Stunning God

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

As soon as Lian'an finished speaking, Qingfeng from behind had already snorted secretly, and then the sound fell silent.

The two looked at each other with a smile, and walked towards the garden hand in hand. Xue Wuhen, who was hiding not far away, looked at the harmonious and warm backs of the two in front of him, and felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something very important, which was irretrievable.

"It's so hard, is it true that I can't get you again? Will it really be like this?" He muttered to himself, but he didn't realize that a black shadow was moving towards his back quickly.

"Quack quack, do you want what you want?" Suddenly, a ghostly voice entered Xue Wuhen's ears.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately looked around for the existence of that voice and who came, but unfortunately, he couldn't see anything clearly except for the shadow, "Who are you? How dare you break into Gong's house?" He really began to doubt, Gong How is the defense of the home?
"Quack quack, you don't care who I am, just answer me. Do you want what you want?"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" Like his majestic prince, do you have to borrow someone else's hand to get something?What a joke?
"Then I can help you, but I have conditions?"

"No need, I have a way to get it myself, get out, or don't blame me for being rude." He hates such strange and dark things very much, and he also hates them, cultivators.Can't get involved with darkness.Otherwise, you will enter the magic way and never stand up?
The black shadow who was about to say something suddenly disappeared, and the strange Xue Wuhen heard Xue Wuxie's voice, "Third Brother, why are you standing there in a daze?" Xue Wuxie walked over and looked at the dazed Xue Wuhen.

Suddenly, he frowned. "Third Brother. Did something evil appear here just now?"

"Yeah. There is a black shadow, I can't see clearly, he said he can help me get what I want, but I refused. What's the matter, second brother?" Xue Wuhen looked at Xue Wuxie in surprise, unexpectedly, Can you feel the breath?The second brother is really good.

"In the future, either get rid of it or ignore it. This kind of thing will control your mind according to the needs of people's hearts. In the end, it will become a puppet or a monster that will be hunted and killed by the Three Realms."

"Well, I see." Xue Wuhen found that black shadow annoying.I didn't expect that after the provocation, the consequences would be so serious. Fortunately, he didn't agree because he hated it. If he agreed, it would be over in the future.

"Second brother. Why did you come out? Don't you deserve to drink with your father?" Only then did they remember that they came to the palace to congratulate the concubine Xu Yan on her return to the palace, and then to drink with the emperor and the teacher.

"I saw that you have been out for a long time and didn't go in. I was a little worried, so I came out to take a look." In fact, he has been following here, but he just didn't show up. He just wanted to see if what he did would be caught by that evil thing. Temptation, if so, he will kill him directly, so as not to let him harm others.

"Well, okay, let's go in and have a drink with Father." After Xue Wuhen finished speaking, he led Xue Wuxie towards the living room, and after walking a few steps, he turned his head and looked back. The figures of the two looked away in disappointment and left.

Dawn was just breaking in the east.

Concubine Gong Xuyan got up immediately, and started exercising as usual. To be strong, one must not only have high-strength magic and profound energy, but also have a strong body; of.

"Miss, do you want to prepare bath water?" Gong Yanzi looked at the exercising concubine Xuyan and asked boldly.

"You are?" Gongfei Xuyan heard the voice, turned her head and saw Gong Yanzi, she was very puzzled, when did a maid come to her yard?Why doesn't she know?
"Miss Hui, my name is Gong Yanzi, and my brother is Gong Li. He asked me to come, saying that he is the lady's personal maid," Gong Yanzi said seriously, with a sincere and respectful attitude.

"Oh, then go get ready"

Gong Yanzi got permission, and immediately turned around to prepare.

After exercising, Concubine Gong Xuyan went back to the house, took a shower, and called Gong Yanzi.

"You are already an intermediate magician now, as long as you have time, practice hard. Remember, before you grow up, don't let the palace family know that you are a magician. Unless I allow it, do you understand?"

Gong Yanzi nodded. Last night, her elder brother made it very clear to her that everything must be arranged by the young lady.If it wasn't for the young lady, she would still be an ordinary citizen who could practice but was unable to cultivate. It was the young lady who gave them the opportunity to practice, and the whole family should thank the young lady and repay the young lady.

"Okay, tell the kitchen to prepare breakfast, and after the meal, ask your brother to bring your mother for me to see,"

"Thank you, miss." Gong Yanzi could see that this lady was not like other ladies who put on airs, gave the servants a face, and would not treat the servants badly.

At this moment, Mo Xuanyu and Mo Ling'er walked in, and after taking a look at Gong Yanzi, they approached Gongfei Xuyan.

"Xuyan, I heard that there is an auction today, do you want to go?"

"Well. You can go and have a look." There are many good things in the auction, and maybe you can find what she needs.

Seeing that Gong Yanzi hadn't left yet, I just wanted to introduce "Yanzi, this is Mo Linger, this is Mo Xuanyu, they are all my friends,"

"This is Gong Li's younger sister, Gong Yanzi, the new maidservant." Gong Fei Xuyan introduced them to each other, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the future.

"I've met Miss Mo, Mr. Mo." Gong Yanzi saluted the Mo brothers and sisters very politely.

"Okay. Don't be too polite. You can call me Ling'er just like Xu Yan. It's so strange to call me Miss." Mo Ling'er looked at Gong Yanzi very pleasingly, and didn't care about such politeness. Besides, leave In the Mo family, she is no longer a young lady, even in the Mo family, she is not a young lady either.

(End of this chapter)

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