Stunning God

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

"As long as you are willing, I have nothing to say." The emperor looked at Xue Wuhen. This son is the most capable and powerful among all his sons, and also the one he admires the most. Therefore, as long as it is Whatever he wants, he will give him.

"Father, my son will go down first." Xue Wuhen couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to show up at the palace's house right now, and make an appointment for his marriage with the concubine Xuyan.

Thinking of the previous marriage contract that he personally broke up, and thinking about the current concubine Xuyan, he really regretted it at the beginning. Fortunately, there is still a chance to redeem it now, otherwise, he probably will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Go quickly." The emperor looked at Xue Wuhen's anxious face, and was very happy from the bottom of his heart. This son really has a bit of his demeanor back then.

Xue Wuhen led a large group of people, carrying silks and satins, gold and silver jewelry, and many precious medicines, to the gate of the palace house.

"Go and report that the third prince has come to the palace to discuss something." The guard next to Xue Wuhen stepped forward and gave instructions to the guard at the gate of the palace.

"Yes, I'll report it now, little one." The guard saw that such a luxurious wildebeest carriage, in the imperial capital, besides the national teacher, was the third prince, and the other princes, however, did not have the blessing and strength to sit on it.

Xue Wuhen looked at the gate of the Gong family, feeling a little complacent, but her heart was even more turbulent, she will be his wife soon, that's great.

In the past, how come he never found out that when she was his wife, he would be so happy. Although this was a problem that troubled him all the time, he still didn't study it anymore. Anyway, as long as she is his wife now, she will be in the future. The future is fine, as for the rest, it is the past.

"Oh, the third prince is here, Gong, you are welcome from a distance, welcome from a distance." Gong Tianshou rushed out with dozens of people from the management level of the Gong family in a hurry.

Looking flatteringly at Xue Wuhen on the wildebeest carriage, this is his future son-in-law and one of the candidates for the future emperor, can he not flatter him?

Although, the aristocratic family is very powerful, but no matter how big it is, it is no bigger than the power of the royal family. It is better to rely on it.

"Well, my prince came here to discuss something important with the Patriarch of the Palace." Xue Wuhen has long been used to the respect and flattery of the world to him, so he is also accustomed to Gong Tianshou's performance.

"Okay, the third prince is here to invite you." Gong Tianshou heard that it was an important matter, and it seemed that it had something to do with that trash, after all, there was a marriage contract before.

Regardless of whether or not, it's better to be careful for a while, the third prince can't be offended.

"Okay" Xue Wuhen was not polite. After getting off the car, she walked into the gate of the Gong family first, and walked towards the hall with ease.A large number of people from the Gong family followed behind him, as well as his bodyguards.

"Come here, let's serve tea." As soon as he arrived at the hall, Gong Tianshou immediately called for someone to come.

"Third Prince, please take your seat"

Xue Wuhen was still sitting on the top seat as usual, looking at Gong Tianshou at the lower left, and some other elders and disciples.

"Patriarch of the palace, this prince is not going to play around anymore, this prince is here to propose a marriage," as soon as Xue Wuhen said, the people in the hall immediately began to discuss.

"Marriage proposal?" Gong Tianshou looked at Xue Wuhen in surprise, did he really guess right?Did he really come to resume his engagement with that trash?
"Yes, this prince is here to propose a marriage, and the object is the only daughter of the Gong family, the concubine Xuyan." Although Xue Wuhen was surprised when he saw Gong Tianshou, it was only for a moment. It seems that he had already guessed. His intention of coming here, however, according to Gong Tian's entrustment, people who regard rights as their lives will definitely agree to his marriage proposal. This is a favorable condition for stabilizing the relationship between the palace family and the royal family, and he will not refuse.

"Then, third prince, are you sure you want to propose marriage to her?" Gong Tianshou asked again uncertainly, he was really afraid that if the third prince accidentally said something wrong, he would regret the marriage again.

"Yes, the prince has already obtained the consent of the emperor, what does the Patriarch of the Palace think?" Xue Wuhen looked at the people in the hall, and most of them were not optimistic about this matter. After all, he was the one who regretted the marriage before. previous.

"Is the third prince joking? That girl was burned to death a few months ago. Now that you come to propose marriage, are you making fun of the Gong family?" I couldn't help but deny it.

"Yeah, that trash is already dead, third prince, why did you come to propose marriage? Besides, at that time, didn't the engagement be dissolved? Now that you propose marriage again, this is something that has never happened on the mainland." The elder also continued The third elder's words came out, although he didn't know why the Patriarch hesitated, and what happened to Xue Wuhen's marriage proposal, but, for a person who had been dead for several months, and was still a waste, what could he say? of.

"Great Elder, Third Elder, what you said is wrong. The concubine Xu Yan, the daughter of the Gong family, was not caught in the fire a few months ago, but was rescued by someone. She did not die, but turned into Yan Xu. That 13-year-old genius was admitted to Skyscraper Academy. The national teacher saw it with her own eyes. She is living well in the Lost Forest now, and it is still a trial of the academy. My prince is here to propose marriage. Why not? ?”

"What? She's not dead? Really?" The Third Elder and Gong Tianshou made surprise voices almost at the same time.

Of course Gong Tianshou was even more pleasantly surprised, and his wishful thinking can be well planned.

The third elder really wanted to step up and beat Gong Tianshou, and was worried about Gongfei Xuyan. It seems that the news of her death was spread by the national teacher. Since she is now in the Lost Forest, should he find a way to notify her? She, don't fall into this trap.

Thinking of this, the third elder showed signs of a breakthrough, so he left the hall ahead of schedule, returned to his room, and called his hidden guard, "Jing, you immediately go to the Lost Forest, find Yan girl, and tell her that the palace family and the imperial capital For everything that happened, she needs to plan ahead, and you should stay by her side to protect her. If she doesn't want to, you should tell her the truth, and it's time for her to know the truth."

"Yes, this subordinate is going now." Jing didn't have any expression changes, except for his dark clothes, he couldn't tell his face, and couldn't see his expression clearly. He could only tell his expression changes from his tone and breath.

Yan girl, I hope that this time I can help you escape this catastrophe. The old man has done his best. Now, Gong Tianshou has doubts, and there is only so much I can do. I hope, when I see your mother, She won't blame me for my incompetence.

(End of this chapter)

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