Stunning God

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

In the living room of the Gong family, Gong Tianshou happened to be talking with an old man.

Suddenly, the butler ran in and yelled indistinctly, "Patriarch, it's not good, go outside." Before he finished speaking, Gong Tianshou stopped him loudly with a gloomy face, "You're in a hurry, what's the matter?"

The butler, who was caught, saw another person in the living room, and immediately put away his flustered expression, and put on a flattering expression, "Hello, my lord, I'm sorry."

The old man didn't speak, nor did he look at the steward, but stared at Gong Tianshou with a blank expression on his face. He had seen such scenes a lot.So I didn't feel anything, but the head of the house was looked at like this, and he, the housekeeper, felt a little uncomfortable in his heart and face. After thinking about it, he thought of a decent and polite topic.

"Patriarch, it's already noon now, is this adult staying at home for dinner? If so, the subordinates can make arrangements."

Only then did Gong Tianshou secretly heave a sigh of relief, and quickly swept his gaze over the butler, and then landed on the old man, "My lord, you have come all the way, so you will stay here for two days. It is now noon, use After dinner, I’m going to talk to adults about it.”

The old man still didn't speak, just nodded slightly, and then began to close his eyes and meditate, ignoring Gong Tianshou and the housekeeper.

Gong Tianshou took a look and knew that this was an agreement, so he began to think about how to tell him about that trash.

He didn't expect that such an old man would come early this morning. He couldn't figure out his strength and temper. As soon as he came, he asked where that trash was.And where is the person now, and he can't tell who it is, what is the relationship with that waste, and why, he has never heard of it before.

However, one thing is certain is that his strength is above him, even much higher than any elder of their palace family, so.He has to be careful not to offend him.

He waved to the butler, and the butler immediately went forward, "What is the master's order?" In front of this stranger, especially in front of someone whose master is still respectful, how can he, a little butler, speak with confidence as usual.

Gong Tianshou looked at the butler's cautious appearance.just know.He was afraid of that old man. When did his people start to be afraid of others in front of him.

After throwing out the three words "Follow me", he got up and walked out of the living room. Seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly followed.

The two came to a gazebo.

"Tell me, what happened just now?" The usually steady butler suddenly became flustered today. He was very puzzled about this, so he brought it out to ask what happened.

"The head of the house is not good, that trash." The housekeeper just highlighted the word trash.I felt that there was something wrong with Gong Tianshou's eyes, so I immediately changed the address, "Miss Xu Yan, she, she,,,,, it is now rumored that she was almost burned to death by the Gong family because she couldn't practice at that time, but fortunately she was rescued by an expert , and when she was on the scene of the fire, she had severed ties with the Gong family. Now she has a lover, and she has already engaged in a marriage contract. Everyone knows that the most annoying thing is that those people in the world still agree with her actions, and wish her and her fiancé a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together."

"What? Make a marriage contract? Break off with the Gong family?" After hearing the butler's report, Gong Tianshou immediately became furious.It looked like, if Gongfei Xuyan was here, he would definitely eat it alive, not at all, like a father.

"Yes, that's how it was spread outside, and it's very true. It is said that someone specially posted a notice about Miss Xuyan's severing relationship and making a marriage contract."

"Immediately go to the person who posted the notice in the investigation, and I must catch it, and catch it at all costs."

(End of this chapter)

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