Stunning God

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Concubine Xuyan and her group came to the largest auction in the imperial capital (Fengge Auction).

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the others had just walked to the gate when they bumped into Chen Kai who was going out, and recognized Concubine Gong Xuyan at a glance, who made her silver hair so unique.

"Hello, Mr. Yan, long time no see, you are much more handsome." Concubine Gong Xuyan wore men's clothing for convenience, so Chen Kai didn't think she was Concubine Gong Xuyan, after all, it was just heard, did you see it with your own eyes? Therefore, he was still convinced that the person in front of him was Yan Xu, the Yan Xu who had consigned and sold pills to him before.

"Hehe, Boss Chen is really good at talking. Okay, let's see what's good today, let's take us in." In just a few words, they were surrounded by audiences, all of whom wanted to see Look, is this silver-haired man the genius from before, the concubine of the Gong family?

The result surprised everyone.Next to Gongfei Xuyan, there was still a silver-haired man standing, his aura was like a fairy descending from the earth, quiet and fairy.

Before Lian An came out, he took the Huanyan Pill, so everyone had never seen his silver hair and his true face. Now Lian An, with silver hair, is absolutely beautiful, and Xian Di's face makes the nosebleeds of the women around him. .

Seeing such an effect, Gongfei Xuyan asked Chen Kai to take them in, so as not to cause more trouble.

"An, it seems that your charm has surpassed mine?" Gongfei Xuyan joked as she walked.

"Yan, you know, in fact you are more attractive than me, but your expression is too cold, so everyone only dares to be in awe, admiration and infatuation, but they dare not fall into it"

"Yes, Mr. Lian is right, but Xu Yan's face is too cold. If there is a slight smile on his face, it can be said that as long as he stands on the street, the whole street will be blocked?" Mo Ling'er gesticulated. , Mo Xuanyu shook his head helplessly with twitching eyes, why is this woman his sister?Although he was not born to a mother, he was also born to a father, so why wasn't he a little calm like him?
"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why do your eyes keep twitching?" Mo Ling'er looked at Mo Xuanyu whose eyes were twitching, and spit out a sentence that made his old face turn red, and even wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Gong Li really couldn't stand Mo Linger's big thoughts, so he kindly reminded, "Mr. Mo's eyes just twitched a bit, and he didn't jump."

"Oh, Gong Li, I can't see that you are still so careful. It seems that Xu Yan has seen the right person." Gong Li dressed up.He looks very good, handsome, tall and tall, his skin color is neither white nor dark, a little bronze, which may be related to his usual work.

"Thank you, Ms. Mo, for your praise" Follow the master, if you don't have a little discernment, what else can you do for the master?
"Young Master Yan, we're here. You can rest here. It will start in a while. If there is anything you like, you can ask the service staff to let me know."

"Well, let's take these and take pictures. It's useless for me to keep them." They were all refined in her spare time after practicing, and they were all pills below the fourth rank, so it's useless to keep them. People around her, She still has better pills.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Chen Kai excitedly took the elixir bottle and hurriedly arranged it. Although he had seen the concubine Xuyan take out a lot of elixirs before, every time he saw it, Still get excited.

"Then..." Gong Yanzi looked at so many pills being auctioned, although she was very reluctant, but she didn't feel it was a pity, pills can be sold for a lot of money.

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at Gong Yanzi and followed Chen Kai's back with reluctance and surprise in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gong Li, so she didn't say it.

"No need for that, those pills are low-level, if you need any pills, just let me know, and you don't have to be so cautious in the future,"

"That's right, Xu Yan is a pharmacist, what are those pills?" After Mo Xuanyu glared at Mo Ling'er, Mo Ling'er quickly stopped talking, swallowing the rest of the words.

"It's nothing, it's okay to tell, their brothers and sisters are our own," Gong Fei Xuyan understood what Mo Xuanyu meant, but she also saw the loneliness in Gong Li's eyes, otherwise she wouldn't have said that.

"I'm a magician and a pharmacist, so if you need any pills in the future, you can say it if you need money urgently. Of course, the premise is that you must be loyal, otherwise, the whole family will be buried with you. There is no room for sand in the eyes”

"Master, don't worry, if my brother and sister betray you, they will be wiped out in ashes, and they will never be reborn forever."

"Okay, Yan. They are very good, but they lack experience, so I will bring them with me next time I go out, and I will be able to really help you in the future." Lian An looked at the concubine Xu Yan and returned to the original coldness , Hurry up to persuade.

The concubine Xuyan with a calm face took out two bottles of sixth-grade pills from the ring, one bottle was Juling Pill, and the other bottle was Zengxuan Pill "This is a sixth-grade pill, and you can take it when you encounter a breakthrough bottleneck. It’s King Xuan, and everyone below the magister will work.”

"Thank you miss, thank you" Gong Yanzi was so moved that she almost burst into tears, but the moist eyes meant that she was so moved that she almost shed tears.

"Thank you, master. We will practice hard and help master." He also knew that the road ahead for master will be very difficult, but the things to be done must be big things.

"Well, all right, sit down, the auction will start soon"

Suddenly, the sound transmission ring on the index finger of his right hand lit up, and the color was Leng Shuangwu, he?

"Is something wrong?" Input mental power.

"Master, brothers have completed the task you assigned. Excuse me, what's the next task?" Leng Shuangwu's voice was a little excited, probably because he was happy because he had completed the task of the master.

"No need, take a break first, keep your spirits up, and come with me to practice in a few days, and tell everyone, eat well, dress well, and don't let your body go wrong"

"Thank you, master, for your concern. The subordinates will definitely take care of them and not let the master be distracted."

"Okay, if you don't have enough money, just say, don't worry, the body is the capital of the revolution, remember this sentence"

"Okay, then the subordinate will inform them first."

"Well, let's go"

After cutting off the contact with Leng Shuangwu, Gongfei Xuyan continued to close her eyes and plan the future in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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