Stunning God

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Just as the four of them searched for a long time without finding anything, suddenly the poisonous barrier disappeared.

And the four of them walked into the cave without knowing it.

When Lian An and Long Ze realized that the surrounding situation was wrong, they had already entered the cave.

"Ze, have you noticed that the barrier just now is gone?" Lian An looked around vigilantly, there were dangers everywhere.

"Well, it's just, what's wrong here? Did Xu Yan disappear like this?"

Just when the four of them were puzzled.

Concubine Gong Xuyan slowly opened her eyes, looking at the strange surroundings and the pitch-black space around her.

Doubts filled my mind.

She wasn't He Ze, An, the three of them encountered a poisonous barrier in the cave, and when they were about to return, they were in a dizzy situation, and then she didn't know anything, why did they appear here now? ? ? .

Standing up slowly, looking around vigilantly, it looks like a room, but it's not quite there, because there seems to be no other colors except black and bright red.

Like, dark place.

Yes, there is a feeling of darkness~~~~~
I remember An said that dark elements are particularly strong in dark places, so she will try it now.

Turning on the Gathering Ring, the dark element seems to need no money, and it desperately drills into it. After Gongfei Xuyan saw it, she was so happy that she almost shouted loudly, but she still had reason. , there may be danger at any time, she has to be vigilant and on guard at all times.

Concubine Xuyan, who realized this, immediately activated the hidden function of the Spirit Gathering Ring, so that no one would find out.

Then absorb the elements and look around.

Walked down in a circle and found nothing abnormal.

Concubine Xuyan, who didn't get any useful information, was obviously a little anxious. Lian'an and Longze would definitely be very anxious when she suddenly disappeared like this. What should I do?

By the way, try to contact them first.

He opened the altar and tried to contact Lian An, "An, it's me, can you hear me?"

After a while, Lian'an's anxious and excited voice came, "Yan, is that you? Where are you? How are you doing?"

A series of worries and questions made Concubine Xuyan's depressed mood disappear immediately, "I'm fine, but the place is surrounded by black and red, it seems to be a room, but there is no furniture, it is very strange, but there is nothing suspicious"

After hearing this, Lian An on the other end was silent for a moment before saying, "Yan, is the dark element over there very strong? If so, don't absorb it"

"What? Why?" Before Lian An finished speaking, Gong Fei Xu Yan immediately interrupted.

"Because it is the dark element of the demon world. People who do not belong to the demon world absorb the dark element and will die in their arms."

"What???" Gongfei Xuyan didn't expect this to happen. She thought it was God helping her, but she didn't expect it to happen.

Immediately close the spirit-gathering ring to prevent it from absorbing it. Unfortunately, the spirit-gathering ring was closed, and her body absorbed it, and she couldn't resist it at all. It seemed that her body absorbed it uncontrollably.

Although she is a gathering spirit body, she can open and cut it at will when absorbing elements, but at this moment, she can't control it at all.

"Yan, what's the matter with you, have you absorbed the dark element?" Sensing that the emotionally unstable concubine Xu Yan was there, Lian An had already guessed.

"Yes, but I can't resist it. It seems that my body is out of my control and absorbs it by itself. What should I do?"

"Yan, don't worry, let me think about it." He had never seen this kind of situation, he had only heard of it, but he still didn't know the specific method.

When the two were in a hurry, a black figure appeared in the dark room where Gongfei Xuyan was, staring at Gongfei Xuyan's face so that people couldn't see his expression clearly.

After watching for a full quarter of an hour, Toto slowly opened his mouth. The voice was like the voice of death from hell, extremely cold.

"Are you human???"

Gongfei Xuyan suddenly turned her head and looked back at the person who spoke.

"Who are you??? Why did I appear here?" Although he didn't know who the other party was, since he asked her to be human, it meant that he was not human.

It seems that the demon world doesn't like human beings intruding, they are very powerful and their methods of doing things are vicious and vicious.

"Now I'm asking you again, you just need to answer, you don't have the right to ask back." The other party's voice was obviously a little unhappy, and the tone became a lot heavier.

If it was someone else, she might be frightened. Unfortunately, this person is Gongfei Xuyan. She never knew what fear was. Although she has feelings and concerns now, she still doesn't know what fear is?

Moreover, this person's domineering and authoritarian attitude made her disgusted and disgusted.

In her world, one can be domineering, but not everything is domineering and authoritarian. This kind of person only has herself in her eyes and heart.

Concubine Gong Xuyan directly ignored this domineering person, and continued to think of ways to disconnect the element from the body, so as to keep absorbing it like this.It's no wonder she died without violence.

That person didn't get an answer from the concubine Xuyan, and besides, he was completely ignored by this human being? ? ?

This is how many years he has lived.Being ignored for the first time, not only was he not angry, but he was a little curious, why did this human woman appear here, and what happened to the dark elements around her?

Could it be that she is a dark magician?However, haven't there been dark magicians in human beings for many years?Why is it a little girl?

Because of the dim light around him, he could only see the style of his clothes clearly, but looked down on his appearance and others.

Therefore, he also identified her as a woman from her clothes.

"This seat asks you, as long as you answer, this seat will help you cut off the absorption of dark elements." He can see clearly that the reason why this human woman doesn't talk to him is to cut off the absorption of dark elements, but she has been unable to do so , That's why I didn't talk to him, it must be like this.

Seizing the key concubine Xuyan, she immediately looked at that person, "What you said is true, then cut it off for me first, and then I will tell you." Just kidding, if she said it, and this person backtracked, wouldn't she be sorry? After losing his wife, he broke down again.She wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

"Okay, it's up to you." After the man finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved lightly, and the dark elements around Gongfei Xuyan immediately stopped absorbing them, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

Although Gongfei Xuyan was curious, her face was still very calm, and she kept her promise and said, "I am a human being, but I don't know why I am here?"

The man kept looking at Concubine Xuyan, and secretly checked Concubine Xuyan's aura, and found that he did not appear to be lying, so he nodded silently.

"Then what's your name?" He became more and more interested in this human woman.

"Concubine Gong Xuyan" Concubine Gong Xuyan also felt that this person had no ill intentions towards her, so she told the truth.

"Concubine Gong Xuyan, people from the Gong family????" It was not a question, but an affirmation.

"Almost" she didn't know, the Gong family this person mentioned was referring to that Gong family, and she thought it was the Gong family where Gong Tianshou was, so the answer was so-so.

"Is your father Gong Lingqing?" He asked again affirmatively.

Now the concubine Xu Yan was dumbfounded. She froze for a while, calmed down, and then answered, "Gong Tianshou, a native of Xue Country." She didn't want anyone except Lian An and Long Ze to know her life experience, so, between them In front of other people, she is from Xue Country, the daughter of Gong Tianshou.

But, having said that, her father's name is Gong Lingqing? ? ?What a nice name, thanks to her father.

"Gong Tianshou??? From Snow Country??? Why do you think that he is not your father? How can a mortal be worthy of being your father??? Huh???"

The man who was getting closer and closer made Gongfei Xuyan finally see his face clearly.

Immediately, Concubine Gong Xuyan's pupils widened, and she looked at the person in front of her in surprise. After she calmed down a little, she asked, "Who are you? I'm not Gong Tianshou's daughter. Whose daughter could it be? Go ask him Do you know??? I can’t cultivate. I’ve been a waste for 13 years, this is snow country, even people in Qilin Continent know, this is fake???” No matter what, she won’t admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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