Stunning God

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

The concubine Xuyan, who was in deep thought, didn't show any expression, which made Qi Xiling lose his head for a while.

After a while, Gongfei Xuyan finally raised her head and looked at Qi Xiling, "Everything you said is true? Also, where is that father's younger brother now? What does my father look like? Are that person and father resemblance?"

Qi Xiling didn't know why Gongfei Xuyan asked such a question, but she knew that Gongfei Xuyan was definitely not a joke, and she didn't ask casually. Since she asked, there must be her reasons.

"The current Jun'er looks like your father's child. When his seal is released, he will return to his original appearance, strength, and memory. As for the bastard, his eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to your father's. Others is not at all as good as your father"

Listening to Qi Xiling always praising his biological father whom she had never met, she began to imagine in her heart, what kind of person is this father of hers?

Jun'er looks like his child, and Jun'er is very similar to her. Does that mean that she looks like this father?

"Also, you are very similar to your father, especially the silver hair and red eyes, they are almost carved in the same mold."

Qi Xiling's nostalgic voice came again, which made Gongfei Xuyan startled.

Silver hair, red eyes?This is what she inherited from her father?Isn't it the demonic nature caused by the inner demon?
No wonder, when he saw Jun'er for the first time, he looked at her silver hair and red eyes without any surprise or surprise, and some were just used to it.

Thinking about it now, it turns out that this is the relationship of blood. Even if we are strangers, we will have family affection and familiarity when we meet each other.

The first time Jun'er knew her so well, it turned out that it was because she was his daughter.Connected by blood, she must bring her parents together again.

"Auntie, I know what to do. Don't worry, I will definitely give you your freedom back, reunite your father and mother, and let that thief have a terrible death."

Qi Xiling looked at Gongfei Xuyan with relief, and silently shed two lines of tears.Sister, have you seen that Yan'er has grown up, she has really awakened, and there is hope for our family to recover.

"Auntie, do you have anything else to tell me? Today is the last day of my trial in the pagoda. If I don't go out, the pagoda will be closed, and it will be a bit troublesome for me to go out."

"Well, this jade tablet is the symbol of the Patriarch of our Palace family. I hope you will keep it safe. One day I will wait for you to restore the Qi family and lead the Qi family and the Gong family to the peak."

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the jade tablet and asked puzzledly, "Auntie, this is the sign of the Patriarch of the Palace family. If you give it to me, what is that? That person doesn't have a jade tablet, how can he preside over the Palace family? How did the Qi family come back?" thing?"

Why, she always felt that many things were lingering in her mind, and she couldn't solve them?

"The Qi family is our family. The Gong family is your father's family. After your mother and your father got married, the two families were merged together, and there was the head of the Gong family, that is, your father. Wishing your father to be dominant, he secretly cultivated people, and followed your father's trust in him, and secretly poisoned him."

Looking at Qi Xiling who was gnashing her teeth, the concubine Xuyan knew that being betrayed by her relatives and the most trusted person was a feeling. She wanted to eat his flesh, drink his blood, convulse his tendons, and peel his skin if he didn't hate it. .And then shredded into pieces.

"I'll do it, don't worry"

Qi Xiling looked at Gongfei Xuyan's swearing appearance, very much like her father, and slowly raised his hand to caress her face, but unfortunately passed through, and could only look at "good boy, remember, you must protect the king" Son, also, don't tell your life experience unless you have to. That bastard doesn't know that you are brother-in-law's daughter. He always thought that you are the daughter of Gong Tianshou. Don't let others know your life experience. This jade token To recognize the master with a drop of blood, it is also a divine tool, with infinite space, it will change as your cultivation level grows, remember, don't let anyone know your life experience, including contracted beasts"

Others can understand it, but contracted beasts, why not?
"Why can't contracted beasts work? They are all my relatives, partners, and they are all life and death contracts, and they will not betray me"

"Son, of course the contracted beast will not betray you, but that person is very powerful. He has the ability to penetrate into the inner world or memory of a person or a monster, so that he can know what he wants to know."

"Is there no way to customer service?" With such a powerful ability, wouldn't it be unimaginably powerful?
"Unless your mental power is strong enough, it will be easy for him to break through your defenses and enter your brain"

"Oh, so that's it, I see." She thought, that person would not be able to break through her mental power, and her current mental power is beyond the level of magic.

"Yan'er, I'm leaving. You have to take good care of your health, practice hard, and use the palace family to hide your background. Those who do big things don't care about small things, do you understand?"

Of course Gongfei Xuyan knows what she means, isn't she living as the eldest lady of the Gong family, well, she will go back, just in time to see Gong Tianshou's plan and clean up those little ones.

Otherwise, she really wouldn't be long enough to hide her identity and place.

The Qi family, the Gong family?
It seems that I have never heard of it before, but according to my aunt, my father is the only god and demon in the mainland, and my mother has the cultivation level that can let the soul live in other people's bodies. For such a powerful person, the family must not be bad, and the owner Tokens are still artifacts.

You don't need to guess to know that this Gong family and Qi family are not simple, but why has she never heard of it?
"Yan'er, I'm leaving." Before the concubine Xu Yan could recover, Qi Xiling had disappeared.

Only the concubine Xuyan was left standing on what appeared to be the eighth floor of the pagoda holding a jade tablet.

"Jade card, is this the eighth floor of the pagoda?"

Yu Pai nodded in a very humane way, which was a nod.

Looking at the sky outside through the window, it will be evening soon. It seems that she should go out, but before she goes out, she has one thing to do.

Picking up the jade tablet, biting her finger, blood dripped immediately, and then dripped on the jade tablet. Soon, the space just now appeared in her mind.She knew that it was the space of the jade tablet.

Later, she hung the jade tablet around her neck with a silver thread, and it became a jade pendant-like decoration. No one except herself knew what it was.

(End of this chapter)

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