Stunning God

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

That person saw that Gongfei Xuyan had no intention of telling the truth, so he didn't ask any more questions, but just observed Gongfei Xuyan carefully again.

When he saw the silver hair and blood-red eyes, his expression became strange, as if he was caught in a past event or memory.

Taking advantage of his fugue, Gongfei Xuyan immediately began to look at this person, first using her mental power to detect, but unfortunately, her mental power could not enter his body at all, so she had no choice but to observe with her eyes.

She was dressed in a pure black brocade robe, her brown hair was fixed on the top of her head with a white jade hairpin, and the rest was scattered on her back, reaching the length of her waist, which was almost comparable to hers. Her sharp-edged face, a pair of The deep green eyes are like a pool of deep springs, which can be sucked in unconsciously.

His beauty is domineering and masculine, while Lian'an is the essence of immortality, and the quietness gives people a pure and clean beauty.However, in terms of appearance, the two are on par.

"Have you seen enough?" Suddenly, that person looked at Gongfei Xuyan with a half-smile, with a hint of teasing in his expression.

This made Gongfei Xuyan furious, joking, who dares to make fun of her, and even teased her, this is the first time.

"Who exactly are you? Is this the Demon Realm?" Gongfei Xuyan suddenly felt uneasy. She wanted to leave this place very much now, and she was disgusted by a place where she didn't know what would happen next second.

"You came to this place, and you still ask where it is? Don't you know that when you come to someone else's place, you need to say hello to the master?"

The concubine Xuyan, who was already in a bad mood, was so scorned by the person who claimed to be her seat, her anger exploded immediately, and her silver hair flew wantonly in the black and red room.

Just about to make a move, Lian'an's voice came in time, "Yan, don't be angry, this is the devil world, if you get angry, it will cause irreparable consequences to you, take everything lightly"

Slowly, the silver hair slowly fell, and the bloodthirsty red eyes were no longer so bright.

The concubine Xuyan calmed down, thinking of her just now, how could she be easily irritated by the other party now?This situation is not very good.

How could she, who was calm and stable before, become like this?
Looking at the concubine Xuyan who was about to get angry, he actually calmed down the internal fire in a very short period of time, which he really did not expect.

"That's right. I can control my emotions at will. It seems that Gong Lingqing's daughter is not bad." It sounds a bit regretful, but more of a relief.

This made Gongfei Xuyan confused again.

When she came back to her senses and wanted to ask something again, the man had disappeared.

It disappeared without a trace before her eyes, preventing her from noticing the slightest change in breath. How unpredictable should such strength be?
Helpless, without anyone, she can only rely on herself.

According to the results of her investigation, she walked out of the door, and all that came into sight was black and red, but it didn't look so contradictory and ugly at all, the black was mysterious, and the red was passionate.

This scene reminded her of modern times. She often went in and out of the dark, dressed in black to kill invisible, and dressed in red during the day, shuttling through various luxurious places, looking for the next target.

Red and black are actually her past.

Could it be that the demon world has something to do with her previous life?Or, did she belong to such an environment?
After teasing for a while, and returning to the original point, Gongfei Xuyan discovered that this demon world is not so simple and easy, and it seems that there are still many formations and enchantments.

It seems that there are many talents in the devil world.

Undeterred, she wanted to continue to investigate.Get out early, otherwise, how can she get the treasure in the cave.

"What? Want to leave? Now that you're here, why bother to leave? Why don't you stay for a while?" Suddenly, the person who claimed to be the seat appeared behind her again.

Hearing his voice, Gongfei Xuyan always felt uncomfortable.

However, she couldn't say exactly what it was like.

"I came here by accident. Since I don't belong here, why stay here, tell me how to get out." In order to get out, it's okay not to be targeted.

"Coming here unintentionally means that it is destined, so you still have to stay, and when it's time to leave, you will naturally leave"

"Then will you take me around here? I can't stay in this small room all the time, can I? I came here, what's the matter, I have to pay a visit to your leader, right?"

"Okay. I can show you around, but don't make any plans, otherwise, you won't live until tomorrow. As for the leader, let's take a look around first." He said in front of the leader that he was going to meet the leader. What a big joke, though.He still held back.Who let people not know that he is the leader of this race?
Concubine Xuyan, who originally planned to get familiar with this place while wandering around so that she could take the opportunity to leave, was not in a hurry to leave after being warned by that person.

Since she was allowed to stay for a period of time, she should stay here. Anyway, what Ze needs is here. If she can get it, it will really save her a lot of time and brain cells to enter the devil world.

"This is the capital of the demon world, just like the emperors in the human world. The demon world doesn't welcome foreigners, especially humans, so you have to be careful in the future, but they won't treat you as a human unless I smell your human breath, otherwise, based on your appearance, you are really a little different from humans, but you are very similar to demons."

Concubine Gong Xuyan listened and looked around, and found that anyone who passed by them would be very respectful, especially for the men around her, not only respectful, but also a little afraid in it.

However, those people's hair is either red or gray, or white, but there seems to be no silver or brown.

"Well, what's your name? Why do they respect you more than the strong?" This is what she discovered just now, regardless of humans, demons or gods.They all respect the strong, but at the moment, this kind of respect has gone beyond the scope.

"You are very smart. This seat is indeed not an ordinary strong man" but the Demon King of the Demon Realm.

He didn't say the latter sentence, but just said it in his heart.

"It's not that I'm smart, it's that they did it too obviously, but I still haven't been able to guess your identity. Forget it, you'd better show me around. The environment here is not bad." The place is okay.

Moreover, the magic elements here are much richer than those in the human world. Except for the light elements, everything else is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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