Stunning God

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

"Okay, since the third prince came here sincerely, the old man agreed to this marriage. This is our palace family's favor for the third prince. It's really a blessing." Gong Tianshou thought again and again, but still readily agreed.

This is a good opportunity for him to get closer to the royal family. Although the third prince has a marriage contract with Zhu'er, he can see that the third prince is not sincere to Zhu'er, it seems that it is only a relationship of interest, but, This time was different, he could see that the third prince's attitude towards Yan'er was completely different from that towards Zhu'er.

Seeing that Xue Wuhen had achieved his goal, it was time to leave to find his fiancée.

"Patriarch Gong, this prince has something else to do, so I will leave first. These betrothal gifts are personally selected by this prince, please accept them, and I will leave now." Before Gong Tianshou could speak, Xue Wuhen turned around and left, Don't give Gong Tianshou a chance to speak.

Gong Tianshou didn't care about those at all, but just stared blindly at the betrothal gifts brought by Xue Wuhen in the hall, making him a little dazzled.

In the depths of the Lost Forest, in front of the cave where Gongfei Xuyan and the others practiced.

Standing there, he didn't know whether to go in for a rest or continue to investigate, he was having a hard time making a decision.He had no idea that the person in the cave in front of him was the person he was looking for.

Huo Qing, who was looking for the elixir, saw a man in black wandering back and forth outside the cave. His whole body was tangled, and his breath was a little messy. However, although he was very cold, he didn't have any bad guys or vicious breath. .

Although there was no malice, he still did not let go of his vigilance. After approaching softly, he asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why are you wandering here?"

Scene, I don't know, someone will appear here, and, without any life, he appeared behind him without any discovery. It seems that this person is not simple.

"I just want to take a break again, so I won't bother you." Anyway, I want to take a break, so I said it smoothly.

"Oh, then you can rest outside, and you are not allowed to go inside." Huo Qing felt that this person was not a bad person, so he agreed to let him rest here.

Jing, was about to speak, when a voice suddenly came from inside, "Xiaohuo, who is outside?"

"A passer-by said he was taking a rest here." Huo Qing answered Lian An's words while walking towards the cave.

"Then you stay outside for a while, don't let outsiders disturb you." Before Huo Qing entered the cave, Lian'an's voice came again.

"Okay," Huo Qing understood what Lian An meant, after all, now that Concubine Gong Xu said that they were practicing here, if they were disturbed, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Yan?" Jing, hearing a word in Lian'an's words, looked at Huo Qing curiously and asked.

"Well, what's the matter? Do you know Yan'er?" Huo Qing, I didn't expect the man in black to have such an expression when he heard Yan'er's name, which seemed to give people a feeling of surprise.

"Is she the concubine Xuyan of the Gong family's prostitute, 13 years old this year? She couldn't practice before, but now she can." Jing was no longer as calm as before, but excited.

Huo Qing, looking at the excited scene in surprise, didn't know whether to say it or not, let's say it, he was afraid that this person was a bad person, and he was inquiring about Yan'er's whereabouts, and he was plotting against Yan'er.

If he is not a bad person, then who is he? Yan'er seems to say that she has no other relatives or friends except Jun'er, so who is this person?

Huo Qing, who was struggling, realized that a white shadow suddenly floated in front of him, and soon, Lian An appeared in front of them, exactly in front of the man in black.

"Do you know Yan? Who are you?" The Lian'an at this moment is not the gentle and heart-warming Lian'an, but also a domineering, gloomy and fierce king.

Huo Qing felt a little trembling when he saw it.

Jing looked at the domineering Lian An, without any flinching, but he felt a little trembling in his heart, but he still looked at Lian An bravely, "I must tell the master about this matter personally, other people have no right to know, if you She is her friend, she should be concerned about her safety and future, let me see her right away"

Jing can also see that this god-like and beautiful man in front of him calls his master so intimately, and his eyes are completely different from when he was talking to him. Therefore, it means that this man is very good to his master, and he has heard of it. There are two godlike men beside the master, one is as cold as an iceberg, and the other is gentle and elegant. Presumably, this person is the gentle and elegant man.

Lian An carefully observed Jing's expression, and found that he was not lying, every word was the truth, so she nodded, "Okay, come in with me."

Jing didn't speak, just nodded, and followed Lian An into the cave.

Originally, Lian An was afraid that this person would disturb Yan's cultivation after entering, but just now, he felt that Yan had already completed his cultivation, so he brought Jing in.

"Yan, this person said he wanted to ask you for something," Lian An approached and sat down beside her, looking at the concubine Xu Yan who was leaning on the mountain wall, and said softly.

"En," Gongfei Xuyan also smiled softly, then turned to look at Xiang Jing, her voice was devoid of emotion, completely different from how she treated Lian An just now, "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Jing, I didn't expect that his little master would have such a great coercion, and he was also a cold person.

"My subordinate's name is Jing, and he is the sub-owner of the Shocking Building, and also the subordinate of the former master. Before the master left, he asked his subordinates to hide beside the third elder. Fortunately, master, you have really grown up, and I will help you and follow you forever. Master, the subordinates came this time, and it was the third elder who asked the subordinates to inform the master that the national teacher had announced the master's current situation to the world, and Xue Wuhen went to the palace to propose marriage. Hen's marriage, Xue Wuhen seems to be on his way here, Master, you must be prepared, and your subordinates and others will follow you to the death."

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at Jing Cheng's sincere expression and forceful tone, and knew what he said was true, but what made her puzzled was, who was the former owner of Jing's mouth?Why do you say that when she really grows up, isn't the former master a waste who can't cultivate?How can there be a time to really grow up?
Could it be that the former owner he was talking about knew about her arrival?In other words, the reason why Gongfei Xuyan really grew up?
"Who is the former master you are talking about? Why do you follow me so desperately? Since your former master has passed away, don't you have the freedom to be restrained and ordered?"

"The former master of the subordinates is the master's mother, and the building of Jinghun was also founded by the former master. The lives of the subordinates were saved by the former master. Therefore, we swore to follow her and her descendants to the death. This has been the case from generation to generation, if you violate it, your soul will fly away."

Gongfei Xuyan, Lian'an, and Longze all looked at Jing in surprise. They never expected that just because they saved a life, they used their freedom and life to follow this benefactor for generations. It seems that these people are really, worth it. use.

"Okay, okay, since I am your master now, then you can help me with one thing, go to the imperial capital, and publicize one thing. The concubine Xuyan has already severed ties with the palace family, and has been banned by the royal family for a long time. Breaking off the engagement, marrying a man and marrying a woman are irrelevant, so, I, Concubine Xuyan, now have my own lover and future husband, his name is Lian An, and only he is my concubine Xuyan's life Companion, there is no possibility other than him,'

As soon as these words came out, all the people present, including Ye Xingyu who had just woken up from cultivation, were all shocked, and even more surprised. The most excited person was Lian An.

He never expected that Yan' would recognize him so early and announce their relationship in such a way.

"Okay, I'll go now, master, this is the sound transmission stone unique to the Shock Tower," Jing handed the concubine Xuyan a white jade-colored green jade tablet, and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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