little girl, but the little girl didn't want it.

"We don't want money, we just want to work for Old General Zhao in exchange for food."

The old man on the side said: "Old general, it's okay for us old couple not to go, please let us Xiaohua go with you, she is only ten years old this year, if she falls into the hands of those people, her life will be over, old man Kowtow to you."

After speaking, the old man was about to kneel down and kowtow to Zhao Yong.

Zhao Yong quickly supported him. At this moment, he also fully understood that the other party begged him to take him in, not because he had no money, but because he was afraid that those people would come back after he left and drag them into the war.

Zhao Yong nodded, turned his head and said to the attendants beside him: "You go back with the two of you, and after they clean up, take them to my residence."

The entourage agreed, thank you grandpa and grandson, and followed the entourage.

Zhao Yong rushed to the palace in a carriage.

Just at this moment of delay, the few people who were driven back by Zhao Yong just now have filed a complaint with their leaders, and Meng Da told Nanzhao King Nanyi about this matter.

When Zhao Yong came in, he found that the atmosphere was not right, but he was open-minded and loyal to the king, so, regardless of Nan Yi's face, he told Nan Yi what he had seen and heard today.

"...Your Majesty, you can't do this. Today, the old minister saw that the little girl was only ten years old, and he was going to drag her into the army. This is too outrageous, and her grandfather is over 50 years old. You can’t even walk steadily, how can you fight?”

Nan Yi: "Old General Zhao, this is an extraordinary period, so we must recruit troops according to the extraordinary period's recruiting method. Otherwise, we Nanzhao, what will we use to compete with the Russell Kingdom?"

Zhao Yong: "King Qin of Southern Chu is just outside the city. They haven't gone far. If His Majesty regrets it, there is still time."

"King Qin, King Qin again!" Nanyi's face was terribly gloomy: "Old General Zhao, as a minister of our Nanzhao, why did you destroy your prestige like that, thinking that without King Qin of Nanchu, our Nanzhao It won't work?

Your appearance really makes Gu wonder if you have taken advantage of King Qin. "

Zhao Yong: "..."

Zhao Yong choked for a long time, and finally recovered. He reached out and took off the official hat on his head, and then put the official hat on the top of his head with both hands: "The old minister is incompetent and can no longer take the post of general. Please Your Majesty approve the old minister's resignation and return home." Home."

Nan Yi: "Old General Zhao, how can you resign and go home at this critical juncture?"

Meng Da on the side said, "Your Majesty, Old General Zhao is in his 50s now. Although according to His Majesty's will, he will join the army when he is active in his 50s, but General Zhao must have many old wounds on his body. The injury prevented him from playing again.

Now, since Old General Zhao intends to resign, His Majesty might as well agree to him. "

Hearing what Mengda said, Nanyi nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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