The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 973 He Wants to Take the Nan Family and Replace It?I don't have a small appetite.

Chapter 973 He Wants to Take the Nan Family and Replace It?I don't have a small appetite.
After Zhao Yong came out of the palace, he was walking home. He saw the bandit-like soldiers and horses pulling young men everywhere at random, and the whole Taihe City was made to run wild by them. He felt as if someone had used a knife It hurts like stabbing.

The more he looked at it, the more sad it became, and the more he looked at it, the more heartbroken he was. In the end, he felt that his feet could no longer move forward, because the responsibilities on his shoulders did not allow him to escape.

In the end, Zhao Yong returned to the palace again.

At this time, Meng Da had already left, only Nan Yi was alone, and he was sitting leisurely drinking and watching singing and dancing.

Seeing Zhao Yong, Nan Yi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why did the old general leave and come back?"

Zhao Yong's face was gloomy: "The old minister has figured it out. Although the old minister has reached the age of waning, but now the family and the country are in trouble, the veteran should not stand idly by."

Nan Yi suddenly smiled: "I am very relieved that the old general can think so."

Zhao Yong lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the grief in his eyes: "Your Majesty is right. Now that the country is in crisis, all active Nanzhao people have the responsibility to take up arms and surround Nanzhao. Therefore, I beg Your Majesty to let the old ministers also Recruit troops in Taihe City."

Although Zhao Yong opposed Nanyi's approach from the bottom of his heart, but for the current plan, there is no way out without compromise.

Only when he stepped forward and recruited those weak people under his command, could he do his best to protect these Nanzhao people.

"Okay." Nanyi readily agreed.


Su Xiao was overjoyed when he heard what happened in Taihe City, and immediately removed most of the garrison troops from Andi and Lindi, and went to Taihe to attack the city.

Before the soldiers and horses of Luo Su Kingdom arrived outside Taihe City, Su Xiao received a secret letter from inside Taihe City.

He opened it and burst out laughing.

Ouyang Peng asked: "Master, why are you so happy?"

Su Xiao patted the letter paper in his hand, laughed and said: "This letter was written by Meng Da from Taihe City to this deity. He said that he is willing to serve this deity, and only asks this deity to give it to him after he takes down Taihe City." Let the Taihe Wang do it."

"He wants to take the Nan family and replace him? The appetite is not small."

"No." Su Xiao waved his hand: "Nanzhao is a country now, when I take Nanzhao down, the Nanzhao country will cease to exist, and Taihe City will naturally become a city of our Luosu country. Come on, why not make him a Supreme Harmony King?"

Ouyang Peng nodded slightly. He thought for a while and said, "It's just that this person can even betray his own country. The leader shouldn't trust him too much."

Su Xiao nodded slightly: "This deity knows. Come and fetch pen and ink, this deity wants to write back to him."

Xiao Cui, who stood by and waited carefully, immediately went down to fetch a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then polished the ink for Su Xiao.

While grinding the ink, Xiaocui casually glanced at the words in his pen.

I saw it said: "The deity will arrive outside Taihe City within seven days. At that time, you can decapitate Nanyi, and then open the city gate to welcome the deity into the city."

After Su Xiao finished writing, he was sent out.

At this moment, Su Xiao was about to discuss matters with Ouyang Peng, and Xiao Cui happened to have the opportunity to come out.

Xiaocui wrote the news on a piece of paper, then wrapped it in a wax pill, and put it in a small bamboo tube.

She carried her clothes to Linhe to wash clothes, and the person in charge of receiving near Linhe saw her coming and immediately stepped forward.

Xiao Cui handed her the small bamboo tube that had been prepared in advance, and the person who responded took it, then washed the two clothes in her hand, and then left.

(End of this chapter)

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