Stunning God

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

On the busiest street in the Imperial Capital of Nanling.

In a tea house~~~

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"What? What did you hear?"

"The Gong family, that useless concubine daughter, can practice now. The previous death was caused by the Gong family, but she was accidentally rescued by an expert, and she had a chance encounter. Now she has become a cultivation genius. It is said that she was the student of the Skyscraper Academy The silver-haired boy at that time, what was his name,,,, she was disguised as a man, just to hide her identity from the palace family and the royal family, "

"Are you talking about that 13-year-old genius boy with silver hair and red eyes named Yan Xu?"

"That's right, it's this person. Actually, now that I think about it carefully, isn't Yan Xu her original name reversed? Gongfei Xuyan, isn't it Yan Xu reversed?"

"That's right, so she didn't change her name and surname, she just turned her name upside down. However, she couldn't practice before, but after suffering so much from the Gong family, she can practice now. It is estimated that the Gong family will also suffer. "

"What a disaster, the head of the palace family has already agreed to the third prince's proposal of marriage again, and now, Gongfei Xuyan has become the third prince's fiancée."

"That's right, but how did I hear that the concubine Gong Xuyan had long since broken up with the Gong family at the moment when the Gong family was almost burned to death, and had nothing to do with it. She made a marriage contract, what is it called, Lian'an's, and she also said that apart from this person in this life, there will be no one else, and no one else can be her life partner, and the Gong family is not qualified to be her life partner. host"

"Really, I didn't expect that the Gong family is so shameless. When they can't practice, they will burn them alive and sever ties. Now that they can practice, they agree to their marriage contract on their own initiative. I have never seen such a shameless person." , the people of the Gong family really know it."

The whole teahouse was discussing about Gongfei Xuyan, whether it was about cultivation or marriage, in short, it was inseparable from Gongfei Xuyan.

He Lianchen was in the private room, listening to the discussions outside, could not help but frown, could it be that she really had a private life with that man named Lian An?

Impossible, no matter it is any kind of marriage, it must go through the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Without these two things, it is a marriage that is not accepted by the world, and even spurned by the world. It is impossible for her not to know this, she Why do you want to do this?
"Mingxuan, go and investigate that person named Lian An, the more detailed the better." He wants to see who this Lian An is, who can spread such rumors with her.

However, in the private room on the other side, Xue Wuhen had just finished drinking tea and was about to get up and leave to go to the Mizong Forest to find Gongfei Xuyan, when she heard a discussion about Gongfei Xuyan in the hall outside. What he said was so vivid, as if he had seen it with his own eyes and described it himself.

The legs that were standing up were bent involuntarily, and he sat back on the chair behind him weakly, as if his whole body had been drained, exhausted.

Are they telling the truth?Someone did it on purpose. This morning, just as he went to the Gong family to propose a marriage, in the afternoon it was reported that she had a private life with another man.

Why such a coincidence?It can't be such a coincidence, someone must have done it on purpose.

"Come on, let's investigate immediately. Who spread this rumor? Also, find out the man named Lian An in the rumor. The more details the better."

"Yes" Immediately afterwards, a black shadow disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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