Stunning God

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

"Since the emperor said so, it would be great, third prince, in the future, don't tell everyone that I am your fiancee, this will affect my future marriage, I don't like misunderstanding, especially marriage "

"Okay, since everyone is here, I will announce one thing, so that no bad person will pretend to be my fiancé in the future." Then he told Lian An to let him come out.

After Lian An came out, people were surprised again. It turned out to be another silver-haired person. Now beside the concubine Xu Yan, he looked so good. One is elegant and the other is cold and evil. I have never seen such two people. People with different styles stand together, and they will match so well.

It just blinded everyone's eyes.

The moment she saw Lian An coming out, Xue Wuhen knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, but he was not reconciled, she was obviously his fiancée, why was someone else standing beside him at this moment, like his dignified prince, that How could a woman refuse?

No, he must destroy this man, so that he will be Gongfei Xuyan's legitimate fiancé.

Secretly using magic in his palm, he took advantage of Lian'an's unpreparedness and made a sudden attack. Just as his arm was raised to prepare for a sneak attack, suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed his hand, but the sneak attack failed.

Turn around and look, second brother?what you do?Why stop me?Xue Wuhen asked Xue Wuxie with his eyes.

The latter sneered, "That man's strength is not something you and I can match. Don't forget that there is also Gongfei Xuyan, can she let you go?"

Indeed, he also knew that Gongfei Xuyan hated him and refused to agree to this marriage.Even if that person died, her fiancé would still not be him, and he would never be able to stand by her side.

Xue Wuhen gently lowered his arm, nodded at Xue Wuxie, and understood.Then he looked at Gongfei Xuyan and the two of them.

"He is Lian An, my concubine Xu Yan's fiancé, and my only future partner. I hope that from now on, no one will question or obstruct her. Otherwise, the end will be several times more miserable than that of Gong Linzhu."

"Hi everyone, I'm Lian An, Yan's fiancé," Lian An introduced herself elegantly, with a noble temperament no less than any child of the royal family.

"Evil, without the orders of my parents and the words of a matchmaker, how can I order my life without permission? This marriage contract is innumerable." Gong Tianshou, who woke up from the shock, happened to hear Lian An's self-introduction, and immediately stopped him.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and Lian An ignored him, smiled at each other, and walked side by side to the third elder sitting beside Gong Tianshou.

"Third Elder, I heard that you are the most fair person in the palace family and the one my mother approves of. I hope you can bless us,"

The third elder did not expect that Gongfei Xuyan would let him come to witness, and he also mentioned his master. He had mixed feelings in his heart. Of course, the most reassuring thing was that the little master was not controlled by Gong Tianshou, and he also had his own opinions. The man beside her is also very good, worthy of the little master.

"Okay, then the old man announced that the imperial concubine Xuyan and Lian An, the two are in love with each other, the two love each other, and the marriage is official."

Suddenly a voice came in, preventing the Third Elder from announcing, "Wait a minute..."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, the concubine Xu Yan and Lian An both had dark faces.It seemed that he didn't want to see the person who spoke.

"National Teacher?" Someone called out, the originally quiet living room was now full of noise like a hornet's nest.

Under the whispers and gazes of the crowd, He Lianchen in a purple python robe led Mingxuan and Qingfeng over step by step.

"Why is the national teacher here? If I knew that the national teacher was coming, I would go over and come with you," the emperor said before He Lianchen came over with a smile on his face, and said politely as he walked.

He Lianchen waved his hand, "Your Majesty is very polite. I also heard that Miss Gong returned to the palace, so I came here to congratulate you." Lian An, continue to stare at Gongfei Xuyan, waiting for her answer?
He Lianchen's words, coupled with his actions at this time, made it self-evident for everyone to look at Gongfei Xuyan again.

Concubine Gong Xuyan wanted to tear He Lianchen apart at this moment, but they agreed to a competition in three years' time, if they did it now.It can only be done as far as it goes, and the idea of ​​killing him cannot be used at all, otherwise, she will be restrained by the society, and she will become a villain that everyone hates on the mainland in the future.

In order to kill such a scumbag, there is no need to put himself to death.

Holding Lian'an's arm, with a tender look on his face, "Thank you for the blessing of the national teacher, An and I accept the congratulations you sent us, and thank you for confirming my engagement with An on the spot,"

Although Lian An knew that the concubine Xuyan was deliberately acting, but the marriage was indeed real, she followed the words of the concubine Xuyan and said, "I really appreciate the teacher, when we get married, I would like to have a cup of wedding wine."

The concubine Xuyan and Lian'an sang together, making He Lianchen and Xue Wuhen feel like thousands of ants gnawing on their hearts, and the pain was unbearable.

"Xuyan, you're being polite, but I'm here just to congratulate you on your return to the palace family, not to wish your marriage,"

He Lianchen looked at Lian An with a half-smile, as if using this sentence to hit Lian An, making him feel embarrassed and embarrassing.

"It's okay, the blessing of the national teacher is not important to us, as long as we have a good relationship, even if people in the world object and don't give blessings, we will still be together,"

Huyou, Gongfei Xuyan looked at He Lianchen and Xue Wuhen, expressionless, and said in a gloomy tone, "Whoever blocks me will die." The sharp eyes are like a bloodthirsty madman.The pupils, which were originally blood-red, became even more bright red at this moment, as if the god of death had come.

In order not to embarrass the scene and embarrass the national teacher, the emperor hurried forward and took He Lianchen's arm, "National teacher, I haven't had two drinks with you for a long time, how about having a few drinks today?"

Although He Lianchen is a high-ranking national teacher, in front of so many people, he will still sell the emperor a little bit.

"Okay. Let's have a drink or two. This seat is exactly what I want to do." He Lianchen once again saw the disgust and hatred in the eyes of the concubine Xuyan, and he didn't dare to watch it any longer.He was afraid that he was seeing more emotions that were not good for him.Seeing He Lianchen who is so knowledgeable, Gongfei Xuyan stopped talking to him, and pulled Lian An back to the third elder again, "Third elder, thank you for your proof, I am very happy"

"Miss, you're being polite, it's as it should be." Seeing that the little master is so calm, stable, cultivated, and powerful, he is also relieved.

"Okay, we have to leave first." She didn't want to stay here any longer. Seeing those two scumbags made her feel very uncomfortable. It's the person she hates the most.

After they left, He Lianchen immediately gave Qingfeng a wink. After Qingfeng received it, she silently exited the living room and followed Gongfei Xuyan and the two to go?
And not long after Qingfeng went out, Xue Wuhen also withdrew from the banquet due to physical discomfort.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and Lian An originally planned to go for a walk in the garden and admire the flowers, but they had never taken a walk together, admired the flowers, or had a romantic date like those other rich kids.

Today, I finally had free time, but unexpectedly, a tail came, and it was still that scumbag, which really dispelled all her interest.

"Ann, you said this person disturbed our good mood, how should we deal with it?"

Lian An made a thoughtful gesture, and then said very relaxedly, "Just play around, he is just being ordered."

(End of this chapter)

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