Stunning God

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

When the people of the Gong family saw the Patriarch, they all went to greet them. They were just juniors and people without status, so it was impossible not to greet them. They followed Gong Tianshou to the gate one by one.

Mo Xuanyu looked around and found that only the three of them were still sitting there, and the others had already gone to greet them.

"Xuyan, why don't we go there too, now is not the time to stand out, otherwise, the power of the royal family cannot be resisted by us now."

Gongfei Xuyan understands what Mo Xuanyu means, and also understands the powerful relationship involved, but she just doesn't want to go, but if she doesn't go, it will drag Mo Xuanyu and the two of them, and it will also make those in the royal family feel uncomfortable. Taking advantage of this time to charge her with those trumped-up charges would really be wronging her to death.

"Well, let's go." Gongfei Xuyan and Mo Xuanyu also followed the group of people towards the gate.

Before reaching the gate, the emperor led a large group of people and came here in a swarm.

The concubine Xu Yan carefully observed the people who came, besides the current emperor, Xue Liuwen, and Xue Wuhen, the remaining two middle-aged people are the head of the Mo family, Mo Chenghu, the head of the Leng family, and Leng Wenqi. .Those young ones must be the favorites of the Mo family and the Leng family.

But who is that man?Why did she feel a familiar feeling? After looking at it carefully for a long time, she didn't know how to call that person.

While she was wandering, the emperor walked up to her, looked at her seriously, nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Gong Tianshou, "Patriarch Gong. You gave birth to a good daughter."

Gong Tianshou thought that the concubine Xuyan didn't salute the emperor, but also looked directly at him, so she got angry, and now she blamed him, in order not to make the emperor angry, in order to prevent her from stabbing her again in front of the emperor.

Gong Tianshou led the group of people to kneel down in front of the emperor and began to plead guilty, "The emperor is here, but the old man was not able to greet him in time, and now the little girl is so rude, please forgive me."

Those people in the palace family are all in line with the "ask the emperor to come down"

"Patriarch Gong is serious. I heard that the daughter of Patriarch Gong returned home with honor, so I came to congratulate you. I didn't inform Patriarch Gong in advance. It should be my fault. Why should Patriarch Gong be so polite? Please hurry up." rise"

Gong Tianshou pulled Gongfei Xuyan's arm gratefully, and said in a strong tone, "Don't kneel down and thank Long En."

At this time, Concubine Gong Xuyan came back to her senses, seeing Gong Tianshou holding her arm, her expression immediately became as cold as frost, and she threw it away with all her strength. Due to the excessive force, Gong Tianshou, who was not prepared at all, was almost thrown down On the ground, if the butler behind him hadn't supported him in time, he would have sat on the ground directly.

Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Gong Tianshou, the concubine Gong Xuyan didn't show any face, and said with a cold face, "Don't get so close to me, and don't touch anything or anyone related to me."

Gongfei Xuyan's almost warning words shocked the audience.Everyone looked at this 13-year-old girl with a look of surprise, whether she was bold or ignorant.

Even the emperor looked at Gongfei Xuyan in surprise. This was something he had never expected, and it was the first time he saw someone who warned his father in front of him, and it was a girl?Former waste?
After the warning, she turned her attention to the man next to the emperor, and her tone changed from the harshness just now, and became calm as water, "Excuse me, what's your name, young master?"

.Everyone who just came back to their senses, was once again shocked by what the concubine Xu said, so that they were petrified on the spot? .

Xue Wuxie was also stunned, and then squinted at Gongfei Xuyan?No answer or question, just watch.

Xue Wuhen next to him couldn't stand it any longer. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that they were looking at each other affectionately, which made him feel uncomfortable in his heart and embarrassed on his face.

"You want to know, you can go to the second brother in private, is it necessary to ask in front of so many people? Or do you not know that the second brother has never been close to women?"

Second brother?Could it be that he is the majestic and unfeminine Xue Guo, whose face is as cold as a millennium, and whose heart is as frost as a thousand years, who only knows how to practice all day long, and there is no other evil king in his eyes or heart, Xue Wuxie?
However, such a person, why does he feel familiar?
Ignoring Xue Wuhen directly, Gongfei Xuyan said bluntly again, "Did we know each other before? Why do I feel familiar, but we don't know each other?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan's words made Xue Wuxie also start to think. Indeed, the moment he came in and saw Concubine Gong Xuyan, he also felt very familiar, but he didn't know him. He felt a little contradictory. Made him a little curious.

"My lord, I don't remember knowing you, but I know you well. You are a well-known waste from the Gong family and even the mainland. Concubine Gong Xuyan, the current 13-year-old genius!"

"Since the evil king said so in detail, is it still necessary to come to confirm it? However, since you confirm it in person, then I will introduce myself in person."

Concubine Gong Xuyan turned to face everyone, and said loudly, "I, Concubine Gong Xuyan, a waste who could not cultivate before can now cultivate. As for genius, that is called by others, not by me."

"Yan'er, what are you talking about?" Gong Tianshou inserted a sentence of reproach at her at the right time.

"Okay, Patriarch Gong, stop being hypocritical here, otherwise, I'll throw up before you eat." Gongfei Xuyan sneered and dismissed Gong Tianshou's accusation.

"Your Majesty, may I have a feast? I haven't had a drop of water since I came back. Can I fill my stomach first and talk about my life?" She couldn't do it if she was hungry and chatted.

(End of this chapter)

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