Stunning God

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Many students come outside the pagoda every day.

Seeing the lights on the pagoda light up layer by layer, they were very excited and curious, which floor could the imperial concubine Xuyan reach?

He Lianchen had also been paying attention to the pagoda. Unexpectedly, she was able to walk up to the fifth floor, and she was still carrying two oil bottles, which was beyond his expectation.

From the day Mo Ling'er came out, she came here to watch at dawn every day, and she didn't go back to practice until late at night, and she came here again at dawn.

It is like this every day, today is the tenth day, she has been out for ten days, looking at the lights of the pagoda, from the third floor she came out to the sixth floor now, she is very happy and excited from the bottom of her heart.

She, after all, is the strongest and the best, and she deserves to be her idol.

"Today is the No. 18 day they went in, and there are still [-] days to go. Tell me, will they reach the top floor smoothly?"

"Impossible. Although they have reached the sixth floor now, it will not be so easy after that. I heard that after the seventh floor, it is very difficult, and sometimes it will endanger their lives."

"Ah? No way? So dangerous? I think it's better to forget it, if it's me. I won't go to such a high level, life is important"

"Cut, it's just you, enter the pagoda, it's better in the next life"

Mo Ling'er listened to the discussions of the classmates around her, and felt very upset in her heart.

Xuyan, brother, Xingyu, you must come out safely, no matter whether you can get to the top of the tower smoothly, safety is the most important thing.

Time passed day by day, and the lights of the pagoda were lit up layer by layer. Today is the last day of the month, and the lights of the pagoda have also been lit up to the eighth floor.

At this time, the students outside the pagoda had already exploded.

This is an unprecedented phenomenon.

Hundreds of years ago, on the seventh floor, the current concubine Xuyan, a 13-year-old girl who was abandoned by the palace family and almost burned to death, was a waste who couldn't practice before, but now she has stepped up. Those who think they are geniuses Who didn't go up to the eighth floor of the pagoda?
This explosive news spread all at once, and the whole continent began to inquire about this girl named Gongfei Xuyan.

At this time, the concubine Xuyan was in the pagoda, enduring pain that others could not bear.

The concubine Xuyan, who was tortured by the pain, has lost her former style. The drenched clothes and heart-piercing pain remind her all the time that she is now in the pagoda for trial, and she cannot give up just now, otherwise, everything will be destroyed. All in vain.

And Mo Xuanyu and Ye Xingyu beside her had long been unbearable to such torture, passed out, and disappeared after a while.

In the pagoda, she was the only one left.She can't fail no matter what she says, she must persevere, Cui Lu's revenge is still waiting for her to avenge, her mother's death is still waiting for her to investigate, Lian'an is still waiting for her, Ze still has the auxiliary elixir yet... Get it, she can't just fall down like this, she must persist.

After this bone-shattering pain, Gongfei Xuyan was already exhausted, if not for her strong willpower, I am afraid that she would have collapsed and passed out at this moment.

The moment she fell down, she saw a bright spot, she remembered that bright spot, that was the jade tablet, but why did it appear here?

However, it's a pity that she doesn't have the energy to know, and maybe she will never know.

It felt like a long time had passed, and the moment she slowly woke up, she saw a face that was very similar to her.

Seeing the unfamiliar surroundings, she immediately became defensive, "Who are you? Where is this place? Why am I here?"

Isn't she trying in the pagoda?She remembered that she had already reached the eighth floor, where the elemental power was so strong that they were almost out of breath, and in the end she was the only one who persisted, as if she saw the jade tablet when she was unconscious?

Could it be that Yu Pai brought her here? ?

"You don't have to think so much, and you don't have to be afraid. I won't harm you. You guessed it right. It is indeed the jade tablet that brought you here. This is the space of the jade tablet, and it is also the ninth floor of the pagoda. The world only knows The pagoda has nine floors, but I don’t know that the ninth floor is actually another space, which does not belong to the pagoda.”

Concubine Xu Yan!I get it, though. .Another point!It made her wonder, "Why did Yupai bring me here? Who are you? Why do you look like me?"

"Son, I am your aunt, your mother's twin sister, and now I am just a ray of consciousness. Both your mother and I have been imprisoned by that beast. After waiting for so many years, we are finally here."

Concubine Gong Xuyan was a little confused, "Wait a minute. You said my mother is not dead? She was imprisoned instead?"

"Yes, your mother's death back then was nothing more than that bastard's tricks in order to imprison her,"


"It's just to find someone to pretend to be your mother. Everyone in the world thinks your mother is dead, but she was imprisoned by him and her cultivation was sealed."

"Well, where are you imprisoned? What did you mean by the sentence just now, I finally waited for you? Do you know that I will come to the pagoda for trials?"

"Because your mother has figured out that you will come. When you are 13 years old, it is time to start awakening, otherwise there will be a catastrophe. It is precisely because of this that she separated you when you were just born. Your two souls and six souls have gone to another world, and one soul and one soul are left here to maintain your body, so that you can return to your place and awaken."

Concubine Gong Xuyan became more and more confused the more she listened, she always felt that things were not that simple, and there must be something she didn't know.

"Then tell me, who is my biological father? Who is the person who imprisoned you? Why is your mother the official wife of Gong Tianshou? What is going on with my younger brother, Jun'er?"

Qi Xijing didn't know that the concubine Xuyan reacted so quickly and was so calm when things happened.It seems that it is just around the corner for them to take revenge and regain their freedom.

"Your name is Gongfei Xuyan, right? Your biological father is also surnamed Gong. He is the only God and Demon Lord in the mainland that everyone admires. Brother, that bastard was a disaster. If my sister hadn't been clever at the time and let me pretend to be me, she escaped and hid in the palace house, and you would not exist. As for Jun'er, he is a body inhabited by your father's soul , but don't worry, this child died in this life, so your mother exhausted her cultivation to allow your father's soul to live in that body, and sealed his cultivation, waiting for the moment of awakening, Because of this, that bastard found my sister, so she also fell into his hands."

(End of this chapter)

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