Stunning God

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Mo Ling'er and Mo Xuanyu, who had just walked in, saw Gong Fu who couldn't speak from ear to ear, and looked curiously at the concubine Xu Yan who was sitting in the hall.

"Xuyan, what good happened to the housekeeper? He's so happy. His face almost turned into a chrysanthemum from laughing."

"I gave him a crystal coin," Gongfei Xu said very easily.It seems that a crystal coin is like a copper coin, but the listener is not so calm.

"What did you say? You gave him a crystal coin? That's a thousand gold coins. Why don't you just give it to that kind of person? Don't you think it's a waste?" Mo Linger looked at Gongfei Xu with a painful face. In other words, there is a gesture of hating iron but not steel.

Concubine Gong Xuyan still shrugged her shoulders meaninglessly, and said in a relaxed tone, "It's nothing. This kind of person will only do things for me for the sake of money if he gives him benefits. At least, he will do things for me right now. To me, getting useful news is more than just a single crystal coin." In the Gong family, although she is very beautiful now, it can be said that she is still struggling. If she doesn't have her own eyeliner, those useful news will not How come?

Mo Ling'er seemed to understand a little bit, and slowly put away the pained expression, and looked at the concubine Xuyan seriously, "Xuyan, I found that your thoughts are more mature and stable than adults, it seems that you have experienced many things, Moreover, you have considered everything so thoroughly, in the future, if anyone marries you, it will be his life's blessing."

After finishing speaking, he deliberately glanced at Mo Xuanyu who was silent behind him.

"Ling'er, don't be rude, don't forget that this is the Gong family, eyeliner, ears and eyes can be seen everywhere, don't talk nonsense." Mo Xuanyu understood what Mo Linger meant, and immediately stopped her.

"Brother..." Mo Linger was about to refute, but after seeing Mo Xuanyu's expression, she obediently closed her mouth.

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the two brothers and sisters, a little funny, and then glanced at the jewelry and silk satin on the table, "By the way, you can take whatever you like, and those gold coins, you two will share." Come on, go out without money, and feel bad."

Anyway, she doesn't know how to wear those jewellery, and she can't wear silk and satin alone. She has enough gold coins now, although she will use them a lot in the future, but she can't be poor friends.

"Really? Xu Yan, do you really let us choose at will?" Mo Ling'er excitedly tugged on the sleeve of Gongfei Xu Yan and asked uncertainly, for fear of hearing it wrong just now.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Concubine Gong Xuyan straightened her expression on purpose, and her tone became a little low. After Mo Ling'er heard this, she didn't dare to say anything, and went over to choose jewelry obediently.

Mo Xuanyu took a look at Mo Ling'er, and looked at the concubine Xuyan, "Xuyan, we don't need gold coins. As for those words, we can choose whatever we want. After all, they will still be useful in the future."

"Okay then, hurry up and choose, I think you will have dinner in a while, and then let the housekeeper arrange it."

"Thank you, Xu Yan." Mo Linger's tone was so serious for the first time, and even the concubine Xu Yan was a little curious.

"It's okay, since we are friends, why don't I give you something, besides, I received [-] crystal coins from each of you before, so what's the point of giving you this little thing now?"

"Anyway, thank you." Since she grew up, it was the first time that someone treated her as a human being and as a friend. Since she was a child, people in the family said she was a bastard, and they either beat or scolded her. Except for Mo Yuanyuan's clothes belonged to Mo Xin'er, she never had a new one.

Now a girl who has no blood relationship with her is not only younger than her, but also a girl who has experienced a past that is even more unbearable than her. Seeing her with the eyes of a friend and treating her with the attitude of a relative makes her desperate heart feel alive again. hope.

anyway.In the future, no matter bitterness or sweetness, pain or joy, she will follow her.

"Okay, take it back after you've made your selection, someone is here." What Gongfei Xuyan couldn't stand the most was that others looked at her with gratitude and emotion.

Mo Linger and Mo Xuanyu hurriedly put the things into the storage ring, and then the butler ran in and said respectfully to the concubine Xuyan, "Miss, the master invites you to the living room for dinner."

"Well, got it, let's go." He got up and took Mo Linger and Mo Xuanyu with the housekeeper to the living room.

After many corridors, pavilions, and gardens, I finally arrived at the living room.

"Miss is here" the housekeeper yelled to announce, and then, he moved out of the way and let Gongfei Xuyan walk in front.

Concubine Gong Xuyan walked in and took a look, the whole hall was full of people, it seems that this is the reception banquet that Gong Tianshou prepared for her?
However, since she came in, there have been many people staring at her, especially a relatively strong gaze, which made her feel uncomfortable. She followed the gaze, a white-haired old man?
Who is he?Why are you looking at her?Those eyes seemed to be excited, surprised, and worried?Why?

Gongfei Xuyan, who understood those eyes, was a little puzzled, but.At this time, it is not the time for her to solve her doubts.

After walking to the empty seat beside Gong Tianshou and sitting down, he waved to Mo Ling'er, "You can just come and sit next to me, just treat this as your own home, feel free, don't be restrained"

"Okay, Xu Yan..." Mo Ling'er knew that this was the concubine Xu Yan announcing their identities and status for them, so that their situation in the palace family would be smooth in the future.

"Yan'er, who are these two?" Gong Tianshou looked at Mo Xuanyu's cold demeanor, and his undeniable nobility.

Before the concubine Xuyan could speak, Gong Linxue below had already answered impatiently, "Who else could it be? The third son of the Mo family, Mo Xuanyu, and the fifth young lady of the Mo family, but they are all concubines. It's just mediocre." The obvious sarcasm and ridicule made Gongfei Xuyan very uncomfortable.

"Gong Linxue, when will it be your turn to comment and introduce Miss Ben's friends? Don't you want to see if you have the qualifications? Don't tarnish their names."

"You...huh" Gong Linxue wanted to refute with a look of pig liver, but when she saw Gong Tianshou's eyes, she immediately lost her arrogance.Sitting down obediently, she could only vent the resentment in her heart by staring at Gongfei Xuyan with vicious eyes.

"It turned out to be the third young master and fifth young lady of the Mo family. Just now Xue'er was outspoken and offended. Please don't be offended by the third young master and fifth young lady." After receiving Gong Tianshou's gaze, Leng immediately got up and looked at Mo Ling'er and Mo Ling'er. Xuanyu apologized.

"It's nothing, we just came here with Xu Yan, the rest doesn't matter, but, remember in the future, when talking about others, first figure out your own identity before talking about others, otherwise you will offend the powerful, and the consequences will not be so simple." Mo Ling'er stared at Leng's face with a calm face, and her calm and forceful tone shocked Leng's heart.

"Then thank you Miss Fifth."

"Okay, Patriarch, why don't you introduce me? For so many years in the Gong family, I haven't even been able to walk out of the backyard, so I don't know anyone here. It's out of courtesy, Patriarch and everyone. You have to be a stranger." Gongfei Xuyan stood up and bowed gracefully to all the elders, which was regarded as a salute.

Gong Tianshou's face made Gongfei Xuyan's words turn livid, but it was not easy to get angry in front of so many people, so he could only endure it, got up slowly, and introduced Gongfei Xuyan one by one.

"That's the First Elder, that's the Second Elder, that's the Third Elder, that's the Fourth Elder, that's Lei Yaoshi,"

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the old man who looked at her just now, so he was the third elder?It seemed that what Jing said was correct and he did not deceive her.However, even so, for the sake of safety, she still had to give it a try.

"Concubine Gong Xuyan has met the elders. If you offend me in the future, please don't blame me. After so many years of bullying and self-destruction, I have lost what kind of attitude I should have towards people. Therefore, when the elders arrive , don't blame me, it's not my fault"

On the one hand, she wanted to test those people, and on the other hand, she wanted to dismantle the platform of Gong Tianshou, because she had already noticed that there were strangers coming this way.

Sure enough, within the time for a cup of tea, the guards at the gate of the palace came to report, "Patriarch, the emperor has brought people from the Mo family and the Leng family to congratulate him."

"What? Why didn't you report earlier and go out to greet him?" Gong Tianshou was so excited when he heard that the emperor was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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