Stunning God

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Concubine Xuyan, Lian An, Mo Xuanyu, and Mo Linger were discussing going out for a few days in the living room.

At this moment, Gong Tianshou brought the Mo family, the Leng family, and the children of the family to the side, looking very anxious.

After a while, they arrived at the gate of Chengguang Courtyard. After Gong Li saw it, he hurried over to report, "Master, the Patriarch brought everyone here. It seems that he is in a hurry."

"Well, I see, you can stay here, you don't need to go out." If you go out, you will probably be bullied by Gong Tianshou or the Mo family.

"Yes..." Although Gong Li didn't know why the master let him be here, the master's words were the imperial decree.Whatever you say, you must obey.

While speaking, Gong Tianshou and the others had already walked into the courtyard and came to the door of the living room.

"Yan'er, Daddy has something to discuss with you." Ever since he woke up and received the news, he has been thinking about this matter. Only the prostitute daughter must be able to represent the family, and no other children can.

"The head of the family may wish to tell you directly, I am all my family here, there are no outsiders, but is there anyone you want to avoid?" If you want her to avoid people, there is no door.Let alone windows.

"Okay then. I received the news this morning that the four countries will hold a family competition in half a month. The No.1 winner, the royal family of the country where the family is located and the No.1 family can enjoy the unique half-year of the Tianhong Mountains. The honor, there are more treasures and elixir than the Lost Forest, and there are high-level phantom beasts, and it is said that there are holy beasts, it would be great if it can be No. 1,"

Before Gong Tianshou finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gongfei Xuyan, "You mean you want me to participate? Get No.1?"

Although the Tianhong Mountain Range was a place she had to go to, it was her hard work that brought benefits to these heartless villains of the Gong family.She really can't accept it.

"Yeah, although your current strength is not very high, as long as you can get to the top three, you can get rich rewards. No.1 is just thinking about it, you can definitely get the top three "He has also seen the strength of the concubine Xuyan.Therefore, he is confident that as long as he participates, he will definitely be among the top three.

"I can participate, but the rewards I get are at my disposal, otherwise, nothing will be discussed." If you want to use her to get rewards, don't think about it. Think she is an idiot [-]? ?
Now the changed Gong Tianshou is silent. He also sees the attitude of Gongfei Xuyan towards the Gong family. It is either hatred or resentment. If she is given the right to control the rewards, wouldn't they get nothing at all? ?If you don't agree, with the current strength, it is estimated that you will not be able to enter the top ten, let alone the top three.

Seeing Gong Tianshou's vacillating attitude, Mo Shi and Leng Shi immediately stepped forward to accuse Gong Fei Xuyan, "Xu Yan. You are a member of the Gong family, and you should win honor for the family." Mo Shi took it for granted. look.

Leng hurriedly complied, "That's right, it's your honor to be able to contribute to the family. To actually ask for this or that is really ignorant. I thought I was really powerful."

The more Leng spoke, the darker Gong Tianshou's face became, and he glared at Leng several times. The latter continued to go his own way and satirize the concubine Xu Yan, so Gong Tianshou could only glared at Leng.

After Leng Shi finished speaking, the concubine Xu Yan also got up, walked in front of Leng Shi, and looked at her with a half-smile, "Why, is it an honor to contribute to the family? Is it necessary? Then I will give you this honor, and I will give it to you." Let you do your best for the family, aren't you also a member of the Gong family?"

"I...I..." Leng's concubine Xu Yan said it was just me, and I couldn't say anything for a long time, so I had to ask Gong Tianshou for help with my eyes, but it turned out.He found that Gong Tianshou was glaring at her, and then looked at Mo Shi on the other side in puzzlement.

The latter gave her a look of doubt, so Leng had no choice but to retreat behind Gong Tianshou in desperation, with his head lowered, not even daring to show his breath.

Seeing the angry concubine Xuyan, Gong Tianshou quickly put on his old face, and said kind words with a smile on his face, "Yan'er, don't be angry, she is a fool, you don't need to get angry for such a person, it's not good for your health"

Concubine Gong Xuyan wasn't very angry at first, she just wanted to teach this Leng family a lesson, to make an example of others. However, since Gong Tianshou has spoken, if she doesn't give up, she will probably be embarrassed. After all, before she becomes really strong in the future, Still need the asylum of these people.

"Okay, I will participate in this family competition, but it's still the same as before, I will control the rewards, otherwise, you can find someone else." It would be great to go to the Tianhong Mountains to get the Sky Spirit Orb that Ze needs. It's okay, if you can't get it this time, you can only take the opportunity to get it.

The Tianhong Mountains are not included in the sacred area of ​​the four countries. Unless the four countries compete, the winner can enter. It was not allowed in the past. If an intruder is found, the consequences will be very serious.

"Well, everything is according to your wishes. As long as you can participate, you can win the top three." Gong Tianshou thought twice, and finally compromised. After all, the family won the award, which is also the greatest honor. Worried about not getting any benefits?

"Okay, the matter has been finished, you can go, just send someone to inform me when the time comes, don't bother me normally, it will affect my cultivation, but will you not be able to get the top three?" Gongfei Xu Yan deliberately used this four-nation family competition as an excuse to prevent the Gong family from coming to her yard, in order to prevent those secret villains from coming to influence her plan.

"Okay, okay, everything is up to you." Gong Tianshou said three good words in succession, in order to stabilize Gongfei Xuyan, so that he can steadily participate in the competition for the Gong family and win the first championship at that time.

When Gong Tianshou led a group of people out of Chengguangyuan, Mo Linger asked with a puzzled face, "Xu Yan, why did you agree to him? Among the twelve families of the Four Kingdoms, it is not so easy to win the first place. I remember that three years ago, it was the Cang Family of the Kingdom of Ming. At that time, the first son of the Cang Family, Cang Mingjiu, was the first son of the Cang Family. At that time, his strength was already King Xuan, and he was also the second prince of the Kingdom of Ming, Ming Bing. You are a genius with the same reputation, I am afraid that you will be in danger."

"It's okay, don't worry." It was King Xuan three years ago, and it seems that his strength is also good. Wouldn't it be better, just let her use someone to practice her hands, but she hasn't practiced her hands properly these few days.

Mo Linger was just about to say something, but Mo Xuanyu raised her hand to stop her from speaking. Although the concubine Xuyan was silent, her expression was already clear. This competition was very helpful to her, and it could be regarded as a way to improve her strength and fight with others Practical experience.

"Okay, it's almost time, it's time to go to the auction"

"That's right, being disturbed by Patriarch Gong, I almost forgot the business." Mo Ling'er patted the back of the head belatedly, her movements were extremely funny and funny.

"Swallow, Gong Li, you all follow, if you need anything in a while, just speak up, you're welcome, I won't treat you badly"

"Thank you, my lord"

"Thank you, miss." The brothers and sisters hurriedly thanked each other gratefully.

Going to the auction, this is the place they dreamed of going to. They thought it would be impossible to enter in this life. Unexpectedly, not only can they enter now, but they can also buy things at auction. What a blessing from heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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