Stunning God

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Without the obstruction of the monsters, the four of them quickly reached the third floor, and the three of Gong Linxue followed behind them all the time.

Following them received a lot of benefits.

Mo Ling'er looked a little angry, and complained unwillingly, "Xu Yan, you clearly know that they have gained a lot of benefits by following us, why don't you get rid of them and continue to let them follow us? What a good person, I think, [-]% of them are here for you, it's better to get rid of them, so as not to hurt you behind the scenes"

"It's okay, let them have some sweetness first, and it's not too late to clean up. My benefits are not so good. If you take mine, you will have to return it sooner or later."

"Wow, it turns out that everything is under your control, Xu Yan, you are really amazing, you are simply my idol." Mo Linger at this time is completely different from the first time she met her in the Lost Forest that day. Desperate look.

Now she is chirping like a hen.

"Ling'er, can you be quiet, this is not a place for chatting and joking." Mo Xuanyu really couldn't stand Mo Linger's appearance, so he opened his mouth to stop her.

"Oh, I got it." Although Mo Ling'er couldn't see Mo Xuanyu's face, she knew just from her voice that Mo Xuanyu was upset, and what he said was true. This is a pagoda for trials, and it's dangerous. It can be seen everywhere, so she still didn't think about it.

"Okay," Gongfei Xuyan knew that Mo Xuanyu was thinking about their safety, but in fact, he felt her impatience even more.

Although Mo Xuanyu is usually cold and taciturn, he has good eyes, a meticulous heart, and knows how to read words and expressions. This may have something to do with being born in that big family.

Born in such a big family, and a man, if he doesn't know how to read his words and look at others, and to be calm and composed, he probably won't be able to live like this with his talent, at least he won't be able to live so well.

"Attention, prepare to fight" Suddenly, a little light appeared in front of him, the color was not very normal, and the concubine Xuyan became vigilant.

As soon as the words fell, one of the three Gong Linxue behind them screamed "ah" and then fell silent.

She knew that it was the ghost of that bright spot, and she began to be more vigilant around her surroundings. Fortunately, the inexplicable thing first attacked Gong Linxue and the others, not them.

Looking carefully, there are three Gong Linxues, one of whom is missing. It seems to be Gong Linxue. Now there are only two people, Gong Linzhu and Gong Linye. terrified.It's really shameful that you don't have the spirit of a cultivator at all.

It seemed that after Gong Linxue was attacked, the pagoda would be sent out automatically to avoid the danger of her life.

Originally, I wanted to tidy them up properly, but it seems that the chances are not high, so let's forget it, after I go out, I will clean them up with the Gong family.

"Ah" was another scream, pulling back the concubine Xu Yan who was wandering in the air.

She looked out, Mo Linger?
"Where's Mo Linger?" Concubine Xu Yan couldn't see Mo Linger and asked anxiously while grabbing Ye Xingyu.

Ye Xingyu looked a little guilty, "I was careless just now, and suddenly I saw a bright spot flashing by, and Mo Ling'er disappeared."

"Hey, it looks like he was attacked, and should be sent out now, what a pity." Mo Xuanyu looked regretful.

Concubine Gong Xuyan just stared blankly at the flickering bright spot in the distance. It was this thing that made her team members end this pagoda trial and lost the chance to go to the next level. She must clean it up .

Turning his head to Ye Xingyu and Mo Xuanyu, he said, "I'm going to attack that thing. Be careful, just don't let that thing get close to you." After finishing speaking, before the two of them could react, they immediately disappeared in front of their eyes.

Concubine Gong Xuyan hadn't reacted to the bright spot, so she floated in front of it, and when she came to see it, she realized that this bright spot was neither a thing nor a magical beast, and it was a crystal clear, very beautiful jade card, which contained An invisible pattern, with a dot in the middle, and that is the dot that shines. It seems that the material is still very expensive, but she has never seen it before.

She made a quick move, originally wanting to grab the jade token, but before her hand reached her, the jade token disappeared, and when she looked around, the jade token had already appeared behind her.

It seems that this thing has spirituality, maybe it is a spiritual weapon.

It doesn't matter, in order for them to wait for the higher floors smoothly, she must grab this jade token, otherwise, it will always play tricks, how can they pass the level safely and smoothly.

With Yan Guo Wuhen under his feet, fire magic in his hand, and Ye Feihua, the small fireballs flew towards the jade token like darts, very fast, and besides, there were jade tokens everywhere. The cards are surrounded in the middle, a bit of an embattled situation.

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the jade tablet, "You are very smart and spiritual, but I hope you understand that in front of human beings, no matter how spiritual things are, they will be subdued. If you take them under your command, you'd better leave here quickly." Well, we are just here to experience, you can do it yourself."

The imperial concubine Xuyan who put away her magic, her spiritual consciousness has never left the jade tablet, she just wants to know what is this jade tablet and why does it appear here?
The jade card looked around and the fireballs were gone, and that girl wanted to release it?I didn't believe it at first, but seeing that he didn't intend to do it again, I believed it.

In a flash, it disappeared.

Concubine Gong Xuyan felt relieved seeing the jade plaque disappear.

"Let's continue" They are only on the third floor now, and this pagoda has nine floors.Calculating the time, eight days have passed, and there are still six floors left. It is estimated that the further you go, the harder it is to pass the level.

"Wait for us" They were just about to leave when they were called out by an urgent voice from behind.

Concubine Gong Xuyan had no intention of stopping. Besides Gong Linzhu and Gong Linye, who else could have called them?

No.3 had already left on the third day, and the members of No.2 had also been sent out, leaving only the three of them. If they hadn't followed them, would they have survived until now?

Now, they actually call them shamelessly, it is really shameless.

"Xu Yan, should we wait?" Ye Xingyu asked a little bit unbearably when he saw that the concubine, Xu Yan, didn't want to stop, and that Gong Linzhu was in a panic.

"If you feel distressed, you can stay." Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't look back, nor did she look at Ye Xingyu, but just walked forward blindly.

Ye Xingyu was about to say something, but was interrupted by Mo Xuanyu, "Xuyan won't stay, and that kind of person is not worth talking to. If you are kind, you can stay. However, this is a trial pagoda, isn't it?" Opportunities are always there on the street outside.”

Ye Xingyu was a little ashamed by what Mo Xuanyu said, what was he thinking, isn't that woman Xu Yan's enemy, why is he so kind?
"Sorry, my brain was not clear just now, and now I am awake, let's go quickly, or the danger will come again"

Looking at Ye Xingyu's appearance, Gong Linzhu and the two at the back thought they could be saved, but unexpectedly, a word from Concubine Gong Xuyan wiped out their hope.

How hateful, she swore that as long as she had the chance, she would torture this trash with her own hands.

No longer thinking about it, she immediately raised her hand to attack herself, and asked the pagoda to send her away. She wanted to go out and make a new plan, and she had to prepare a lot of things, just waiting for this trash to fall into her trap.

(End of this chapter)

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