Stunning God

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

The emperor didn't blame the concubine Xuyan for being rude, but was very happy to take the lead and walked in front, "Okay, everyone go over and sit down, the banquet begins..."

"Observe the Holy Order"

Gong Tianshou immediately winked at the butler and told him to hurry up and prepare the seats.

"Your Majesty, please." Then he followed the Emperor to the living room.

Xue Wuxie walked up to Gongfei Xuyan and walked side by side with her. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he always bumped her shoulder intentionally or unintentionally, making Gongfei Xuyan feel that this Xue Wuxie was very frivolous, and she was not as good as the rumors. It's not feminine, it's very different, she thinks it's a thousand-year-old ice, but she thinks it's a bit similar, but how can this ten-thousand-year-old frosty heart make her think it's in vain.

"Xie Wang, the road to the palace is very wide. I don't know if you have bad eyesight or unsteady footsteps. Why do you keep bumping into me?" The concubine Xuyan couldn't help but spit out another shocking sentence.

Facing everyone's puzzled and astonished eyes, Xue Wuxie still maintained a thousand-year-old cold face and a ten-thousand-year-old frosty heart, looking at Gongfei Xu and saying, "This king has always walked like this, and the second lady of the palace can go another way."

The angry imperial concubine Xuyan stopped talking to this hypocritical man, and walked quickly to Mo Xuanyu's side, "Xuan, just sit next to me for a while, and don't need to go to their side." She pointed her finger at Mo Xuanyu people.

Mo Xuanyu didn't even move his eyes, Ren Jiu looked at the road ahead, and said calmly, "I am Xu Yan's friend, now and in the future, so I only want to be friends and not sit next to others." The meaning is obvious No, he will only sit next to Gongfei Xuyan, and he will never sit next to other people.

"Me too," Mo Linger followed closely.

"What's there to be proud of? Trash is just trash after all. Let's see how long you can be arrogant?" A murmur from behind interrupted Gongfei Xuyan who was supposed to speak.

She turned around and looked in the direction she spoke just now, Mo Yuanyuan?she?Who are we talking about?Is she still Mo Linger?

By the way, the first time I met the three of them in the Lost Forest, Mo Yuanyuan kept insulting Mo Linger, and they were very inconsistent, especially, Mo Yuanyuan treated Mo Linger as if she saw Mo Linger. Like an enemy, he always finds a way to humiliate and ridicule him.

Looking at Leng's house, Leng Shuangyu seems to be very stable, and her eyes are much more docile, especially her eyes, which are even more docile and fearful.

"Ling'er, be more careful about Mo Yuanyuan, Gong Linxue, and the others in the future. In order to prevent them from forming alliances, be vigilant at all times." She suddenly remembered an old saying, an enemy's enemy is a friend.

Gong Linxue and her should be on the level of enemies, and Mo Yuanyuan and Mo Linger are enemies, and Mo Linger is following her now, so they are considered together.

Mo Yuanyuan and Gong Linxue are together now, isn't that the enemy of the enemy, or the friend?

"Okay, I'll remember." Mo Ling'er followed the eyes of the concubine Xu Yan and glanced at Gong Linxue and Mo Yuanyuan who were sitting together.It is already clear in my heart what the future situation will be like.

At this time, the butler's voice came.

"open table"

Finally, when the banquet started, she was starving to death. She hadn't eaten all day and all night. Could she not be hungry?

No matter how humble and polite others are, she picked up her chopsticks and began to eat with relish. Although the appearance of eating is not ugly, it is also not elegant. Eating in restaurants, even in restaurants, is fast, so she didn't develop an elegant, noble, and temperamental eating style.

Everyone put down their chopsticks and shifted their eyes to her. For a moment, Gongfei Xuyan became everyone's focus.

Mo Ling'er wanted to remind, but in front of so many people, he couldn't be too obvious, so he could only poke Gongfei Xuyan's arm with his elbow, but the latter still ate with gusto and was not disturbed by her at all. arrive.

This is the fatal point of Gongfei Xuyan. She is very devoted to eating delicious food, and she doesn't know what's going on around her. Therefore, in her previous life, when she was eating, there was no one around, and those subordinates were all guarding outside the door. If there is danger, the subordinate has already dealt with it, and she still eats safely.

Mo Xuanyu saw how devoted Gongfei Xuyan was to food, so he had no choice but to shake his head at Mo Linger who was about to remind Gongfei Xuyan again, and then ate by himself.

Mo Ling'er saw that her brother was also eating with such devotion with the concubine Xuyan, it meant that there was no danger, and they could handle whatever happened next, so she didn't have to worry too much. Faced with so many delicacies, don't eat Wouldn't it be a waste.It's still good to eat...

Now it's all right, except for the three of them who devoted themselves to enjoying the food, everyone else was watching.

Concubine Gong Xuyan finally finished eating, she put down her chopsticks, took a handkerchief aside to wipe her hands, and only then did she feel the sight around her.

Looking up, oh my god, why are you looking at them, "I haven't eaten for a long time, it's normal, you guys eat, I'll take my leave first." Since I'm done eating, if I don't want to withdraw now, when will I withdraw?

"Xu Yan, wait a minute, I have something to tell you." This time, the one who came out to keep him was not Gong Tianshou, but the monarch of our Snow Country, Xue Liuwen.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with the emperor, it's okay to be straightforward." She didn't want to talk to this old fox alone. Although she was considered a fox, it was better to stay away from such a powerful old fox.

Looking at the guarded concubine Xuyan, the emperor had the urge to laugh, but, for the sake of his own image, he held back.

"The marriage between you and Hen'er is my will. If you have any dissatisfaction or doubts, you can tell me face to face. You don't need to blame Hen'er."

He can also see that this marriage is his son's wishful thinking, and the woman is not willing at all, even if she marries back home, it is not good. How can such a temperamental and talented woman be willing to be forced into marriage? It will lead to a piercing of the skin, and at that time, it will be hard to recover.

"What the emperor said counts? I can ask any questions?" What she wants to say most now is to cancel her marriage with Xue Wuhen again.

(End of this chapter)

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