Stunning God

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Not long after, the Mo family, the mother of Gong Linzhu and Gong Linye, and the Leng family, led a large group of people, and walked out of the palace gate in a hurry.

Seeing the carriage, a servant girl next to Mo yelled at the carriage with her nostrils upturned, "The eldest lady has brought the family children to welcome the second lady. Isn't the second lady getting off the carriage?"

The concubine Xuyan in the carriage glanced at the people brought out by the Mo family with her spiritual sense. Indeed, those are all the children of the Gong family. It seems that in the eyes of Gong Tianshou, her current use value is still very high. Otherwise, because of her words, the Mo family would not have brought the Gong family out to greet her, but why didn't Gong Linzhu and the other three come out?
"Where are Gong Linzhu, Gong Linxue, and Gong Linye? Why, in front of my concubine, they, as concubines, are still nobler than me? Do they have more face than me? Whisper it up, and they are also more noble than me. You are just a slave, do you still dare to show off your power in front of this lady?"

As the sound fell, a fireball immediately flew out of the car window and hit the maid who spoke just now. "Remember. This is just a small lesson. Remember it in the future. In this family, who is the real master, and the weeds on the branches are the real peonies?"

And that maid had already turned into coke before she could yell.

Concubine Xuyan jumped out of the car, glanced at Mo Shi and Leng Shi, who had sinister faces, turned to the housekeeper and said, "Don't take me to the yard yet."

The butler carefully glanced at the Mo family who was about to erupt, and then hurriedly ran behind the concubine Xu Yan, "Second miss, the master ordered that the second miss will live in Chengguangyuan when she comes back, which is the best place in the mansion." Dean, this is the place where my wife lived before, I hope the second lady likes it"

"My mother's yard?" It seems that this time Gong Tianshou wanted to adopt a soft policy and win back the heart of her talented daughter?

"Yes, Second Miss"

"From now on, I will only call you Miss, and I will let the person who was Ma Deng just follow me." Although that person is a servant, but she is now in the midst of employing someone, and she has never been familiar with the Gong family. A spy who is familiar with everything about the palace family is also needed.

"It's Miss..." The housekeeper didn't know what the imperial concubine Xuyan meant. However, this ancestor was the most prestigious person in the palace family except for the patriarch. It's hard.

Mo shi led the crowd, looked at the back of the concubine Xuyan leaving and the posture of the head of the family, and began to think about who they should go to in the days to come to guarantee their lives.

Then look at the maid who was burned to black charcoal on the ground. The rest of the maids and family children have made a decision and will follow the second lady from now on. There is absolutely no mistake. Seeing the second lady come back, everyone The position of the lady is not guaranteed.

They all followed the back of the concubine Xu Yan and left, leaving Mo Shi standing alone, with a pair of charming big eyes, but at this time there was a vicious gaze, like a poisonous snake.

You little bastard, just wait for me, and I will definitely make it impossible for you to survive or die.

As the butler just walked to the gate of Chengguang Yuan, Gong Tianshou and Gong Linzhu were already there, and it seemed that they had been waiting for a long time.

"Yan'er, you're back. Daddy has something to do and you couldn't go out to meet him. You won't blame Daddy, right?" Gong Tianshou really looked like a kind father at this time, but both Gongfei Xuyan and him knew it. , the current concubine Xuyan is still useful, if not, it would be impossible to see what kindness he is like in a lifetime. .

"I don't have time to think about those superfluous things. I'm tired and I'm going to rest. Patriarch, please go back." She has only one father, and if she wants to call her father, it will be impossible in the next life.

"You, I'm your father. Is that how you call me?" Gong Tianshou never expected.Concubine Gong Xuyan would reject him in front of so many people and make him lose face. If it was not useful, he would definitely teach this trash a lesson.

"Patriarch Gong, you must have forgotten. Ever since you found out that I couldn't cultivate, when did you appear in front of me? When did you remember that I still have a daughter? When I was beaten by Gong Linzhu and the others... At that time, where was your good father? When I was dying, where was your good father? Now that I can practice, you tell me that you are my father again? What did you do before?" After shouting, No longer talking to those people, he picked up Yan Guo Wuhen and flew directly into the yard.

"Xuan, Ling'er, you come in, the butler brings that person in, and no one else is allowed in without my permission, and those who violate it will be held accountable."

Mo Xuanyu gave Gong Tianshou a cold look, and led Mo Ling'er into the yard. The butler didn't care whether Gong Tianshou was here or not, and followed closely behind with that servant.

Gong Linzhu looked at the concubine Xuyan not only contradicting her father, but also brazenly making a rule that they are not allowed to enter, which is simply disrespectful.

"Father, look at how arrogant she is now. She doesn't take you as a father seriously, and she even made a regulation privately. Isn't this the right to replace the head of the house?"

"That's right, if she continues to be so arrogant, she will have the final say in the Gong family. Dad, you have to think about it carefully." Gong Linye watched his sister add fuel and jealousy, and did not forget to fan the flames.

As long as they can kill that trash, they are very willing to do anything, not to mention just saying some words to add fuel to the flames, it is easy to do.

"Shut up, if it weren't for your uselessness, why should I spend so much time picking up this trash and talking about other trash all day long? In my opinion, you are the real trash. You know how to gossip behind your back and sow discord. Can you Practice hard and make progress."

Gong Linzhu and Gong Linye originally wanted to sow discord, and use their father's hand to clean up the concubine Xuyan.
He got scolded.

"Yes, Dad, let's go to practice now." The two ran away with their tails between their heads in disgrace.

Gong Tianshou also had a gloomy face, looking at the yard, waste, let you be seduced for a few days first, when the old man has stabilized his position and strengthened his power, it will not be too late to clean you up, hum...

After complaining in his heart, he flung his sleeves and left, leaving those servants and collateral disciples staring.

"Xu Yan, do we live in the same yard as you?" Mo Linger looked around the yard with envy written all over his face.

"Well, you go out and choose your own room, tell the butler what you need, and then rest, and I will call you when you have dinner."

The butler immediately went forward to salute Mo Linger and Mo Xuanyu, "My little one, Gong Fu has seen you, young lady, if there is anything you need in the future, just do what you ask, and I will try my best to do it." Right now, this little ancestor is The most popular person in the Gong family, he had to curry favor with him.

"Okay, you go down first, if something happens, I'll send someone to notify you" Gongfei Xuyan waved to the housekeeper and let him go down, she still has something to deal with now,

"The little one is leaving"

After the housekeeper went out, Mo Xuanyu and Mo Linger went out in a sensible manner and chose their own house. Only the concubine Xuyan and the servant were left in the living room.

"Look up. What's your name?"

"The little one is called Gong Li" is obviously very nervous.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I just think you are very pleasing to the eye. I will stay in Chengguangyuan to work in the future. As for the salary, how about twenty gold coins per month?"

Gong Li had never seen so many gold coins even in his dreams, and he was given so much a month, so wouldn't it be 240 gold coins in that year?Then wouldn't he have the money to treat his mother and let his sister learn magic?

"Thank you, miss, thank you, miss. For your great kindness, a villain will repay your kindness all his life, and will never betray you." Gong Li hurriedly knelt on the ground excitedly, kowtowed and thanked.

"Okay, get up, don't kneel in the future, my subordinates can't kneel to anyone, protect you and I will remember?"

"Remember, thank you miss." Gong Li stood up quickly, and looked at Gongfei Xuyan gratefully. He never thought that this former useless lady would one day practice cultivation, and she was also the only genius in the entire continent. Moreover, now Still his master is lucky.

"Looking at you, you should be eighteen or nineteen, so what relatives do you have?" Concubine Gong Xuyan looked Gong Li up and down, and also checked his cultivation skills by the way.

"Miss Hui, the younger one is now eighteen, and there is a 15-year-old younger sister and a seriously ill mother at home." Speaking of his younger sister and mother, Gong Li's eyes turned red.

Gongfei Xuyan knew that this was another lonely and miserable family.

"You don't have magic elements in your body, and you haven't cultivated profound energy?" Although she could tell, she could only pretend not to know in order not to expose her physique of both magic and martial arts.

"No, the family has no money for us to learn, and sometimes we can't even satisfy our hunger and food. How can we practice?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at Gong Li, the talent is not bad, but it has been delayed for so many years, if it is difficult, it is estimated that it can make a difference, anyway, now it is my own, for the convenience of future work, I should help him It is a help to myself.

Take out a porcelain bottle from the storage ring, "Here, here is a seventh-grade profound energy pill and a gathering spirit pill, use it for yourself and your sister, don't let others know, otherwise, it will be snatched away!" , I don’t care, I have to learn to protect my own things, as for your mother, take me to see it tomorrow.”

Gong Li held the porcelain bottle in his hand and was excited for a moment.Touched, happy, full of body, I forgot to say thank you, just smirked blindly.

"Also, if possible, let your younger sister come here as well, and be my personal maid. It's better than being bullied."

"Miss, you are really the savior of my family. I, Gong Li, swear that in this life and in the next life, I will swear allegiance to the miss."

Two elixirs exchanged a person's loyalty for two lifetimes. Should I say that elixirs are cheaper or loyalty is cheaper?
"Okay, you go down first. If you don't understand anything about cultivation, you can ask Xuan, that is the man who came back with me just now. His name is Mo Xuanyu. Regarding cultivation, you must keep it a secret, so that you can grow up with me." protect you early"

"Yes, I will follow Miss's instruction"

"Well, you can call me master from now on, you can call yourself or a subordinate, you don't need to call me a little one, let's go on"

"Yes, my subordinates retire"

After Gong Li left, Concubine Gong Xuyan was just about to enter the Qianling Mausoleum when there was a sound of footsteps. After careful inspection, she found out that the butler had brought some people into her yard.

"Miss, this is what the owner asked the little one to send. It is for the young lady. If it is not enough, you can continue to add more."

With a wave, those maids and servants lined up one by one in a very orderly manner. The concubine Xu Yan saw all kinds of jewelry, silk and satin, rare treasures, gold coins, magic cores, and a brocade box .

What is packed in a brocade box?

Got up and walked over, picked up the brocade box and opened it, a brocade box full of crystal coins, visually inspected, there were about 100, that is, more than 20 gold coins, and about [-] gold coins over there, and those high-end gold coins The silk, satin, and jewellery, add up to a million. It seems that this time Gong Tianshou has spent a lot of money.

"Well, put it down, go back and tell the Patriarch, and say that I need crystal coins and magic beast's magic core for my cultivation, so that I can break through faster. If I can get it, I will break through in that day. The Gong family will be very prosperous." She will slowly take back what belongs to her, the Gong family belongs to her, and she will take it back for her father.

"Okay, the little one will go down and report first." Just as the butler was about to turn around, Gongfei Xuyan picked up a crystal coin and threw it in his hand, "This is a reward for you. I am very satisfied with your work."

The butler was holding the crystal coin, and his mouth was so excited that he had been in the Gong family for so long, and he had been with the owner for decades. The owner had never rewarded him so much. Today, he got so much just by saying something for the young lady. , it seems that this lady is still right, but she is much more straightforward than those people.

"Thank you miss, thank you miss, I will definitely not let you down"

"Well, go on down." She still has these little money. After all, such a person has to be sweetened before he is willing to do things for you.

(End of this chapter)

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